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English-Speaking Countries

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The theme of the lesson: “English-speaking countries”


  • to develop pupil’s skills in speaking (prepared and unprepared), listening;
  • to extend pupil’s knowledge of English-speaking countries and its people;
  • to motivate pupils to study English;
  • to give pupils the opportunity to use their knowledge of English for communication with the native speakers.


T: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Brain Storm show today. It's nice to see our guests!

T: Today you are given a very important task. You are going to watch our game and help us decide who will win.

T: (To the class): So, students, we've met to play an intellectual game. English-speaking countries will be the main object of the game. The rules are very simple: you should speak English giving answers to the questions.

Now let’s go down to the rules of the game:

The team will receive points for each round. For the first round the team will receive on 1 point. For the second - 2 points, for the third -3 points.

- You have only some seconds to answer. If you don’t give correct answers your question goes to another team. If nobody gives a right answer the question will be read by a host.

- The team with the highest score will be a winner.


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«English-Speaking Countries»

35 жалпы орта білім беру мектебі


English-speaking countries”

7th grades


Teacher: Shaikenova M.S.

The theme of the lesson: “English-speaking countries”


  • to develop pupil’s skills in speaking (prepared and unprepared), listening;

  • to extend pupil’s knowledge of English-speaking countries and its people;

  • to motivate pupils to study English;

  • to give pupils the opportunity to use their knowledge of English for communication with the native speakers.

T: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Brain Storm show today. It's nice to see our guests!

T: Today you are given a very important task. You are going to watch our game and help us decide who will win.

T: (To the class): So, students, we've met to play an intellectual game. English-speaking countries will be the main object of the game. The rules are very simple: you should speak English giving answers to the questions.

Now let’s go down to the rules of the game:

The team will receive points for each round. For the first round the team will receive on 1 point. For the second - 2 points, for the third -3 points.

- You have only some seconds to answer. If you don’t give correct answers your question goes to another team. If nobody gives a right answer the question will be read by a host.

- The team with the highest score will be a winner.

If it is clear enough we are ready to start

  1. Presentation

New Zealand

New Zealand is a country, which is situated in the southwest Pacific Ocean on two large islands. It is the country with a temperature, moist oceanic climate without worked seasonal variations in temperature or rainfall, which is very favorable for forming.

New Zealand is the country of rare beauty; mountains; fast-flowing rivers; clear, deep lakes; geysers and boiling mud. There also lavish forests, long deserted beaches and a variety of animals and plants.

The population of New Zealand is more than 3 mln. people. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. Officially the head of the state is the British Queen, that’s why the political system of the country is constitutional monarchy.

The economy of New Zealand is traditionally based on farming, but there is a large expansion in light industries, there too.

New Zealand draws many thousands of tourists to its shores because of the beauty, diversity and attractions of its natural wealth.


Australia is the only state in the world that occupies the territory of a whole continent. It also occupies the island of Tasmania.

It’s a highly developed industrial – agrarian country. It is rich in many mineral resourses, also the country exports agricultural products.

It’s washed by three seas and Indian Ocean. It’s also the land of great plains. About one half of its territory is occupied by deserts and semi deserts. Australia is the most droughty continent on the Earth. It’s an extremely hot country. The amount of rainfall is rather small there.

Australia is the most ancient of continents geologically. The isolation of Australia from other continents explains much of the unusualness of Australian plant and animal life. A lot of animal species of Australia does not exist in other parts of the world.

Australia is one of the most unusual and exotic countries. The modern Australian society is the representation of a lot cultures drawn from many lands by its people.


Canada is a great country, which occupies the North American continent, its area is almost 10 mln square km.

It’s very rich in forests, mineral and fur-bearing animals. There is a lot of rivers and lakes in Canada.

The population of Canada is about 26 mln people. It is mainly concentrated in large cities. The capital of Canada is the city of Ottawa, which is situated on the river Ottawa, and it is also known as the city of bridges.

Canada is one of the most developed countries of the world. It consists of 10 provinces and 2 territories. Formally the head of the state is the British Queen, but it is ruled by the Parliament of Canada, which is headed by the Prime Minister.

The climate and the nature of Canada are much varied. About 2 percent of the territory is covered by ice, but in the south and in the west climate is mild and humid and there large areas of fertile soils. The astonishing natural beauty attracts visitors from around the world.

The United States of America

The United States of America is one of the greatest countries in the world. It’s situated on the North American continent and it’s washed by three oceans: The Pacific, The Atlantic and the Arctic.

The USA is a federative republic. The head of the state is the President.

Its population is about 260 mln people. The country consists of 50 states and one federal district of Columbia where Washington the capital of the country is situated. It’s a main political and administrative centre of the country. There are many other big cities there. The USA is a country of highly developed industry and agriculture.

The climate of the USA varies from moderate to subtropical and it is oceanic on the coasts. The USA have rich deposits of mineral resourses, the treasures of the nature. The USA have their own interesting customs, traditions, and their own way of life.

Great Britain

The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is situated on the British Isles, that are separated from the continent by the English Channel.

The capital of the country is London, one of the largest cities in the world, its political, economic and cultural centre, which is situated on the river Thames.

The UK is a constitutional monarchy. The head of the state is the Queen, but formally the country is ruled by the Parliament with the head of Prime Minister. The country is washed by seas from all the sides, that’s why the climate of Great Britain is very specific and the weather changes very often.

Great Britain is the country of valleys and plains, the mountains in Britain are not very high. Great Britain is highly developed beautiful country with old traditions and customs and good people.

2. Questions:

Great Britain

1. What’s residence of the British Queen?

2. Call the names of all the parts of Great Britain?

3. How is the richest London’s part called?

4. What political system has Great Britain?

5. What’s the name of today’s Prime Minister of Great Britain?

6. What city is the capital of Wales?

7. Where are the British sovereigns crowned?

8. Now is the flag of Great Britain called?

9. What is the most mountainous region in Great Britain?

10. What is the national Scottish emblem?

The United States of America

1. Who and when was America discovered?

2. What significant American city stands on the river Potomac?

3. How is the government of The USA called?

4. How many stripes are there in the American flag?

5. Where does the President of the USA live and work?

6. What American city is nicknamed as “Big apple”?

7. When is the Day of Independence of the USA called?

8. What countries do the USA border on?

9. What are the longest rivers of the USA?

10. What American state is the sun visible at midnight in the summer?


1. What city is the capital of Canada?

2. How many provinces are there in Canada?

3. What is the national emblem of Canada?

4. Who is the official head of Canada?

5. How many the Ukrainians by origin reside in Canada?

6. What are the official languages in Canada?

7. What the biggest Canadian islands do you know?

8. What is Canada very rich in?

9. What are the largest rivers in Canada?

10. What is the national motto of Canada?


1. When did James Cook reach the coasts of Australia?

2. What is more than one half of Australian territory occupied by?

3. What are the national symbols of Australia?

4. How are Australian aborigines called?

5. What big island belongs to Australia?

6. Who is the official head of Australia?

7. What city is the capital of Australia?

8. What are the biggest Australian rivers?

9. What city was the first British settlement in Australia and its first capital?

10. What does Australia consist of?

New Zealand

1. What is the national symbol of New Zealand?

2. What is the population of New Zealand?

3. How many and what islands does New Zealand consists of?

4. What city is the capital of New Zealand?

5. What are the biggest rivers of New Zealand?

6. How are New Zealand’s aborigines called?

7. Who discovered New Zealand in 1769?

8. What climate has New Zealand?

9. What the largest New Zealand’s cities do you know?

10. Who is the official head of New Zealand?

General tour

1. What nickname is Great Britain famous for in the world?

2. What Canadian city was discovered as the city highest level of life in the world over?

3. What is Australia the most droughty continent in the Earth?

4. What is the national emblem of England?

5. What is the national motto of the USA?

6. What is the representative of the British Queen in New Zealand?

7. What constellation is formed with the small stars in the Australian flag?

8. The name of the city Ottawa comes from the Indian word. What does it mean?

9. Why are not here sky-scrapers in Washington?

10. What park contains the huge London Zoo?

3. video tour

1. It is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and all over the world. It is sometimes called the birth place of American intellectual life: It has the nation's oldest university, founded in 1636. It remains a centre of intellectual life.

2. This is the place where all British Queens were crowned.

3. It is the largest lake entirely within Canada, the third largest in North America, and seventh largest in the world.

4. Native people of New Zealand. They arrive from Eastern Polynesia. This word means “normal”, “natural», «ordinary.”Who are they? What are their names?

5. This building was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site on 28 June 2007.It is one of the 20th century's most distinctive buildings and one of the most famous performing arts centers in the world.

T: Dear friends! So, we've come up to the end of "Brain-ring". We hope you all enjoyed yourselves. The English language is very useful. The English language is very important. Try to get only excellent marks in English. Good-bye. See you soon.


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