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Контрольная работа для 4 класса " Past Simple"

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Контрольная работа в 4 классе по теме " Past Simple"

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«Контрольная работа для 4 класса " Past Simple"»

4 Form

1 variant

  1. Write the words.

m-s- - m

-in-s- - -

c- - c-r-



  1. Match the verbs.

  1. Be, was, were been

  1. спать

  1. Come, came, come

  1. плавать

  1. Swim, swam, swum

  1. быть

  1. Go, went, gone

  1. встречать

  1. Meet, met, met

  1. идти

  1. Sleep, slept, slept

  1. приходить

  1. Write the verbs in Past Simple.

  1. I (come) back home at 4 o’clock yesterday.

  2. We (be) in park yesterday.

  3. They (meet) their friends in the zoo.

  4. She (swim) in the swimming pool yesterday.

  5. He (sleep) in a tent yesterday.

  6. You (go) to school at 8 o’clock yesterday.

  1. Write the verbs in Past Simple.

  1. I (wash) my dog yesterday.

  2. You (clean) your room yesterday.

  3. He (play) football yesterday.

  4. She (paint) the picture yesterday.

  5. They (cook) pizza yesterday.

  6. We (watch) a funny film yesterday.

  1. variant

  1. Write the words.


m-s- - m


-in-s- - -

c- - c-r-

  1. Match the verbs.

  1. Be, was, were been

  1. спать

  1. Come, came, come

  1. плавать

  1. Swim, swam, swum

  1. быть

  1. Go, went, gone

  1. встречать

  1. Meet, met, met

  1. идти

  1. Sleep, slept, slept

  1. приходить

  1. Write the verbs in Past Simple.

  1. I (wash) my dog yesterday.

  2. You (clean) your room yesterday.

  3. He (play) football yesterday.

  4. She (paint) the picture yesterday.

  5. They (cook) pizza yesterday.

  6. We (watch) a funny film yesterday.

  1. Write the verbs in Past Simple.

  1. I (come) back home at 4 o’clock yesterday.

  2. We (be) in park yesterday.

  3. They (meet) their friends in the zoo.

  4. She (swim) in the swimming pool yesterday.

  5. He (sleep) in a tent yesterday.

  6. You (go) to school at 8 o’clock yesterday.


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