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Kurmanjan Datka Queen of the Mountains.

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«Kurmanjan Datka Queen of the Mountains.»

Kurmanjan Datka.  It is a historical epic drama directed by Sadyk Sher Niyaz.

Kurmanjan Datka. It is a historical epic drama directed by Sadyk Sher Niyaz.

Main characters:

Main characters:

Plot of the film. The film tells the true story of the remarkable life of Kurmanjan Datka,a courageous woman who preserves the country and saves the nation. At the age of 18,Kurmanjan is forced into an arranged marriage to a man she doesn’t love.Shebreaks the tradition and rides back home.

Plot of the film.

The film tells the true story of the remarkable life of Kurmanjan Datka,a courageous woman who preserves the country and saves the nation.

At the age of 18,Kurmanjan is forced into an arranged marriage to a man she doesn’t love.Shebreaks the tradition and rides back home.

The actors are high skilled.Espessially Elina abay kyzy on horse back.The scenery in the film is so spectacular thet will both entertain and amaze viewer.

The actors are high skilled.Espessially Elina abay kyzy on horse back.The scenery in the film is so spectacular thet will both entertain and amaze viewer.

All in all,I really liked the film because it depicts atrue story of a really brave and strong woman.

All in all,I really liked the film because it depicts atrue story of a really brave and strong woman.


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