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Итоговая контрольная работа для 7 класса УМК «Английский язык» (авторы: В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова)

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Итоговая контрольная работа для 7 класса УМК «Английский язык» (авторы: В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова)

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«Итоговая контрольная работа для 7 класса УМК «Английский язык» (авторы: В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова)»

7 класс

Итоговая контрольная работа

по английскому языку

Вариант 1

  1. Write down 3 forms of the verbs and translate them into Russian.

















  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs. Only Passive Voice is used. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. It (decide) to build a large monument last year.

  2. This building (design) some years ago.

  3. Nowadays the law (support) by a lot of people.

  4. This phone (use) every day.

  5. The church (restore) next year.

  6. The statue (open) in 1834.

  7. The furniture (repair) by my uncle tomorrow.

  1. Rewrite the sentences into the Passive Voice.

  1. Nancy bought milk yesterday.

  2. Pupils use laptops during the lessons.

  3. They will design a new bridge in the city.

  1. Read the text and choose correct answers.

I was born and live in the city of Orenburg, the capital of the Orenburg Region, Russia. My native city is very old, it was (1) _____ in 1743. It was started as a (2) _____; it protected the territories near the Ural River. Today Orenburg is an important economic and cultural city that is (3) _____ in interesting sights. There are theatres, concert halls, museums, buildings of the 18th and 19th centuries and (4) _____ to historical events and people who contributed (5) _____ to the development of the region. Orenburg is famous (6) _____ wonderful Christian churches and Muslim mosques. My city is beautiful, comfortable and friendly, it (7) _____ our love and care.

1 1) housed 2) founded 3) appeared
2 1) fortress 2) prison 3) capital
3 1) rich 2) unique 3) known
4 1) squares 2) towers 3) monuments
5 1) to 2) in 3) for
6 1) in 2) for 3) by
7 1) protects 2) achieves 3) deserves

  1. Reading

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами A—F и  заголовками 1—7. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1.          It Gathers People Together

2.          The Best Place for Those Who Like Plants

3.          The Main Event in the Life of the Community

4.          Being Friendly Is Natural for Village People

5.          They Saw a Lot

6.          We Can Rebuild the Past

7.          We Still Need Them

A   Icons of the English life, pillar boxes stand like red and black soldiers. Surprisingly, most of them are still with us. They are recognised even in the modern world of the Internet. We’ve always worried that these necessary items may one day disappear or that     we might wake up and find them all painted yellow. But perhaps there is an agreement to protect them because of their important purpose.

В   England is nothing without its ancient trees. People think there are some ancient olive trees in Greece, but they have not achieved the fame of, say, Newton’s apple tree in Lincolnshire. We name our trees. They almost seem to speak to us, telling us something about the long period of history they have experienced. It is wonderful that there is something living today that was 3,000 or more years old at the time of the first Christmas.

С   The highlight of village life is the yearly fair, where the charities and local sellers have their sales; brass bands play; beautiful babies compete for prizes, so do dogs; children’s faces are painted; the bars attract customers; famous people play cricket; VIPs dress up and parade. The problem, of course, is British rain. Some villages also have a winter street fair, with Father Christmas instead of the carnival queen. A lot of people give months of work to these events, which are always visited by a great number of people.

D   Bonfire Night is a holiday from the past, but it’s the modern effect I care for. It should be made a national holiday. People may disagree about historic events, but it is one of the festivals that involve a lot of different people. In London, people of all ages and nationalities go to the streets and to the parks to enjoy themselves and feel happy. It is like a group hug for the coming winter.

  E    The tree museum in Westonbirt is not just a collection of trees, but a gigantic and unusually designed park, with wide avenues, rides and narrow walkways. Every corner makes you feel excited. And what trees are here! There are sequoias, magnolias, rhododendrons, pine trees of every kind, from a very rare Australian plant to ones which are higher than office buildings in London.

F    One day I was standing in front of my country house when a man, who I didn’t know, started talking to me. I thought I was prepared for all the things about the countryside that could make you feel nervous, the different kinds of trees, the emptiness, the bright colours of the wild flowers, but what I hadn’t been ready for was the friendliness. In London, nobody talks to you outside the house. That is why I was very surprised. But later I decided if I was go­ing to live in the country, I should learn to be friendly too.

















7 класс

Итоговая контрольная работа

по английскому языку

Вариант 2

  1. Write down 3 forms of the verbs and translate them into Russian.

















  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs. Only Passive Voice is used. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. This symbol (choose) by 2000 people 2 years ago.

  2. A new ship (build) in the city next year.

  3. Flowers (water) every day.

  4. This monument (visit) by tourists every day.

  5. The windows (clean) next Saturday.

  6. The monastery (create) by a famous architect in 1874.

  7. Soon this painting (give) to a museum.

  1. Rewrite the sentences into the Passive Voice.

  1. A famous author wrote this book last year.

  2. Students will do reports tomorrow.

  3. Sarah sings beautiful songs in the concerts.

  1. Read the text and choose correct answers.

I was born and live in the city of Orenburg, the capital of the Orenburg Region, Russia. My native city is very old, it was (1) _____ in 1743. It was started as a (2) _____; it protected the territories near the Ural River. Today Orenburg is an important economic and cultural city that is (3) _____ in interesting sights. There are theatres, concert halls, museums, buildings of the 18th and 19th centuries and (4) _____ to historical events and people who contributed (5) _____ to the development of the region. Orenburg is famous (6) _____ wonderful Christian churches and Muslim mosques. My city is beautiful, comfortable and friendly, it (7) _____ our love and care.

1 1) housed 2) founded 3) appeared
2 1) fortress 2) prison 3) capital
3 1) rich 2) unique 3) known
4 1) squares 2) towers 3) monuments
5 1) to 2) in 3) for
6 1) in 2) for 3) by
7 1) protects 2) achieves 3) deserves

  1. Reading

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами A—F и  заголовками 1—7. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1. Washington looks different from other cities.

2. How the city got its name.

3. You can't lose the way in the city.

4. The city provides a lot of fun.

5. Washington is a tourist city

6. Washington's exhibitions are attractive for adults and kids.

7. The city in which famous people are honoured.

A. Washington is the capital of the USA. The city was founded in 1791 on the Potomac River. The three businessmen, who were in charge of the capital's construction , named the city in honour of George Washington. George Washington was the first President of the USA, who chose the area for the capital. The main building of the city is the President's House, which is called the White House because it's white.

B. Washington is a large and important city but it doesn't look like most big cities in the USA. The buildings are not high because they can't be higher than the Capitol, the main building of Washington. It is the place where the United States Congress meets. The Capitol is one of the most magnificent historic places. All the tourists usually begin sightseeing from the Capitol.

C. To find your way around Washington is easy. There are four areas in the city which have names. You can always tell what area of the city you are in by looking at a street name. In two areas, the streets are numbered - 1st Street, 2nd Street and so on. In the other two areas, the streets are named after the letters of the alphabet - C Street, B Street and so on. After the letters are used up, street names become words in alphabetical order.

D. Washington is a city of historic places and its most famous ones are memorials to Presidents Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln. The Washington Monument is the world's tallest obelisk. It looks like a very big pencil. The Lincoln memorial is designed like a Greek temple. The Jefferson Memorial is the fourth on the List of America's Favourite Architecture.
E. There are a lot of places in Washington where unique cultural, historical or scientific masterpieces are kept. The National Gallery of Art houses one of the nation's finest collections of paintings, drawings, sculptures and prints. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History is the most popular one of the families. There are lots of hands-on activities for children there.

F. Washington offers different activities to amuse and interest people. The enjoy walking, picnicking, relaxing and participating in sports in the national parks and small city parks. Friendship Park is one of the best playgrounds with lots of attractions, tunnels and climbing structures. Its official name is Friendship Park but people know it as Turtle Park because of the five large statues in the play area.
















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