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Конспект урока "Лица Лондона"

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Конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе на тему "Лица Лондона" к учебнику М,З. Биболетовой "Английский с удовольствием"

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«Конспект урока "Лица Лондона"»

Урок 3

Тема: Лица Лондона.

Целu урока:

  1. введение и первичное закрепление введенного речевого образца «I have been to …» в устной речи;

  2. тренировка навыков диалогической речи;

  3. активизация навыков чтения.

Оборудование: картинки достопримечательностей Лондона.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент

Цель: настроить учащихся на доброжелательное общение на английском языке, ознакомить с целями урока.

- Good morning, boys and girls! (Good morning, Marina Vladimirovna!)

- I аm glad to seу you. (We are glad to see you too.)

- How аrе you'? (We аrе finе, thаnk you, and how are you?)

- I'm fine, thank you.

- Who is absent today? (All pupils are present.

- And ,who is оn duty today'? (Kate is оn duty today.)

- OК. Let's start оur work.

  1. Речевая разминка

- Hello, Kristina. Nice to see you. How are you? (I am fine, thank you. How are you?)

- I am fine too. And what about you, Vova? How are you? (I am fine, thank you.)

- I am glad to hear that. The weather is pleasant today, isn’t it? (Oh, yes. I agree with you. It’s rather warm.)

- Nina, I’d like to ask you a question. (You are welcome. What would you ask me about?)

- They say “When the man is tired of London he is tired of life”. Do you agree with this statement? (I agree with it. There are many places to visit in London. It is interesting to visit them. But a man can be tired of London. It is a big city, a capital of Great Britain. It is can be noisy and busy.)

- Do you agree with Nina? Do you want to live in London or to visiy it? Why?

- Well done. Thank you very much.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка

Цель: отработка звуков.

- Look at the blackboard, please. You can see four lists of English words. Can you read them?

- Who is ready to start?

Запись на доске:

course art wax sight

corner museum magic mind

watch park madam guide

born garden statue speaker

author grass famous sign

north star character bright

Лишнее слово: 1 столбик – watch (потому что все слова содержат длинный гласный звук, а данное слово – краткий; 2 столбик – museum - все слова, кроме данного слова читаются со звуков [a:]; 3 столбик – famous – все слова кроме этого, читаются со звуком [æ]; 4 столбик – speaker – все слова, кроме данного содержат звук [ai].

  1. Введение речевого образца «I have been to»

- I want you to open your books, page 79 and look at the table “Grammar Discoveries”. Yesterday we read and acted out the dialogue from exercise 3, page 79 and used the sentences with “I have been to…”. Will you read the examples from the table, please? В предложениях с данным речевым образцом мы часть встречаем слова «never» - никогда и «ever» - когда-нибудь. Данные слова стоят перед смысловыми глаголами.

Необходимо обратить внимание учащихся на употребление слова to в данное конструкции, а также на место в предложении слов-маркеров (never, ever).

  1. Первичное закрепление речевого образца «I have been to …» в устной речи

  • Will you read the task of exercise 4, page 79? Work in pairs and ask each other? Use the names of different places and cities.

  • And now let’s do exercise 5, page 79.

  1. Физкультминутка.

  2. Актуализация навыков чтения.

- The next task for you is to work out the dialogue. You’ll have to put the sentences in the logical order. Then we shall read this dialogue aloud. It’s exercise 7, page 79.

  1. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.

- It’s your turn to make up the dialogues. Take the pictures from my table, please. They will help you to complete the dialogue from exercise 8, page 80. work in pairs and in three minutes we shall listen to your dialogues.

  1. Разучивание нового стихотворения.

- Now we shall listen to the new poem. It is called “Little girl”/ be careful and remember the questions to the girl. Shut your books, please. What are the questions? (Where have you been? What did she give you? What did you say for it?) Listen to the speaker and repeat the poem after him/ you may open your textbooks, page 80, exercise 9. you will learn this poem by heart at home

  1. Итог урока.

- Do you like our lesson today? What do you like to do? It’s time to say “good-bye”.

Mind the clock

And keep the rule:

Try to come

In time to school.

- Оur lesson is оvеr. Good-bye, boys and girls!

Домашнее задание: упр. 9, стр. 80 – выучить стихотворение наизусть, упр. 1, стр. 98


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