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Итоговый тест ( 7 класс) на закрепление лексико-грамматических навыков и умений.

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Итоговый лексико-грамматический тест - контроль  для 7 класса. Закрепление, Обобщение, Повторение.

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«Итоговый тест ( 7 класс) на закрепление лексико-грамматических навыков и умений.»

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 7 класс

Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or present continuous.

We _________________________ (feed) the chickens every morning at 6:30.

He ____________________________ (study) in his room at the moment, but he can meet us at the cinema later.

We ______________________________ (go) to the park this evening. Do you want to come with us?

I ________________________ (cook) dinner this evening, so please don’t be late.

____________________________ (you/enjoy) your trip to New York?

I usually _____________________ (visit) one of the museums.

I __________________________ (not/know) where she is.

______________________________ (he/like) the English countryside?

Hurry up! The play_______________________________ (start) in ten minutes.

I really have to go now. My plane _________________________ (leave) at 10:30.

Underline the correct word.

I think actors are more famous/most famous than singers.

I prefer thriller because the script are more interesting/most interesting than romances.

Madonna is most talented/more talented than Beyonce.

This song is the most successful/ more successful song ever!

She is more/most polite person I know.

He is not as good/better at football as his brother.

Bobby is a lot more/most talented than James.

This job is getting harder and harder/hardest.

He is by far the older/oldest person in the officer.

Complete the dialogues using the Past Simple or the Present Perfect of the verb in brackets.

A: _____________________ (you/ever/see/) the film ‘Titanic’?

B: No, but _______________________ (I/see) True Romance last night. _________________________ (I/always/love) romantic films.

A: (I/ never/ see) that movie. Is it good?

B: Yes, __________________ (I/love) it! It had great music too. I bought the CD.

A: _________________________ (you/ever/see) Shrek 2? There is great rock music in the movie!

B: No, but _______________________ (I/watch) The Lord of the Rings last week on TV and ________________________________ (I/think) the script was excellent.

A: Oh really? _____________________________ (I/not/see) that yet.

Fill in the question tags.

Camels live in the desert, ____________________________?

Sarah didn’t collect the cans and newspapers, ____________________________?

Sarah has called her mum, __________________________?

Gorillas are amazing animals, __________________________?

It can’t be true, _______________________?

The children are watching TV at the moment, __________________________?


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