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Конспект урока по теме "The doll's house"

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«Конспект урока по теме "The doll's house"»

The lesson based on the books ‘Doll’s house by Sarah Pawell/My perfect doll’s house by Nichola Baxter’

(House and the family)

Описание материала: Конспект урока по теме: “House and the family” Урок может проводиться на основе любой книги по данной тематике. Этот материал отрабатывался на разноуровневых группах от 6 до 9 лет.

Цель урока: контроль усвоения и активизации пройденного лексического материала.

Задачи урока:

  • 1) практические: развитие лексико-грамматических навыков речи; развитие умения слушать и понимать иноязычную речь на слух.
    Повторение темы the family: mummy, daddy, brother, sister.

пополнение вокабуляра the house: bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen, roof, lamp, sofa, bed, table, tree.

2)общеобразовательные: расширение общего кругозора учащихся, расширение словарного запаса.

3) воспитательные: формирование стремления к совершенствованию своей речевой практической деятельности; совершенствование коммуникативной культуры ученика; воспитание внимания, умения слушать друг друга.

4) развивающие: развитие способности к сравнению и сопоставлению, формулированию выводов из прочитанного и услышанного.

Примечания: Урок рассчитан на 60 минут, но при желании может быть расширен до 1,5 часов. Насыщенность материала позволит это сделать.

Оборудование: PB (personal book - printed for each student),flashcards, crayons or pencils.

Greeting ( 4 min)

T (Teacher): Hello, how are you?

Ps (Pupils): We are fine, thank you/I am fine/ Great/ Good/ I am good, thank you.

The teacher shows the books.

T: What are these?

Ps: Books! /These are books.

T: Whose books are these?

Ps: These are our books. /My books!/ Mine.

T: Now take the books and write your names here.

Introduction and activity with PB (6 min)

T: Today we will talk about family and the house!

The teacher asks the pupils to open their PB.

T: And now look at your book’s cover! (PB) Can you see the house? Can you see the rooms? It’s a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen and a living room!

T: Now let’s play a game! Let’s use different movements to show in which room we are.

T: And in the kitchen we eat! Yummy! Show me it!

T: In the bathroom we brush the teeth, show me how you brush your teeth!

T: And in the living room we read books! Yes, well done!

T: And in the bedroom we sleep! Show me how you’re sleeping!

The pupils show the movements.

Activity 2 (6 min)

*Before the lesson the teacher prints four cards with the words ‘bathroom’, ‘kitchen’, ‘bedroom’, ‘living room’. Then he puts them at different sides of the room. At the beginning the teacher also shows the pupils how to play this game.

T: Let’s play a game! I turn the song on and you run and dance, but when it stops you should freeze! And then you tell me in which room you are!

The music stops.

T: Where are you?

P: I am in the kitchen!

Activity 3 (3 min)

T: Ok, children, tell me, what do we do in the bedroom?

Ps: Sleep.

T: Yes, we sleep in the bedroom. And what do we do in the bathroom?

P: We brush our teeth in the bathroom!

P: We take a bath in the bathroom.

T: Right! And what do we do in the kitchen?

P: We cook in the kitchen!

P: We eat in the kitchen.

T: Ok, and what do we do in the living room?

P: We watch TV in the living room!

Activity 4 – The song ‘Where’s Chuckles?’ (15 min)

The teacher asks the pupils to open their PB and find the words of the song ‘Where’s Chuckles?’

The teacher reads the words of the song to the pupils.

During the song each of the pupils should take their Chuckles from the PB and to move its figure, using the house on the cover of the PB, as his house.

*We place Chuckles on the roof and then move him according to the words in the song.

T: Say: Chuckles is in the house.

Ps: Chuckles is in the house. (The pupils put Chuckles on the roof)

T: Say: Chuckles is in the tree.

Ps: Chuckles is in the tree. (The pupils put Chuckles away from the house)

T: Say: Chuckles is…

The teacher turns the song on (first part about Chuckles). And the kids listen to it and sing.

After that the teacher asks the pupils to stand up and to march with him. The teacher turns the first part of the song on and they move from one card to another (the teacher puts the cards with the things mentioned in the song on the floor).

Activity 5 (10 min) – talking about the family members

T: Let’s cut out the cards with the family members and then colour them.

T: Ok, who’s this?

Ps: This is Daddy.

T: What is he wearing?

Ps: He’s wearing a T-shirt and jeans.

T: What colour are they? What colour is the T-shirt?

The pupils answer the questions.

T: Who’s this? Is this a sister?

Ps: No, this is not a sister, this is a brother.

T: What is he wearing?

Ps: He’s wearing a T-shirt and jeans.

T: What colour are they? What colour is the T-shirt?

The pupils answer the questions.

T: Who’s this?

Ps: This is Mummy.

T: What is she wearing?

Ps: She’s wearing a dress

T: What is your favorite colour? (The teacher asks one of the pupils)

P: Red!

T: So colour it red!

T: And now let’s colour the shoes of all the family members!

Activity 6 – pair work (3 min)

T: Ok, kids let’s play a game!

The teacher puts the card with the mummy on the picture of the kitchen.

T: Where is Mummy?

Ps: She is in the kitchen.

The teacher puts the card with the brother on the picture of the bedroom.

T: Where is a brother?

Ps: He is in the bedroom

T: And now you should play this game with your partner. One of you takes a card and puts it on the room, and then he asks the question. His partner answers and puts his picture, then asks the question.

The pupils ask each other questions and answer them.

Activity 7 – the song(6 min)

The teacher reads the lines of the song and asks the pupils to repeat after him and to put the cards with the family members and Chuckles, according to his words. (use the picture of the house from the PBs).

T: Where’s Chuckles? He’s in the house! Say: Where’s Chuckles? He’s in the house!

Ps: Where’s Chuckles? He’s in the house! (The pupils put Chuckles on the picture of the house)

Then the teacher turns the song on and asks the pupils to listen to it and move the cards as they did it before. After that he turns the music on again and the pupils sing a song with him.

Warming-up before the game (4 minutes)

The teacher shows the cards with the furniture (the same as we use in the game down below) and asks the pupils to show the movements: the table – putting the elbows on it; the chair – sitting on it; the bed – sleeping; the sofa – watching TV, the lamp – turn the lamp on/off.

*If you have enough time, you can play with the pupils the game, when one of them shows the card and others show the movements.

Activity 8 – game ‘Snap’ (10 min)

Game ‘Snap!’

*Game rules: Before the lesson the teacher prepares the flashcards (five copies of each picture– print and cut). The teacher can arrange the cards before the lesson to make sure all the pupils will be happy.

The kids are sitting in a circle. The teacher puts the cards in a pile face down in front of the kids. One by one pupils take one card from the pile and name the word. When someone takes the same object as the student right before him, it’s a snap.

Everyone can touch the pile and say: ’Snap’. The one, who did it first, and whose hand is beneath the hands of other pupils wins all the cards, which were collected during this round.

Activity 9 – work with the PB (6 min)

The teacher asks the pupils to open their PBs. They should fill the gaps and colour the rooms.

The additional activity 9 – work with the PB (3 min)

The teacher asks the pupils to colour the objects in the house.

The end of the lesson (1 min)

T: Thank you very much! I had a great time with you, kids! What words did we revise today?

The teacher shows the cards and names them. The pupils repeat after him.

T: Great! You are the best! Good bye! See you later, alligator!

Ps: Bye-bye, butterfly!


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