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«Appearance. Внешность» (5 класс)

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««Appearance. Внешность» (5 класс)»

My Family and me. Список английских слов №2 (intermediate)

consist of — состоять из

relatives — родственники

close relatives — близкие родственники

relations — родственники

relationship — отношения

an only child in the family — единственный ребенок в семье

husband and a wife — муж и жена

sibling — родной брат или сестра

second cousin — троюродный брат (сестра)

great grandmother — прабабушка

great grandfather — прадедушка

great grandparents — пра дедушка и бабушка

grandson — внук

granddaughter — внучка

grandchildren — внуки

(marry) get married smb — жениться, выходить замуж за

get a divorce — развестись

live on your own — жить самостоятельно

be on friendly terms — быть в дружеских отношениях

make dates — встречаться

get on well — ладить

look after children — присматривать за детьми

take care of children — заботиться о детях

bring up — воспитывать

family life — семейная жизнь

I would like to tell you about my family.

Well, let me start with what our family is like. We are a family of four: my father, mother, my younger sister and me. We are very close, friendly and hospitable family. We live together in a new flat in one of the best districts of (your city).

Now I would like to say a few words about each of us.

First of all, I want to describe my father as he is the head of our family. My father is 40. He is a middle–sized man with short fair hair and green eyes. He works as a chief-engineer in a firm. He is very hard-working. As for his character, I can say that he is cheerful and easy-going. He is very hospitable and likes it when our friends and relatives come to see us. He is helpful and kind-hearted.

My mother is 39. She is a good-looking slim woman with dark hair and brown eyes. She is an English teacher and likes her work very much. She is kind and patient. In her free time she prefers reading English books or translating poetry.

My younger sister is 14. She is two years younger than me. She is a pretty girl with fair hair and greenish eyes. She is a student of the 9th form. She does well at school. Literature is her favourite subject. I can say that we are on very friendly terms but we are completely different. I’m a bit moody, ….. My sister is shy, ….. But we get on very well.

Actually, we have some other relatives who live far away. When they come to see us, we usually go to the center of our city and walk around its streets. We visit our city’s places of interest and usually go to the cinema to see a good film.

We have some family traditions. For example, we celebrate together family holidays and try to visit museums and theatres whenever we have free time. Every year on holidays we go travelling around Russia. We have already been to …

All in all, we are a close family and enjoy spending time together. I am proud of my parents and try to follow their example. I think, that’s all I can tell you about my family.


What is better: to have a small family or a big family with a lot of children and other relatives? Why?

What are your family’s favourite pastimes? What do you like doing together?

In what way is your family important for you?

What is an ideal family as you see it?

character характер

typical [‘tɪpɪk(ə)l] — типичный

close — близкий

loving — любящий

friendly — дружелюбный

understanding — понимающий

sociable [‘səuʃəbl] — общительный

caring[‘kɛə(r)ɪŋ] — заботливый

independent — независимый

smart — сообразительный, находчивый

clever — умный

kind — добрый

busy — деловой

naughty — непослушный

noisy — шумный

terrible — ужасный

creative [krɪ’eɪtɪv] — творческий

strong — сильный

brave — храбрый

active — активный

athletic — спортивный

talkative — разговорчивый

shy — застенчивый

curious[‘kjuərɪəs] — любопытный

obedient [ə’biːdɪənt] — послушный

determined [dɪ’tɜːmɪnd]- настойчивый

«Appearance. Внешность» (список 1 продолжение)

Прилагательные (общее впечатление):

nice — милый

pretty — хорошенькая

beautiful — красивая (о женщине)

handsome — красивый (о мужчине)

good-looking — приятной внешности

plain — простой, ничем не примечательной внешности

ugly — неприятной внешности, безобразный

appearance – внешность

height [hait] — рост

tall — высокий

short — низкий

middle — sized — среднего роста

build — телосложение

thin – худой

fat — толстый

slim — стройный (о девушке)

hair colour — цвет волос

fair — светлые

dark — темные

black — черные

brown — коричневые

red — рыжие

blond — очень светлые

hair — волосы

short — короткие

long — длинные

straight — прямые

wavy — волнистые

curly — кудрявые

thick — густые

thin — редкие

eyes — глаза

big — большие

little — маленькие

green — зеленые

blue — голубые

brown (hazel) — карие

face — лицо

round — круглое

oval — овальное

nose — нос

long — длинный

straight — прямой

turned up — вздернутый

mouth — рот

lips — губы

teeth — зубы

ears — уши

forehead — лоб

neck — шея

legs — ноги

feet — ступни

hands — руки (кисти рук)


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