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Adjectives ending in -ed or -ing

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«Adjectives ending in -ed or -ing»

Title: "Ed-Vs-Ing: Adjective Showdown"

Objective: The objective of this game is to identify and differentiate adjectives ending in -ed and -ing while having fun with word association.


  1. Gather a group of players and divide them into two teams, Team "Ed" and Team "Ing."

  2. One player from each team takes turns being the "Word Master" for a round.

  3. The Word Master announces a base word (e.g., "excite").

  4. Team "Ed" must quickly come up with an adjective that ends in -ed related to the base word (e.g., "excited").

  5. Team "Ing" must quickly come up with an adjective that ends in -ing related to the base word (e.g., "exciting").

  6. The team that comes up with a valid adjective first earns a point for that round.

  7. Rotate the role of Word Master for each round and continue playing for a predetermined number of rounds.

  8. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.


  • Adjectives must be grammatically correct and related to the base word.

  • Encourage quick thinking and creativity among the players.

  • If a team cannot come up with a valid adjective within a few seconds, the opposing team can try to steal the point by providing the correct answer.

Example Rounds:

  1. Base Word: "Amaze" Team "Ed": "Amazed" Team "Ing": "Amazing"

  2. Base Word: "Tire" Team "Ed": "Tired" Team "Ing": "Tiring"

  3. Base Word: "Frighten" Team "Ed": "Frightened" Team "Ing": "Frightening"

  4. Base Word: "Bore" Team "Ed": "Bored" Team "Ing": "Boring"

  5. Base Word: "Surprise" Team "Ed": "Surprised" Team "Ing": "Surprising"


Award one point to the team that provides the correct adjective first in each round. In case of a steal, award the point to the opposing team.

Optional Variation:

To add an extra challenge, you can set a time limit for each round (e.g., 10 seconds). If a team doesn't come up with a valid adjective within the time limit, the opposing team gets a chance to provide both adjectives and earn two points for that round.

Note: This game is intended to be educational and entertaining, promoting vocabulary and quick thinking skills among players.

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