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ФОСы 5-9 классы

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«ФОСы 5-9 классы»




(5-9 КЛАССЫ)

НА 2020 – 2025 УЧЕБНЫЕ ГОДА

Приложение к образовательной программе основного общего образования, утвержденной приказом от 24.02.2021г. № 7


Руководитель МО

______/О.А.Ткаченко /

Протокол № 1

от «30» августа 2021г.


Заместитель руководителя МБОУ «Лицей №1 им. А.С. Пушкина»

_________/ Т.А. Ильина/

от «31» августа 2021г


Директор МБОУ «Лицей №1 им. А.С. Пушкина»

_______/Э.В. Игошин/

Приказ № 454

от «31» августа 2021г




(5-9 КЛАССЫ)

НА 2020 – 2025 УЧЕБНЫЕ ГОДА

Составитель рабочей программы:

Ткаченко О.А.

учитель английского языка

МБОУ «Лицей №1 им. А.С. Пушкина»

Нижневартовск, 2021г.

Пояснительная записка

Контроль за уровнем достижений учащихся по предмету Иностранный язык (английский) проводится в форме письменных работ:

· словарных диктантов,

·самостоятельных работ,

· контрольных работ

За письменные контрольные и самостоятельные  оценка вычисляется исходя из процента правильных ответов, т.е. баллов.

Верное выполнение заданий с кратким ответом оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.

Словарный диктант

«5» - за работу, в которой нет ошибок.

«4» - за работу, в которой допущение 1-2 ошибки.

«3» - за работу, в которой допущено 3-5 ошибок.

«2» - за работу, в которой допущено более 5 ошибок.

Виды работ

Оценка «2»

Оценка «3»

Оценка «4»

Оценка «5»

Контрольные работы

Менее 49%

От 50% до 69%

От 70% до 90%

От 91% до 100%

Самостоятельные работы, словарные диктанты

Менее 59%

От 60% до 74%

От 75% до 94%

От 95% до 100%

Творческие письменные работы (письма, разные виды сочинений) оцениваются по пяти критериям:

а) Содержание (соблюдение объема работы, соответствие теме, отражены ли все указанные в задании аспекты, стилевое оформление речи соответствует типу задания, аргументация на соответствующем уровне, соблюдение норм вежливости).


б) Организация работы (логичность высказывания, использование средств логической связи на соответствующем уровне, соблюдение формата высказывания и деление текста на абзацы);

в) Лексика (словарный запас соответствует поставленной задаче и требованиям данного года обучения языку);

г) Грамматика (использование разнообразных грамматических конструкций в соответствии с поставленной задачей и требованиям данного года обучения языку);

д) Орфография и пунктуация (отсутствие орфографических ошибок, соблюдение главных правил пунктуации: предложения начинаются с заглавной буквы, в конце предложения стоит точка, вопросительный или восклицательный знак, а также соблюдение основных правил расстановки запятых).

 3. Устные ответы (монологические высказывания, пересказы, диалоги, работа в группах) оцениваются по пяти критериям:

а) Содержание (соблюдение объема высказывания, соответствие теме, отражены все аспекты указанные в задании, стилевое оформление речи соответствует типу задания, аргументация на соответствующем уровне, соблюдение норм вежливости).


б) Взаимодействие с собеседником (умение логично и связно вести беседу, соблюдать очередность при обмене репликами, давать аргументированные и развернутые ответы на вопросы собеседника, умение начать и поддерживать беседу, а также восстановить ее в случае сбоя: переспрос, уточнение);

в) Лексика (словарный запас соответствует поставленной задаче и требованиям данного года обучения языку);

г) Грамматика (использование разнообразных грамматических конструкций в соответствии с поставленной задачей и требованиям данного года обучения языку);

д) Произношение (правильное произнесение звуков английского языка, правильная постановка ударения в словах, а также соблюдение правильной интонации в предложениях).

Образцы заданий (5 класс)

Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе.

Базовый уровень


Прослушайте диалог. Соотнесите имена людей (1-4) с иностранными языками, которые они изучают (A-D).


1.Прочитай рассказ. Выбери правильный ответ в соответствии с прочитанным текстом.

Tad and Fred

Fred has got a little white puppy. His name is Tad. Tad and Fred are friends. They like to jump and run. They like to play hide-and-seek (прятки). One day (однажды) they play hide-and-seek in the park. Fred wants to find(найти) Tad but he can't see his puppy. Tad wants to find Fred, too. But he can't see his friend. Tad sees a big black dog.

"Where is Fred?" the puppy says. "I am sorry, I don't know" (Ясожалею, ноянезнаю), the dog says. Tad wants to find his house. He runs and runs. He sees a big red house. Tad says: "This house is very big. It's not my house". Then he sees a little blue house. Tad says: "This house is very little. It's not my house". Tad runs and runs. He sees a green house. It isn't very big and it isn't very little. Tad says: "It's my house". He sees Fred and his family. It'snicetobeathome.

1. Fredhasgot ____________

a) a dog b) a puppy c) a cat.

2. Tad is____________

a) black b) grey c) white.

3. One day they play hide-and-seek _________

a) in the park b) in the house c) in the forest

4. Fred wants to find_____________

a) his house b) Tad c) the park

5. His house is________________

a) green b) blue c)red.

  1. Прочитайте письмо. Расставьте информацию в письме в правильном порядке.

  1. Hi! How are you?

b) Write back soon!

c) Thank you for your email. I’m having a great time here in Moscow. My sister Helen is a vet. She helps sick animals! In the afternoons we go to the park. It’s really cool! I love it here!

d) Dear Masha,

e) Love,


Use of English


  1. Have you got many/much friends?

  2. He eats many/much bread for breakfast.

  3. His friendlive/lives in the forest.

  4. Cats like/likes milk and fish.

  5. They go/goes to the park every day.

2. Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Выпиши его.

  1. ten, twelve, tea, fourteen, thirty

  2. hockey, tennis, football, corn, basketball

  3. cheese, bread, breakfast, meat, cake

  4. nose, rabbit, neck, teeth, arm

  5. Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Ben.



  1. Напишите короткий рассказ о себе (укажите ваше имя, возраст, город в котором вы живете, ваше хобби).

Промежуточная контрольная работа

по английскому языку в 5 классе.

Базовый уровень


Прослушайте диалог. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя данные слова.

( kitchen, the shops, downstairs, garden, comfortable)


  1. Прочитайте тексты. Подберите к ним заглавия согласно описаниям. Одно заглавие лишнее.

A. The Green Park Hotel

B. The Golden Beach Hotel

C. The Great Mount Hotel

D. The Air Wings Hotel

1. The hotel is right on the beach. All rooms have their own bathroom, phone and TV. They also have a large bed, a sofa and two armchairs, and a large balcony. There are 60 rooms on five floors, and four lifts. The hotel has three restaurants and two swimming-pools.

2. The hotel is in the city centre. It has 25 rooms on four floors. There isn’t a lift. The rooms are small, but they have big windows, and there is a desk and a chair, and a radio. There are two bathrooms on every floor, and there’s a TV room next to the restaurant, on the ground floor. There is an old park around the hotel.

3. The hotel is near the airport, about 10 km from the city. It has 120 rooms on seven floors, and six lifts. There’s a restaurant and a swimming-pool. The rooms aren’t very large, but all have bathrooms, and some rooms have small balconies. There is a phone, TV and radio in every room.

Use of English

1.Заполните пропуски в предложениях выбрав правильный ответ.

1. The armchair is ……………… the fireplace.

a) next to b)in c) on

2. There’s a computer ……………. the desk.

a) next to b) in front of c) on

3. There is a sofa ….. living room.

  1. under b) in c) on

4. How many rooms …. there in the flat?

  1. are b)is c)am

5. This is my mother. Look at …. .

a) him b) she c)her

2.Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя данные слова. Одно слово лишнее.

( national, double decker, the UK, Union Jack)

1. The shamrock is the _____________ symbol of Ireland.

2. ______________ buses are the symbol of London.

3. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are parts of ______ .

3. Измените слово в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало предложению.

1. I live in Russia. I am ….. ( Russia).

2. He is from England. He is … (England).

3. They are from the USA. They are …(America).

Повышенный уровень


1.Напишите короткий рассказ о своей комнате (подробно опишите расположение мебели в ней). Используйте при написании рассказа конструкции there is| there are и предлоги места).

2. Напишите рассказ о своем друге (укажите имя, возраст, опишите внешность). Используйте при написании рассказа конструкции have got\ has got и правильную форму глагола to be.

Итоговая контрольная работа 5 класс

Базовый уровень

Задание 1. Listening: Вы услышите мужчину, который расспрашивает информацию о цирке. Прослушайте и заполните пропуски нужной информацией.

Billy’s Big Top Circus

Days: 1) _________ to Sunday

Time: 2)_________ p.m.

Tickets: 3)_____ for adults and 15 pounds for children under 4)_____

Place: 5)______ Street.

Задание 2.Reading : Прочитайте текст и сопоставьте предложения A-E с абзацами текста 1-5.

Miss Newman’s music group.

1.There are 23 students in Miss Newman’s music group. All of the students in the group like music very much, and____________.

2. Fifteen of the students are good singers. Ten of them are in the school choir. There is a choir practice every week, on Wednesday evening.______________________, including English, French, German and Spanish.

3. Some students in Miss Newman’s music group _________________. Four can play the flute, two can play the clarinet and one can play the cello.

4. Another student in the group can play the piano,________________. Four of the students are very good players, and they are in the school orchestra.

5. All the students in the group are very musical, __________. So, next week, Miss Newman is starting guitar lessons. And, next month, she is teaching them about the history of rock music.

A and one can play the saxophone D but none of them can play the guitar

B can play a musical instrument E The choir can sing songs in different languages

C….they enjoy Miss Newman’s lessons a lot

Задание 3. Use of English: Выберите вариант ответа.

  1. Whose house is that? It’s ____ house. A) Katies’ B) Katie C) Katie and Jack’s

  2. Danny lives on the _____ floor. A) one B) two C) ground

  3. Ellen is going to safari. She ___ to see lions. A) wants B) like C ) want

  4. We eat breakfast in the ____ . A) afternoon B) morning C) evening

  5. Can you put ___ rice in my bowl, please? A) any B) a C) some

  6. What are you___ now? A) does B) doing C) do

  7. Mr. Williams is a ____ . He delivers letters. A) taxi driver B) postman C) baker

  8. There are six ____ in our family. A) children B) childs C) childes

  9. This house belongs to John. It’s___ house. A) her B) our C) his

  10. How ___ cheese is on the plate? A) many B) much C) some

Повышенный уровень

Задание 4.

Writing: 1. Напишите небольшой рассказ о вашем любимом магазине по плану: где он находится; как называется; какой это магазин; что там продается; что вы обычно покупаете. Используйте конструкции there is\are, I can find\ buy, It has got, It is и предлоги места near, next to, in, at, behind, on, in front of.

Writing: 2. У вас есть новый друг по переписке. Напишите ему письмо, в котором укажите: your name – ваше имя; your age- ваш возраст; where you live - где вы живете; what you look like- как вы выглядите; your family – ваша семья; your favorite colour- ваш любимый цвет; your pet - ваш питомец.

Образцы заданий (6 класс)

Входная контрольная работа

по английскому языку в 6 классе.

Базовый уровень

Задание 1. Listening: Вы услышите мужчину, который расспрашивает информацию о цирке. Прослушайте и заполните пропуски нужной информацией.

Billy’s Big Top Circus

Days: 1) _________toSunday

Time: 2)_________ p.m.

Tickets: 3)_____ for adults and 15 pounds for children under 4)_____

Place: 5)______Street.

Задание 2.Reading: Прочитайте текст и сопоставьте предложения A-Eс абзацами текста 1-5.

Miss Newman’s music group.

1.There are 23 students in MissNewman’s music group. All of the students in the group like music very much, and____________.

2. Fifteen of the students are good singers. Ten of them are in the school choir. There is a choir practice every week, on Wednesday evening.______________________, including English, French, German and Spanish.

3. Some students in Miss Newman’s music group _________________. Four can play the flute, two can play the clarinet and one can play the cello.

4. Another student in the group can play the piano,________________. Four of the students are very good players, and they are in the school orchestra.

5. All the students in the group are very musical,__________. So, next week, Miss Newman is starting guitar lessons. And, next month, she is teaching them about the history of rock music.

A and one can play the saxophone Dbut none of them can play the guitar

B can play a musical instrument E The choir can singsongs in different languages

C….they enjoy Miss Newman’s lessons a lot

Задание 3.Use of English: Выберите вариант ответа.

  1. Whose house is that? It’s ____ house. A) Katies’ B) Katie C) Katie and Jack’s

  2. Danny lives on the _____ floor. A) one B) two C) ground

  3. Ellen is going to safari. She ___ to see lions. A) wants B) like C) want

  4. We eat breakfast in the ____ .A) afternoon B) morning C) evening

  5. Can you put ___ rice in my bowl, please? A) any B) a C) some

  6. What are you___ now? A) does B) doing C)do

  7. Mr. Williams is a ____ . He delivers letters. A) taxi driver B) postman C) baker

  8. There are six ____ in our family. A) children B) childsC) childes

  9. This house belongs to John. It’s___ house. A) her B) our C) his

  10. How ___ cheese is on the plate? A) many B) much C) some

Повышенный уровень

Задание 4.

Writing: 1. Напишите небольшой рассказ о вашем любимом магазине по плану: где он находится; как называется; какой это магазин; что там продается; что вы обычно покупаете. Используйтеконструкцииthere is\are, I can find\ buy, It has got, It isипредлогиместаnear, next to, in, at, behind, on, in front of.

Writing: 2.У вас есть новый друг по переписке. Напишите ему письмо, в котором укажите: your name – ваше имя; your age- ваш возраст; where you live - где вы живете; what you look like- как вы выглядите; your family – ваша семья; your favorite colour- ваш любимый цвет; your pet - ваш питомец

Промежуточная контрольная работа 6 класс

Базовый уровень

  1. Listening. Вы услышите разговор между Джеймсом и Конрадом о разных средствах транспорта. Соотнесите буквы A-G с каждым именем человека. В задании 2 лишние буквы.

Names Method of transport

1. Conrad A. taxi

2. James B. motorbike

3. Mike C. bicycle

4. Darren D. plane

5. Frazer E. train

F. car

G. bus

  1. Reading. Заполните пропуски. Соотнесите букву с номером пропуска.

Housework and homework

Every morning Sophia Edwards gets up,A1 … to college. Nothing unusual about that, except that Sophia and her daughter Lina are in the same class! They both study French and History at Chester College. Lina thinks it’sA2… is one of her classmates. ”My mum helps me with my homework, but I have to help A3…, too! In the evening we usually do our homework together, then A4 … I do the washing-up.” Sophia loves being a student again after so many years. “I think A5 … than housework any day!” she says.

  1. her with the housework D. homework is better

  2. gets dressed and goes E. she cooks dinner and

  3. great that her mum

  1. Use of English. Выберите правильный вариант.

A.6. Peter likes staying ___ home on rainy days. a) on b) at c) in

A. 7. Where___ you on Saturdays? a) go  b) are going c) do you go 

A.8. Where is Sue? – She ___ a book a) is reading b) are reading c) reads

A.9. He has breakfast ___ he leaves for school a) before b) when c) then

A.10. ___you enjoy going to parties a) Are b) Do  c) Does 

Преобразуйте слова лексически и грамматически

A.11. Sue __(stay) at home today. A.14.This sitcom is (enjoy)

A.12. It is a (wonder) party. A.15. I (do) the dusting every Saturday.

A .13. Every day she (make) her bed

Повышенный уровень

  1. Writing. Напишите письмо своему другу по переписке Джону о том, как вы проводите свой типичный день. Используйте слова usually, often, sometimes, never, in the morning, at noon, in the evening.

Итоговая контрольная работа 6 класс

Listening. Задание 1. Вы услышите мужчину рассказывающего о ресторане. Прослушайте и заполните недостающую информацию под номерами 1-5.

Restaurant review

Name: Mollington Manor Restaurant

Problems: I waited 1)______ minutes for a table. There weren’t many 2)____ on the menu, and only one dessert. My fork and wine glass were 3)_____ . I ordered 4)_____ and it arrived cold. The salad wasn’t 5)_____ .

Reading. Задание 2. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-5 соответствующими высказываниями a-e.

Animals in Great Britain

People 1)______animals. There are even special hospitals, which help wild animals. There are a lot 2)_____. They are very popular with children and teenagers. A lot of British families have 'bird tables' in their gardens. Birds 3)____ months. The 'bird table' should be high because cats can eat birds.

The British often think their animals are like people. For example in Britain animals can have jobs like people. British Rail 4)____their work. Their job is to catch mice. They get food and free medical help. The cats don't catch a lot of mice but they 5)______ Rail staff and travellers.in Great Britain like

  1. can eat from them during the winter

Use of English. Задание 3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа

  1. are very popular with the British

  2. has cats and pays them for

  3. of television films about wildlife

  1. Are you coming to the party ....... Saturday? A on B at C in

  2. Mary ....... hard every evening. A study B read C studies

  3. I hate sushi. I ....... eat it. A never B always C often

  4. Frank ....... his homework at the moment. A is making B is doing C does

  5. When ....... you born? A was B were C is

Writing. Задание 4. Напишите почтовую открытку другу. Используйте следующий план. Where are you? How long are you going to stay there? What the weather is like? What are the local festivals? What do you think of the festival?

Задание 5. Напишите историю (80-100 слов) под заголовком «A mystery». Используйте следующий план. When\ where\ who\ what. What happened before the main event? The main event. What happened in the end and your feelings?

Самостоятельная работа 6 класс

1. Write the words:

1) муж –

2) сын –

3) тётя –

4) двоюродный брат –

5) бабушка –

2. Write the missing words:

1) Germany - ________

2) _______ - Japanese

3) Russia - ________

4) _____ - British

5) Poland - _______

3. Complete with have/has, haven’t/hasn’t, is/isn’t, are/aren’t:

1) ____Brian and Toby got dogs? - Yes, they ____. Their dogs___ funny.

2) ____Sue got a blue skateboard? Yes, she ___, but it ___ blue. It ___white.

3) They ____ got guitars. Their guitars ____ very big. They ___ small.

Образцы заданий (7 класс)

Входная контрольная работа 7 класс

Listening. Задание 1. Вы услышите мужчину рассказывающего о ресторане. Прослушайте и заполните недостающую информацию под номерами 1-5.

Restaurant review

Name: Mollington Manor Restaurant

Problems: I waited 1)______ minutes for a table. There weren’t many 2)____ on the menu, and only one dessert. My fork and wine glass were 3)_____ . I ordered 4)_____ and it arrived cold. The salad wasn’t 5)_____ .

Reading. Задание 2. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-5 соответствующими высказываниями a-e.

Animals in Great Britain

People 1)______animals. There are even special hospitals, which help wild animals. There are a lot 2)_____. They are very popular with children and teenagers. A lot of British families have 'bird tables' in their gardens. Birds 3)____ months. The 'bird table' should be high because cats can eat birds.

The British often think their animals are like people. For example in Britain animals can have jobs like people. British Rail 4)____their work. Their job is to catch mice. They get food and free medical help. The cats don't catch a lot of mice but they 5)______ Rail staff and travellers.

a. in Great Britain like

d. has cats and pays them for

b. can eat from them during the winter

e. of television films about wildlife

c. are very popular with the British

Use of English. Задание 3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа

1. Are you coming to the party ....... Saturday?

A on

B at

C in

2. Mary ....... hard every evening.

A study

B read

C studies

3. I hate sushi. I ....... eat it.

A never

B always

C often

4. Frank ....... his homework at the moment.

A is making

B is doing

C does

5. When ....... you born?

A was

B were

C is

Writing. Задание 4. Напишите почтовую открытку другу. Используйте следующий план. Where are you? How long are you going to stay there? What is the weather like? What are the local festivals? What do you think of the festival?

Задание 5. Напишите историю (80-100 слов) под заголовком «A mystery». Используйте следующий план. When\ where\ who\ what. What happened before the main event? The main event. What happened in the end and your feelings?

Промежуточная контрольная работа

по английскому языку 7 класса

  1. Вы услышите разговор Тины и Джейн об одежде. Прослушайте и установите, соответствуют тексту следующие высказывания или нет. Если да, поставьте букву T (true), если нет, поставьте букву F (false)

    Tina asks what to buy as a present.

    Jane advises Tina to wear a skirt.

    They are going to a fancy dress party.

    Jane’s boots are brown.

    They are going to take coats with them.

  2. Прочитай текст и выбери правильный ответ.

Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso is a very famous painter. He was born in Malaga, Spain in 1881. But he lived most of his life in Paris, France.

In 1902 he started painting the poor people he met on the streets, so his paintings were very sad and dark. This period in his work is called the “blue period” (1901-1904). In 1904 he started his “pink period”, in which he painted the world of the clowns, acrobats, musicians. The paintings from that period are very happy and full of pink colours.

In 1909 he worked with another artist, Georges Braque. Together they painted “abstract” pictures. In an abstract picture you only see lines and colours. And it is very difficult to understand what exactly you are looking at. Picasso’s most famous painting is “Guernica”, which he painted during the Civil War in Spain, 1937. It is a dark, sad and abstract picture about the war.

  1. Picasso lived most of his life in Spain.






    Doesn’t say

  2. Picasso’s “blue period” paintings are not very happy.






    Doesn’t say

  3. Picasso met a lot of clowns and acrobats.






    Doesn’t say

  4. George Braque never painted abstract pictures.






    Doesn’t say

  5. The “Guernica” is in a museum in Spain.






Doesn’t say

  1. Лексико-грамматический тест. Выбери один из вариантов ответа, который считаешь правильным.

  1. I was very _______________to hear that the party was cancelled.







  2. James and Matilda ________ breakfast at the moment.




    are having


    is having

  3. Mary _________ the bus to get to school last week.


    Is taking





  4. My friends _________hustle and bustle of the crowded streets.


    doesn’t like


    don’t like


    aren’t like

  5. The baby ______, when Grandpa arrived.


Was sleeping





  1. Напиши задание по письму на выбор.

  1. Статья 60-80 слов. My favourite place.

  2. Продолжи историю. 60-80 слов. Douglas and Ken were camping. One evening they broke their lantern and made another…

  3. Статья 60-80 слов. The person I admire.

  4. Напиши статью о происшествии в газету 60-80 слов.

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку за 7 класс

  1. Вы услышите разговор информацию об уроках. Прослушайте и вставьте пропущенные слова


The Manchester Education Centre has so many interesting courses for you to do, like European


You can also learn to play


All of the classes are in the


Call the centre on:

4. 0161__________________

Or visit our web site,

5. www.__________centre.uk

  1. Прочитай текст и выбери правильный ответ.

Caruso in the USA

Enrico Caruso, a famous Italian singer, often said, "No one is so well-known as he thinks." He knew it by his own experience. Once he came to the United States to give concerts. One day he was driving to New York and his car broke down. It was near the farm and he asked the farmer to help him repair the car. When the car was repaired, Caruso paid the farmer for his work and gave him his photograph with his name on it. The farmer read the name on the photograph and cried out, "What a luck! I've never dreamed of receiving the greatest traveller Robinson Crusoe in my house!"

  1. Caruso came to the United States to listen to the concert.






    Doesn’t say

  2. His car broke down next to the farm.






    Doesn’t say

  3. Caruso didn’t pay for his work.






    Doesn’t say

  4. The farmer didn’t like the photograph.






    Doesn’t say

  5. The farmer didn’t recognize Caruso.






Doesn’t say

  1. Лексико-грамматический тест. Выбери один из вариантов ответа, который считаешь правильным.

  1. I start eating with ___________ orange juice.







  2. Your hair is wet. _____you_________?




    Have…been swimming



  3. The snow _________ started yet.


    Haven’t started


    Hasn’t started


    Hasn’t been starting

  4. She doesn’t work here anymore, _______?


    doesn’t she


    don’t she


    does she

  5. Who will you talk to, if you want to pay in the shop?




security guard



  1. Напиши задание по письму на выбор.

  1. Email другу 80-100 слов о новостях в твоей жизни.

  2. Напиши мини- эссе 80-100 слов. Animal testing is cruel.

  3. Напиши обзор фильма 80-100 слов .

  4. Напиши рекламную статью о достопримечательности 80-100 слов.

Самостоятельная работа для 7 класс

Past Simple Tense

  1. Give the second form of the verbs.

  1. to open

  2. to learn

  3. to have

  4. to think

  5. to come

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Tense.

  1. Yesterday he _______________(to wash) his face at a quarter past seven.

  2. My mother _______________(not to like) milk in her childhood.

  3. __________you _________________( to work) at the hospital last week?

  4. __________you ___________(to live) in this house last year?

  5. I ___________________( to help) my Granny at the garden.

  6. We ___________________( not to rest) yesterday

  7. My friend_____________ (to live) in America 2 years ago.

  8. I ______________(not to cook ) my breakfast.

  1. Translate into English.

  1. Дэн сломал ногу вчера.


  1. Том и Вера купили машину.


  1. Вы ходили в кино на прошлой неделе?


  1. Он не поймал мяч.


  1. Мальчики играли в футбол во дворе.


  1. Что ты вчера делал?


  1. Боб ел кашу на завтрак.


Образцы заданий (8 класс)

Входная контрольная работа 8 класс

  1. Вы услышите разговор информацию об уроках. Прослушайте и вставьте пропущенные слова


The Manchester Education Centre has so many interesting courses for you to do, like European


You can also learn to play


All of the classes are in the


Call the centre on:

4. 0161__________________

Or visit our web site,

5. www.__________centre.uk

2.Прочитай текст и выбери правильный ответ.

Caruso in the USA

Enrico Caruso, a famous Italian singer, often said, "No one is so well-known as he thinks." He knew it by his own experience. Once he came to the United States to give concerts. One day he was driving to New York and his car broke down. It was near the farm and he asked the farmer to help him repair the car. When the car was repaired, Caruso paid the farmer for his work and gave him his photograph with his name on it. The farmer read the name on the photograph and cried out, "What a luck! I've never dreamed of receiving the greatest traveller Robinson Crusoe in my house!"

  1. Caruso came to the United States to listen to the concert.






    Doesn’t say

  2. His car broke down next to the farm.






    Doesn’t say

  3. Caruso didn’t pay for his work.






    Doesn’t say

  4. The farmer didn’t like the photograph.






    Doesn’t say

  5. The farmer didn’t recognize Caruso.






Doesn’t say

  1. Лексико-грамматический тест. Выбери один из вариантов ответа, который считаешь правильным.

  1. I start eating with ___________ orange juice.







  2. Your hair is wet. _____you_________?




    Have…been swimming



  3. The snow _________ started yet.


    Haven’t started


    Hasn’t started


    Hasn’t been starting

  4. She doesn’t work here anymore, _______?


    doesn’t she


    don’t she


    does she

  5. Who will you talk to, if you want to pay in the shop?




security guard



  1. Напиши задание по письму на выбор.

  1. Email другу 80-100 слов о новостях в твоей жизни.

  2. Напиши мини- эссе 80-100 слов. Animal testing is cruel.

  3. Напиши обзор фильма 80-100 слов .

  4. Напиши рекламную статью о достопримечательности 80-100 слов.

Промежуточная контрольная работа

по английскому языку 8 класса


Вы услышите четыре коротких диалога. Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое место действия из списка A–E только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A. In a restaurant

B. In a supermarket

C. In the station

D. In a house

E. In the library

II.Прочитай диалог и выбери правильный ответ.

Mr Smith: Hello!

Andrew: Hello! This is Andrew. Can I speak to Ann, please?

Mr Smith: Hang on a moment, I’ll get her.

Ann: Hi, Andrew! What’s up?

Andrew: Hi, Ann! We’re going to arrange a “clean-up day” in the small park behind the school

next weekend.

Ann: OK. Not a bad idea. The park is where litter is a real problem, isn’t it?

Andrew: Could you draw a poster reminding people about pollution? We’ll put it in the park

when all the litter is cleared. People will see the clean park and our poster. Maybe

they’ll ask themselves why they drop litter for other people to clear up!

Ann: I’m afraid they won’t ask themselves this question. Anyway, I’ll try and do my best.

What time has the group arranged to meet?

Andrew: In the morning at 10 o’clock at school.

Ann: All right. Can I take Alex and Jess with me?

Andrew: Sure! They’ll have fun as well as helping the environment.

Ann: Bye for now.

Andrew: See you soon.

  1. Ann is out. Her mother is taking a phone message from Andrew.

    1. True




    Doesn’t say

  2. Andrew and his friends are going to arrange a picnic in the park.

    1. True




    Doesn’t say

  3. There will be a “clean-up day” in a small park behind the school next weekend.

    1. True




    Doesn’t say

  4. They need a poster reminding people about youth problems.

    1. True




    Doesn’t say

  5. Maybe people will see the clean park and the poster and will avoid dropping litter.

    1. True




    Doesn’t say

  6. Andrew will be glad to see Alex and Jess next weekend.

  1. True




Doesn’t say

  1. Лексико-грамматический тест. Выбери один из вариантов ответа, который считаешь правильным.

  1. He _____ a lot of mistakes in last test.

    1. makes

    1. made

    1. have made

  2. I _____ to tapes when they came.

    1. listened

    1. was listening

    1. Were listening

  3. We _____ film in the original now.

    1. watch

    1. watched

    1. Are watching

  4. Who is looking _____ your daughter when you are at work?

    1. on

    1. for

    1. after

    1. at

  5. “I want to learn English in a month.” – “I’m sorry but it is ____.

  1. impossible

  1. dispossible

  1. unpossible

IV. Напиши задание по письму на выбор.

  1. Email. 60-80слов. Write a short email to your English penfriend about your favourite dish.

  2. Статья 60-80. A famous person from your country.

  3. Напиши эссе о том как люди зарабатывают на жизнь.(60-80)

Итоговая контрольная работа

по английскому языку 8 класс

  1. Прослушайте текст и вставьте пропущенные ответы.

A mall is looking for a part-time shop assistant

Are you:

  • over 1)…years old?

  • enthusiastic and 2)…

  • able to work flexible 3)…?

Join us

Your duties will include:

  • 4)… customers

  • taking 5)…

No previous experience required – full training given.

Pay: 6)…

For more information call 020 7310 8821

II.Прочитай текст и выбери правильный ответ.

 Litter is garbage – like food, paper and cans – on the ground or in the street. Where many people live together, litter is a problem. People don’t always put their garbage in the bins. It’s easier to drop a paper than to find a bin for it. But litter is ugly. It makes the city look dirty, and it spoils the view.

        The wind blows papers far away. Often they are difficult to catch. When they blow against a fence, they stay there. This fence is a wall of garbage.

          Litter is a health problem, too. Food and garbage attract animals, which sometimes carry disease.

         Some people want to control litter. They never throw litter themselves, and sometimes they work together in groups to clean up the city. In most places litter is against the law. The law punishes people who throw garbage in the streets. They usually pay a fine, and occasionally they go to jail.

         Two famous sayings in the United States are: “Don’t be a litterbug!” and “Every litter bit hurts!”

7) Litter is a problem among people.

             a) true              b) false         c) not stated

8) There are special bins for different garbage in the streets.

            a) true              b) false         c) not stated

9) Garbage attracts sick animals.

           a) true              b) false         c) not stated

10) Groups that cleans litter are in every city.

           a) true              b) false         c) not stated

11) The saying “Don’t be a litterbug!” asks you not to drop litter in the streets.

          a) true              b) false         c) not stated

  1. Лексико-грамматический тест. Выбери один из вариантов ответа, который считаешь правильным.

12. If he__________ London by train, he will get there on Wednesday.

a) leaves for       b) will leave for          c) leave for                 d) left for

13. My sister is fond __________ foreign languages.

a) with               b) of               c) in                 d) at

14. This book tells you how ____ at chess.

a) to win              b) winning                      c) won                       d) win

15. They _________ a lovely song when I entered the room.

a) sang               b) had sung                c) was singing             d) were singing

16. He made me ____ the same things.

a) to do                     b) doing                 c) to be done                     d) do

  1. Напиши задание по письму на выбор.

17.Email другу 80-100 слов о новостях в твоей жизни.

18. Напиши мини- эссе 80-100 слов. Sport in your life.

19.Напиши статью . A day in your life without gadgets ( 80-100 слов).

Самостоятельная работа 8 класс

1.Переведи на русский язык


To work overtime-

To get a pay rise-

To work as a cashier-

A full-time job-

A desk job-


Fields of science-

To come to the conclusion-

To work as a freelancer-

2.Вставь нужный предлог

a career _______ education

______ charge of the project

to work _____ pressure

_____ beginning of the month

_____ the age of ten

____ the end of 1996

3. Раскрой скобки, употребив глаголы в Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous.

1. When I came home, my little sister (already/to sleep)__________________.

2. My brother (to play)_________________ with his toys for an hour when my mother arrived.

3. When mother came home, I (not\to do)__________________________ my homework yet.

4. His father (to read) __________________a book since 5 o’clock before Pete went sleeping.

5. When mother came home, the children (to play)______________________ on the carpet for half an hour.

6. How long (you\ study English) __________________________________________________ before you moved to London?

7. They (to live) _____________________in Paris before they moved to Moscow.

8. She was upset because she (to fail) _____________________ her tests.

9. I (to wait)______________________ for 2 hours before he came.

10. I (to do) _______________ my homework by the time my father returned.

Образцы заданий (9 класс)

Входная контрольная работа 9 класс

  1. Прослушайте текст и вставьте пропущенные ответы.

A mall is looking for a part-time shop assistant

Are you:

  • over 1)…years old?

  • enthusiastic and 2)…

  • able to work flexible 3)…?

Join us

Your duties will include:

  • 4)… customers

  • taking 5)…

No previous experience required – full training given.

Pay: 6)…

For more information call 020 7310 8821

II.Прочитай текст и выбери правильный ответ.

 Litter is garbage – like food, paper and cans – on the ground or in the street. Where many people live together, litter is a problem. People don’t always put their garbage in the bins. It’s easier to drop a paper than to find a bin for it. But litter is ugly. It makes the city look dirty, and it spoils the view.

        The wind blows papers far away. Often they are difficult to catch. When they blow against a fence, they stay there. This fence is a wall of garbage.

          Litter is a health problem, too. Food and garbage attract animals, which sometimes carry disease.

         Some people want to control litter. They never throw litter themselves, and sometimes they work together in groups to clean up the city. In most places litter is against the law. The law punishes people who throw garbage in the streets. They usually pay a fine, and occasionally they go to jail.

         Two famous sayings in the United States are: “Don’t be a litterbug!” and “Every litter bit hurts!”

7) Litter is a problem among people.

             a) true              b) false         c) not stated

8) There are special bins for different garbage in the streets.

            a) true              b) false         c) not stated

9) Garbage attracts sick animals.

           a) true              b) false         c) not stated

10) Groups that cleans litter are in every city.

           a) true              b) false         c) not stated

11) The saying “Don’t be a litterbug!” asks you not to drop litter in the streets.

          a) true              b) false         c) not stated

  1. Лексико-грамматический тест. Выбери один из вариантов ответа, который считаешь правильным.

12. If he__________ London by train, he will get there on Wednesday.

a) leaves for       b) will leave for          c) leave for                 d) left for

13. My sister is fond __________ foreign languages.

a) with               b) of               c) in                 d) at

14. This book tells you how ____ at chess.

a) to win              b) winning                      c) won                       d) win

15. They _________ a lovely song when I entered the room.

a) sang               b) had sung                c) was singing             d) were singing

16. He made me ____ the same things.

a) to do                     b) doing                 c) to be done                     d) do

  1. Напиши задание по письму на выбор.

17.Email другу 80-100 слов о новостях в твоей жизни.

18. Напиши мини- эссе 80-100 слов. Sport in your life.

19.Напиши статью . A day in your life without gadgets ( 80-100 слов).

Промежуточная контрольная работа

по английскому 9 класса

  1. Прослушайте 4 текста и определите, где происходит каждый диалог.

  1. In the hotel

  2. In the shop

  3. At home

  4. In the cafe

  5. At the cinema







Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный ответ.


What is art? In the 1960s a collection of artists made that question even more difficult to answer. The created pop art, a style of are that represented everybody’s everyday experiences. Pop artists were fascinated by realistic images from everyday life that everybody saw. One element of life they noticed was that almost all people are consumers who buy and use different things every day. As a result, many Pop artists used images of products from the supermarket or advertisements in their works.

The most famous Pop artist was the American Andy Warhol. Warhol painted products like Campbell’s Soup, Coca Cola bottles and bananas. He also painted other everyday images. For example, his bright portraits of celebrities like Marilyn Monroe became very fashionable. The British pop artist Eduardo Paolozzi collected pictures and advertisements from magazines to use in his works.

Many people in the art do not accept Pop Art as a real art form. They can’t see why a dull painting of an ordinary can of soup should be part of exhibition. However many original Pop Art works have been sold for millions of dollars.

  1. Pop artists were interested in people’s everyday experiences.






    Doesn’t say

  2. Pop Art was only in America.






    Doesn’t say

  3. All Pop artists used images of products.






    Doesn’t say

  4. Pop Art hasn’t been very popular with some people.






    Doesn’t say

  5. Some Pop artists never sold their works.






Doesn’t say

Лексико-грамматический тест. Преобразуй слова так, чтобы они грамматически подходили к содержанию текста .

A Smart Boy


Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. Their _____were good friends. One day Mr. Jones invited to Mr. Brown to a small party. Mr. Brown went into the other room and telephoned his wife.



When he came back Mr. Jones asked him, “Have you spoken to your wife already?”
“No, she ____there when I phoned. My small son answered the phone. I asked him, “Is your mother there?” And he said, “She is somewhere outside”.



“Why is she outside?” I asked. “She ____for me”, he answered.


UK: Conservation and Environment


Going for a walk is the most popular leisure activity in Britain. Despite its high _______density and widespread, the UK has many unspoilt rural and coastal areas.



Twelve National Parks are freely accessible to the public and were created to conserve the _______beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage they contain.


Напишите неформальное письмо или e-mail своему другу. 100-120 слов.

  1. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend,

... You’ve probably seen the photos which I took on my holiday. During the rainy day we are having now they bring back good memories! The countryside, the mountains, and I could ride my bicycle all day long! ...

...Where did you spend your last summer holidays? What did you do during your holidays? What holidays do you like more (summer or winter holidays) and why?...

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing

  1. You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English–speaking pen friend, Ben.

We’ve moved house and now I have to go to a new school. It’s a pity because I liked my old school and I had a lot of friends there. Now I feel a bit lonely but I hope to find some friends here too….

What do you like most about your school? Have you got a lot of friends at school? What do you usually do with your school friends in your free time? …

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Итоговая контрольная работа

по английскому языку за 9 класс

  1. Прослушайте 4 текста и определите, где происходит каждый диалог.

  1. At the cafe

  2. At the cinema

  3. At school

  4. At home

  5. In the gym







  1. Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами А–E и заголовками 1–6. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок. 

A) A strawberry is a small fleshy red fruit used in desserts or eaten on its own. It is usually sold in small baskets known as punnets. Strawberries contain no fat and are very low on calories. They are a rich source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and others. The United States is the top strawberry producing country in the world, followed by Spain. The typical modern strawberry is a hybrid from both North and South America.

B) Strawberries taste great with just about anything and they make a great snack on their own. The berry was known from the late middle ages but was not very popular then. People say that the name of the fruit comes from the way it was sold. Popular legend is that long time ago in London strawberries were very cheap. Children from London and other towns picked the berry themselves and then tied onto pieces of straw to sell in the town markets yelling “straws of berries” to get attention.

C) There are many strawberry festivals held around the world in celebration of strawberry season. Each strawberry festival is unique, but some of the common elements are often a youth show, carnival rides, a sell of homemade goods, musical performances, art contests, and baking competitions. You'll probably have the chance to buy fresh strawberries or strawberry pies. Most strawberry festivals charge a small entrance fee, but it is well worth it to experience strawberry related fun for an entire weekend.

D) North American native people called strawberries as berry of the heart and ate strawberries as a favored dessert. White settlers who came into contact with native people liked the berry. Then one doctor prescribed a diet of only strawberries believing that rheumatic illness could be cured if strawberries were eaten every day. According to his observations the leaves of the strawberry could be used in tea and would help to lose weight as well.

E) Whether you eat strawberries as juice, jam, or mix it with a cake, it has the same delicious taste. It is not just delicious, but also good for our health and appearance. The berries are widely used in cosmetics. During the late 20th century strawberry flavored beauty products have become very popular. There appeared many products such as facial cleansers, shampoos, soaps, and others.

1)Food and medicine

2)A berry of beauty

3)Name meaning

4)Strawberry events

5)Strawberry recipe

6)Strawberry brief facts A





  1. Лексико-грамматический тест. Преобразуй слова так, чтобы они грамматически подходили к содержанию текста .


It all started in 1865. A group of Frenchmen were having dinner in one of the most________ restaurants near Paris.



They talked about the democratic changes in the USA and wanted to support the American people. After a short_________ they agreed on an original idea.



The idea was suggested by Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi, a sculptor and______ .  He said they could make a statue of a woman holding the torch of freedom.



It was an ambitious project and it was ____________to complete it quickly.



It actually took 21 years for this idea to become a reality. The French people raised money to build the statue, and,__________ , in 1886 it was ready.


Напишите неформальное письмо или e-mail своему другу. 100-120 слов.

  1. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben.

I am so fond of Japanese cartoons, that I’ve decided to learn Japanese. Mum says it’s hard, but I think it’s worth it. Besides, their writing is cool! …

What languages do you learn at school? What other language would you like to learn, why? What do you think about my choice of Japanese? …

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

  1. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend,

... You know, I love history so much that maybe I’ll become a historian in the future. I think it is very interesting and important to know and understand your past. … 

... What school subjects do you find the most important? Is there any school subject that you’d like to study more and why? What career would you like to choose in the future?...

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Самостоятельная работа

по английскому языку для 9 класса

I Open the brackets and use ing-form verb, to-infinitive or infinitive without to

1. We are looking forward to (have) birthday party.

2. I don’t mind ( go) the cinema with my little brother.

3.Can your friend( speak) Russian?

4. I would love ( tell) you all the latest news.

5 .My pen-friend enjoys ( read) detective stories

6.We want( buy) tickets for the play in advance.

7 Do you remember ( switch) off the iron?

8 My coach makes me( train) twice a day.

9 They went ( buy) new jeans for me.

10 I ‘m looking forward to ( get) gifts on my birthday.

II Ask 6 questions to the text

History of advertising

To advertise means to make information public. But nowadays advertising doesn’t limit itself by a word ‘publicity’. Modern advertising has a task to show a product in a positive and pleasant way. It has an aim to make us want to buy it. But how and when did advertising appear?
The advertisement has existed since antiquity time. At first there were murals that informed about gladiator fights. In the middle Ages public heralds stood in the centre of the city and gave last news.

In the 15th century there was a good development of printing. After that posters and leaflets appeared. Two centuries later the first newspapers began to publish advertisements. But it is the 20th century when advertising really explodes. It followed the invention of radio and TV.

In the United States companies have worked with advertisers since 1930. They invented packaging that had to attract customers. They also created an idea of product placement. It means that a product is shown in the movies. After that it gets well-known and well-sold. For example, it was made with the luxury cars which were shown in James Bond films.

Nowadays the new territory of commercials is Internet with social networks. Small software called cookies allows offering ads according to the tastes of Internet users. Certainly, in the near future the commercial advertising will be personalized for each of us.

III You ‘ve got an email from your English pen-friend, Alan.

People say there is no place like home, but I wouldn’t call myself a stay-at-home type. I like visiting new places and meeting new people very much.

…Do you like travelling? How do you travel: with parents, friends or school? What’s your favourite way of travelling? Why?…


Write him a letter and answer his questions. Write 100 -120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


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