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Дифференцированные задания по чтению и аудированию (4 класс)

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Разноуровневые задания по УМК И.Н. Верещагиной по чтению и аудированию и грамматике. Работа стекстом "Рождество". Аудирование текста "Британский музей"

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«Дифференцированные задания по чтению и аудированию (4 класс)»


Разноуровневые задания по чтению


1. Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year. British people celebrate it on the 25th of December. Christmas is a home and family celebration in Britain. Those who live away try to get back home.

2. Before Christmas everybody buys Christmas presents for friends and relatives. People try to give children the presents they want. Children count the weeks, then the days to Christmas.

3. On Christmas Eve, families and friends gather for celebration. Housewives are busy preparing food, and children are sent to bed. They are told if they don’t go to sleep, Father Christmas will not bring them any presents. Then, when they are asleep, the parents come into their bedrooms and leave the presents near their beds, or under the Christmas tree, or in a stocking hanging up somewhere in the room.

4. The parties that British children like to celebrate most of all are Christmas and birthday parties.

Уровень 1

Прочитай текст (1-4) и найди соответствие с заголовками (A-D).

A. Любимые праздники B. Самый большой праздник

C. Правила для ребят D. Подарки для каждого

Уровень 2

Прочитайте текст. Выберите правильный вариант ответа

(a – True, b – False, с – Not stated).

1. There is no big celebration on Christmas holiday.

a – True b – False с – Not stated

2. Children always wait for Christmas and Christmas presents.

a – True b – False с – Not stated

3. On Christmas Eve, families decorate the Christmas tree.

a – True b – False с – Not stated

4. Children can find their Christmas present in their rooms.

a – True b – False с – Not stated

5. Children like Christmas party most of all.

a – True b – False с – Not stated

Из выделенных слов выбери слова по теме.

Уровень 3

Make up your own story about the celebration of your favourite holiday.

Разноуровневые лексико-грамматические задания

Тема «Food»

1. Complete the words:

swe_t, ju_ce, so_p, bre _d, wa_r, por_idge, hun_ry, tas_y.

2. Match the word and its definition:

1) an apple a) a long thick fruit with a yellow skin

2) milk b) an animal which lives in water

3) tea c) a white liquid produced by cows

4) a banana d) a hot brown drink

5) jam e) a hard round fruit

6) a fish f) thick sweet mass of fruit and sugar

3. Choose the suitable word:

1) I drink (much/many) coffee.

2) He (buys/bought) chocolate yesterday.

3) These trees (grow/grows) in different countries.

4) We (eat/ate) porridge for breakfast yesterday.

5) I don't have (many/much) sweets.

6) Children drink (much/many) milk.

4. Put questions to the sentences starting with the words:

1) Nick drinks tea for breakfast. (What?)

2) We went to the cafe yesterday. (Where?)

3) I drank two glasses of water. (How many?)

4) Helen ate much chocolate yesterday. (When?)

5. Write what you usually eat for dinner, and what you ate yesterday.

Разноуровневые задания по аудированию

Запись текста «The British Museum»

I. Underline the words you have just heard:

sculptures, photos, albums, pictures, documents.

II. Choose the right variant:

- There is a Manuscript ( Hall / Room ) in the Museum.

- The library of the British museum is one of (the biggest / the richest) in the world.

- When you come to the museum you can go to (the rest / the Reading ) Room.

- Some of ( the most famous / the greatest ) people have sat in the Reading Room.

III. Complete the sentences:

- The British Museum is situated in Great Russel___.

- There are a lot of _____ in it.

- Many things came to the museum from___.

- There re more than______in the library of the British Museum.

IV. Answer the questions.

- Where is the British Museum?

- What is it famous for?

- What collections can you find in the British Museum?

- What have you learnt about the library of the British Museum?

V. Write what have you learnt about the British Museum.



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