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ЭКЗАМЕНАЦИОННЫЙ БИЛЕТ №1. Учебная дисциплина «Английский язык в профессиональной деятельности(Английский язык) 43.01.09 Повар.Кондитер».

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«ЭКЗАМЕНАЦИОННЫЙ БИЛЕТ №1. Учебная дисциплина «Английский язык в профессиональной деятельности(Английский язык) 43.01.09 Повар.Кондитер».»

Card №1. 

Chinese cuisine 

How often do you go to Chinese restaurant? Can you describe the taste of your favorite Chinese dish? 

  1. Read and translate the text from English into Russian:  

China has the most popular culinary heritage in the world. The history of their cuisine dates back to about 1000 years with varied cooking styles, techniques and ingredients that have evolved over time. Each dish focuses on creating a balance between there aspects – appearance, aroma, and taste. They pay a lot of attention to the aesthetic appearance, of the food with diversified colors. Sauces and seasoning like fish sauce, five spices powder, oyster sauce, soy sauce, vinegar, root garlic, fresh ginger and others are used generously to offer a complex play of flavor and aroma. More over according to Traditional Chinese Medicine Chinese food must be balanced with 5 key flavors – sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and spicy. A typical Chinese meal will have two things – a carbohydrate or starch like noodles, rice or buns, and accompanying stir fries or dishes of vegetables, fish and meat. They use a lot of fresh vegetables like mushroom, water chestnuts, bamboo and even tofu. Taste of Chinese dishes differs from region to region. Northern China food, for example, is very simple and salty. Vegetables and wheats are not staple food, in this region. Western China food is hearty, with lamb as main meat ingredient. In Central China food is spicy with a lot of seasonings. Eastern China food is sweet and light. Southern minority food is sour. The most famous dishes well-known all over the world are sweet and sour pork, wontons, dumplings, Peking roasted duck. Meals usually end with a cup of green tea. People eat food with wooden sticks called chopsticks.  



Water chestnuts – водные каштаны 

Generously – щедро 

Staple food – основной продукт питания 

Aroma – благоухание, аромат 

Appearance – внешний вид 

A carbohydrate – углеводы 

To pay attention – уделять внимание 

To evolve – развиваться 

Aesthetic –эстетичный 

Minority – меньшинство. 

Diversified – многообразный 

Dates back – датируется 

Complex play of flavor – сложная игра ароматов 



  1. Find the equivalents in the text: разнообразные стили и техники приготовления, создание равновесия, аромат и вкус, эстетический вид, многообразие цвета, щедро используется, ключевой вкус, не является основным продуктом питания, с большим количеством приправ, деревянные палочки. 

  1. Answer and questions 

  1. What does each Chinese dish focus on? 

  1. What are the main there aspects in creating Chinese dish? 

  1. What do they pay a lot of attention to? 

  1. What sauces and seasonings do Chinese cook use in preparing dishes? 

  1. What do they want to offer as a result? 

  1. How many key flavors must be balanced in Chinese food according to Traditional Chinese Medicine? 

  1. What two things will a typical Chinese meal have? 

  1. What fresh vegetables do they use in cooking? 

  1. What do you know about regional cuisine in China? 

  1. In what region vegetables are not a staple food? 


  1. Translate the recipe from Russian into English. 

Говядина по-китайски


  • 600гр говядины без костей; 

  • 2 зубчика чеснока; 

  • 1 чайная ложка имбиря; 

  • 3 столовые ложки соевого соуса; 

  • 1 столовая ложка растительного масла; 

  •  2 щепотки красного перца; 

  • 1 чайная ложка кунжута. 

Способ приготовления. 

  1. Вымыть мясо, обсушить бумажным полотенцем и нарезать тонкими полосками. 

  1. Очистить и нарезать тонкими кружочками чеснок. 

  1. Соединить мясо с чесноком, красным перцем и соевым соусом. Добавить измельченный имбирь: свежий либо сушеный. Оставить мясо мариноваться 15-20 минут. 

  1. Разогреть сковороду с маслом для жарки, обжарить мясо на сильном огне, постоянно помешивая, 2-3 минуты. 

  1. Говядина по-китайски готова. Подавать с любыми овощами или гарниром, перед подачей посыпать сверху кунжутом. 


  1. Translate the recipe from English into Russian. 

 Beef Chow Mein 


  • 200 g salted beef 

  • One section of fried noodle, and an appropriate amount of green onions 

  • A piece of ginger 

  • 20 g cooking oil 

  • 15 g soy sauce 

Way of cooking: 

  1. Cut the fried noodle into several pieces/ 

  1. Add oil into the wok and heat it up to thirty-five percent hot. Place the noodles into the wok and fry them crisp, then put them into a bowl. 

  1. Drizzle with a dash of oil again, and stir-fry with beef until well-done. Pour them out and filter out the oil. 

  1. Add scallions, ginger slices and beef into the wok, then add some cooking wine. 

  1. Mix soup together with oyster sauce, and stir them into a starchy sauce. 

  1. Spare the together with oyster evenly on the noodles, pile them onto a plate and it is done.  


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