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Итоговый тест по английскому языку для 5 класса (углубленное изучение)

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В тесте даны задания по чтению (True, False, Don't know), граммтические задания (на степени сравнения, времена глаголов и на придаточные условия и времени)

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«Итоговый тест по английскому языку для 5 класса (углубленное изучение)»


5 КЛАСС по УМК О.В. Афанасьевой

I. Reading. Прочитайте письмо и отметьте предложения после текста «T» , «F», «Dont know». Исправьте неверные предложения.

Dear Pete

Thank you for your letter.

I miss my friends and Liverpool a lot. People are very different here. They’re not very friendly and they laugh at me because of my accent. I think their accent is funny and I can’t understand them sometimes.

Bristol is all right. There is a lot to do – concerts, discos, cinemas. The shops are also good. And I like the countryside near Bristol. It’s fantastic. My dad and I go fishing at the weekends. We catch a lot of fish. We’re going fishing this afternoon. This evening I’m going to a pop concert. The name of the group is Coldplay.

The football in Bristol is a joke. There are two teams – Bristol City and Bristol Rovers. They’re so bad. The people here like them, of course, but they’re not Liverpool.

One great thing: I know an African girl, Lisa. I go to her house sometimes. She’s got fantastic CDs. We listen to them after dinner. The dinner is always great, too. Her Mum is a good cook. African food is really interesting, it is different. Lisa’s mum and dad aren’t very happy here. They think it’s boring. It’s too cold here and they used to hot climate. Lisa says Africa is warm and friendly.

Well, perhaps Bristol isn’t too bad. Can you come here in the summer? We’ve got a big flat and you can stay two or three weeks if you want to. We can go fishing and go to the beach near Bristol. And you can meet my new friends.

Do write back soon.

Best wishes,


1. Tom laughs at the Bristol accent.

2. He can never understand Bristol people.

3. There’s a lot to do in Bristol.

4. Bristol people only like the Bristol City team.

5. Lisa listens to a lot of African music.

6. Her mother makes good African food.

7. Lisa’s Mum and Dad think English food is boring.

8. In Africa it is warm in summer.

9. Tom wants to see Peter in Bristol.

10. They can go to the beach with Lisa.

II. Use of English. Напишите правильную форму глагола и закончите предложения.

1. If you (phone) Bob he will come tomorrow. 2. We (go) on an excursion when you come next time. 3. What will you do if you (get) a “2”? 4. If he (come) to see me on Sunday I (be) glad. 5. We (lay) the table when our friends (come).

III. Закончите предложения, используя степени сравнения прилагательного «good».

1. Our new house is very … . 2. It is …. than our old flat. 3. There are more rooms in our house and they are … than the rooms in the flat. 4. This is the …. house I’ve ever had.

IV. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1. She usually …. to school at 8 o’clock.

a) is going b) goes c) has gone d) went

2. I … my granny last week.

a) have visited b) visits c) is visiting d) visited

3. Look! It …. heavily in the street.

a) is raining b) rains c) rained d) has rained

4. He is the …. tennis player in our city

a) most famous b) famous c) famousest d) more famous

5. Peter wanted to know if Robert …. to London.

a) was b) is c) had been d) has been


5 КЛАСС по УМК О.В. Афанасьевой

I. Reading. Прочитайте письмо и отметьте предложения после текста «T» , «F», «Dont know». Исправьте неверные предложения.

Dear Pete

Thank you for your letter.

I miss my friends and Liverpool a lot. People are very different here. They’re not very friendly and they laugh at me because of my accent. I think their accent is funny and I can’t understand them sometimes.

Bristol is all right. There is a lot to do – concerts, discos, cinemas. The shops are also good. And I like the countryside near Bristol. It’s fantastic. My dad and I go fishing at the weekends. We catch a lot of fish. We’re going fishing this afternoon. This evening I’m going to a pop concert. The name of the group is Coldplay.

The football in Bristol is a joke. There are two teams – Bristol City and Bristol Rovers. They’re so bad. The people here like them, of course, but they’re not Liverpool.

One great thing: I know an African girl, Lisa. I go to her house sometimes. She’s got fantastic CDs. We listen to them after dinner. The dinner is always great, too. Her Mum is a good cook. African food is really interesting, it is different. Lisa’s mum and dad aren’t very happy here. They think it’s boring. It’s too cold here and they used to hot climate. Lisa says Africa is warm and friendly.

Well, perhaps Bristol isn’t too bad. Can you come here in the summer? We’ve got a big flat and you can stay two or three weeks if you want to. We can go fishing and go to the beach near Bristol. And you can meet my new friends.

Do write back soon.

Best wishes,


1. Tom laughs at the Bristol accent.

2. He can never understand Bristol people.

3. There’s a lot to do in Bristol.

4. Bristol people only like the Bristol City team.

5. Lisa listens to a lot of African music.

6. Her mother makes good African food.

7. Lisa’s Mum and Dad think English food is boring.

8. In Africa it is warm in summer.

9. Tom wants to see Peter in Bristol.

10. They can go to the beach with Lisa.

II. Use of English. Напишите правильную форму глагола и закончите предложения.

1. If you (read) this article you will learn a lot of interesting facts. 2. We (go) to London , when my parents have a holiday. 3. What will you do if you (find ) one million dollars? 4. If he (win) the match I (be) glad. 5. We (go) to the country when summer holidays (begin).

III. Закончите предложения, используя степени сравнения прилагательного «hot».

1. There are three …. months in summer . 2. July is the …. month. 3. June is …. than August. 4. I like summer month because they are sunny and hot.

IV. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1. She usually …. speaks English at home.

a) is speaking b) speaks c) has spoken d) spoke

2. She … her parents yesterday.

a) has visited b) visits c) is visiting d) visited

3. Look! He … the piano.

a) is playing b) plays c) played d) has played

4. John …. Peter to go away.

a)said b) asked c) answered d) wanted to know

5. Peter wondered if Tom …. to London the following year.

a) will go b) would go c) went d) is going


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