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Expressing likes and dislikes

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Презентация Expressing likes and dislikes поможет учащимся выражать свои предпочтения.

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«Expressing likes and dislikes»

Expressing likes and dislikes. 11 th class

Expressing likes and dislikes.

11 th class

Weak like Strong like I like… I love… I adore… It’s all right. I really like… Great! It’s OK. Terrific ! Super ! Nice. Marvelous ! Wonderful ! Not bad.

Weak like

Strong like

I like…

I love…

I adore…

It’s all right.

I really like…


It’s OK.

Terrific !

Super !


Marvelous !

Wonderful !

Not bad.

Strong dislike Weak dislike I’m not mad/crazy about… I’m not very fond of… I hate… I detest… I can’t stand… I don’t like… I dislike… Forget it! Not at all! Not my type of thing! It’ll do. I don’t care for… Awful! Terrible! Dreadful! Yuk! Not particularly. Not much.

Strong dislike

Weak dislike

I’m not mad/crazy about…

I’m not very fond of…

I hate…

I detest…

I can’t stand…

I don’t like…

I dislike…

Forget it!

Not at all!

Not my type of thing!

It’ll do.

I don’t care for…





Not particularly.

Not much.

Activity 2. Do you like…? A: What do you think of cola drinks?  B: They are not bad.   C: Do you like cola drinks?  D: I prefer orange juice.

Activity 2. Do you like…?

  • A: What do you think of cola drinks?
  • B: They are not bad.

  • C: Do you like cola drinks?
  • D: I prefer orange juice.
Activity 8. The disco lesson.  All the people in all the dialogs were at the same party given by Vince and Caroline. At the party there was a dancing teacher whom Vince had paid to teach disco lesson.  Read each dialog and answer these questions: Did the person answering like or dislike the idea of teaching disco dancing at the party? Was the like or dislike strong or weak? Вопросы записать на доске, чтобы учащиеся видели их во время показа диалогов.

Activity 8. The disco lesson.

  • All the people in all the dialogs were at the same party given by Vince and Caroline. At the party there was a dancing teacher whom Vince had paid to teach disco lesson.
  • Read each dialog and answer these questions:
  • Did the person answering like or dislike the idea of teaching disco dancing at the party?
  • Was the like or dislike strong or weak?

Вопросы записать на доске, чтобы учащиеся видели их во время показа диалогов.

How did you like Vince’s idea of having a disco lesson at the party? I thought it was a very nice idea.

How did you like Vince’s idea of having a disco lesson at the party?

I thought it was a very nice idea.

How did you like Vince’s idea of having a disco lesson at the party? Super! Just a great idea!

How did you like Vince’s idea of having a disco lesson at the party?

Super! Just a great idea!

How did you like Vince’s idea of having a disco lesson at the party? I thought it certainly was original.

How did you like Vince’s idea of having a disco lesson at the party?

I thought it certainly was original.

How did you like Vince’s idea of having a disco lesson at the party? Not particularly. A bit silly.

How did you like Vince’s idea of having a disco lesson at the party?

Not particularly. A bit silly.

How did you like Vince’s idea of having a disco lesson at the party? To be honest, it was very awful.

How did you like Vince’s idea of having a disco lesson at the party?

To be honest, it was very awful.


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