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Create a Splash!

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Create a splash! This is a story about a little girl named Mary. Twenty years ago Mary and her parents arrived at the Black Seatj spend a wonderful summer holidays. The girl spent much time lying in the sun but her parents  did not allow her swimminin the water as they were thinking their daughter was too small to swim.

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«Create a Splash!»

Create a Splash!

She settled herself in the shallow water and looked at him waiting to be amazed… This is a story about one little girl named Mary. Twenty years ago Mary and her parents (her mother’s name was Ann, and her father’s name was Phillip) arrived at the Black Sea to have a wonderful summer holidays. The family stayed at a small house near the Black Sea. The girl spent much time lying in the sun, but her parents did not allow her swimming in the water, as they were thinking their daughter was too small to swim. Vary was envy to other children watching them swimming and playing in the water. Her desire was to show ti her parents than she was adult enough to be in the open water.

One early morning when her parents were sleeping, Mary woke up at half past six, dressed herself and went to the shore of a lake, not to the sea but to the lake, as she was not a wonderful swimmer! On her way she got acquainted with a fair – haired boy named Tom, he was also six- years old. They were talking all the way as they were friends all life. As they came to the lake Mary ran to the water, she settled herself in the shallow water and looked at him waiting to be amazed!


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