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Комплексная работа по английскому языку для 5 класса

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«Комплексная работа по английскому языку для 5 класса»

Комплексная работа по английскому языку для 5 класса

  1. Read the text.

Dream town

In Dream town there is an old castle and a river, and there are a lot of fun things to do. There isn`t a beach but there is a big swimming pool with a fantastic water slide. And there are two cinemas and a big park. There isn`t a bus station but there is a railway station. There is a church and there are a lot of nice houses. There aren`t any supermarkets but there are a lot of shops.

Say if these statements true or false.

  1. There is a river. T/F

  2. There isn`t a beach. T/F

  3. There are a lot of shops. T/F

  4. There is a bus station. T/F

  5. There aren`t any cinemas. T\F

  1. Choose the right answer.

  1. I ….. my room on Saturday morning, but today I ….. my homework.

  1. usually tidy/ 'm doing

  2. 'm usually tiding/ do

  3. 'm usually tiding / 'm doing

  4. usually tidy/ do

2) I haven’t got ….sweets, but I’ve got …..chocolate bar.

a) some/a b) any/an c) any/a d) some/an

3) You …..wear shoes when you play beach volleyball.

a) have to b) can’t c) must

4) Children’s books

a) Книга детей b) Книги ребенка c) Книги детей

5) There ….. 30 pupils in our class.

a) were b) are c) is d)was

6) You learn to speak foreign language in your ….. lessons.

a) History b) IT c) English d) Geography

7) John always does his homework. He’s…..

a) talkative b) good at sport c) hard-working

8) My dad ( 85%) …..reads books in the evening.

a) never b) always c) usually

9) Do little job around the house means to…..

a) make the bed b) do the chores c)go food shopping

10) A ….. is the most intelligent animal.

a) chimpanzee b) buffalo c) tortoise

C. Complete the questionnaire about you.

1) What’s your name?

2) Where are you from?

3) What year are you in?

4) What are your favourite school subjects?

5) What’s your favourite food?


  1. 1)T 2)T 3)T 4) F 5)F

  2. 1)a 2)c 3)b 4)c 5)b 6)c 7)c 8)c 9)b 10)a


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