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Исследовательская работа по английскому языку "Mamedbekov Street".

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«Исследовательская работа по английскому языку "Mamedbekov Street".»

 Муниципальный конкурс «Лучший проект года на английском языке - 2021»  MAMEDBEKOV STREET OF OUR HOMETOWN DERBENT . Направление «Дербент – жемчужина Кавказа».   Выполнили: Мехралиева Сабина, Сулейманов Максим; ученики 7 «А» класса МБОУ «СОШ №16» Руководитель: Гаджиева З. М.

Муниципальный конкурс

«Лучший проект года на английском языке - 2021»


Направление «Дербент – жемчужина Кавказа».

Выполнили: Мехралиева Сабина,

Сулейманов Максим;

ученики 7 «А» класса

МБОУ «СОШ №16»

Руководитель: Гаджиева З. М.

  I ntroduction .    Derbent is one of the most ancient towns in the world. We were born here and we are proud of living here. Derbent is called the pearl of the Caucasus.

I ntroduction .

  • Derbent is one of the most ancient towns in the world. We were born here and we are proud of living here. Derbent is called the pearl of the Caucasus.
 The relevance of the project is that, our town is filled with a lot of museums, ancient sightseeings, modern and old streets. We usually like to go for a walk with our family and find new interesting places in my hometown…
  • The relevance of the project is that, our town is filled with a lot of museums, ancient sightseeings, modern and old streets. We usually like to go for a walk with our family and find new interesting places in my hometown…
 The purpose of the work is to find out more information about this street.
  • The purpose of the work is to find out more information about this street.
The object of research is Mamedbekov street.  To achieve this goal, We have identified the following tasks -find out interesting and useful material and information; -analyze the information; -prepare a survey and conduct.

The object of research is Mamedbekov street.

  • To achieve this goal, We have identified the following tasks
  • -find out interesting and useful material and information;
  • -analyze the information;
  • -prepare a survey and conduct.
Main part.   Every day our town is transformed, comfortable conditions are created for the citizens and our guests. As part of these works, Mamedbekov street was reconstructed…

Main part.

  • Every day our town is transformed, comfortable conditions are created for the citizens and our guests. As part of these works, Mamedbekov street was reconstructed…
People from different villages and districts of Daghestan came here to sell handmade carpets. Over time, the carpet market stopped working, and the street lost its attractive appearance.
  • People from different villages and districts of Daghestan came here to sell handmade carpets. Over time, the carpet market stopped working, and the street lost its attractive appearance.
Heavy rain on the night of October 9 to 10, 2012 became for Derbent, perhaps, the most destructive natural disaster in recent decades…
  • Heavy rain on the night of October 9 to 10, 2012 became for Derbent, perhaps, the most destructive natural disaster in recent decades…
In 2020 this street was planned to turn into a real recreation area with a busy life, where it would be interesting to spend time for native people and tourists.
  • In 2020 this street was planned to turn into a real recreation area with a busy life, where it would be interesting to spend time for native people and tourists.
Kerim Mamedbekov. As we said the street is named after one of the greatest and brave sons of Daghestan - Kerim Huseynovich Mamedbekov.

Kerim Mamedbekov.

  • As we said the street is named after one of the greatest and brave sons of Daghestan - Kerim Huseynovich Mamedbekov.
Kerim Mamedbekov.

Kerim Mamedbekov.

Survey We conducted a survey among our classmates and asked them some questions about this street. Twenty pupils took part in our questionnaire .


  • We conducted a survey among our classmates and asked them some questions about this street. Twenty pupils took part in our questionnaire .
Conclusion.   In the near future we are going to find information about the other streets of our ancient town. The goal of our creative project has been achieved, and the tasks in the course of the work have been fully completed.


  • In the near future we are going to find information about the other streets of our ancient town.
  • The goal of our creative project has been achieved, and the tasks in the course of the work have been fully completed.


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