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Мастер-класс «ART IS LONG, LIFE IS SHORT» «Жизнь коротка, искусства вечно»

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Презентация опыта работы по применению интерактивных технологий на уроках английского языка посредством произведений изобразительного искусства.

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«Мастер-класс «ART IS LONG, LIFE IS SHORT» «Жизнь коротка, искусства вечно»»

Формирование предметных и

межпредметных связей

на уроках английского языка

через произведения изобразительного искусства


Мастер-класс учителя английского языка

Гимназии Культуры мира

города Дербента

Шихбабаевой Зульфы Князевны

e-mail: zshikhbabaeva@mail.ru

тел: 89285431318

- с применением интерактивных технологий;

- технологии виртуальной реальности (посещение известных музеев посредством очков виртуальной реальности, знакомство с известными шедеврами живописи).

Тема: «Жизнь коротка, искусства вечно»

Цель: Презентация опыта работы по применению интерактивных технологий на уроках английского языка посредством произведений изобразительного искусства.

Предлагаемый вашему вниманию мастер-класс по английскому языку "Английский через искусство" реализует следующие задачи:

- развитие коммуникативной компетенции и навыков изучающего чтения с использованием таких интерактивных технологий, как «информационный пробел», «скрайбинг», «мозговой штурм» и т. д;

- умение добывать недостающую информацию из текста, активизация лексики на тему «Искусство»;

- развитие навыков умения работать в команде;

- развитие социокультурной компетенции, которая поможет ориентироваться в достижениях культуры, в выборе культурно приемлемых форм взаимодействия с людьми из англоязычных стран в условиях межкультурного общения;

- привитие чувства прекрасного через произведения изобразительного искусства;

- виртуальное посещение Лувра (посредством виртуальных очков).

Для реализации поставленных целей были выбраны интерактивные технологии обучения. Интерактивное обучение на уроках иностранного языка невозможно без общения. Интерактивные методы предусматривают моделирование жизненных ситуаций, использование ролевых игр, совместное решение проблем. Исключается доминирование какого-либо участника учебного процесса или какой-либо идеи. Из объекта воздействия ученик превращается в субъект взаимодействия, он сам активно участвует в процессе обучения, следуя своим индивидуальным маршрутом.

Процесс обучения в течение всего урока предусматривает использование различных приемов обучения, современных ТСО, VR очков, наглядности, презентации “Power Point”.

I. Introductory Talk

- Good morning, my dear friends! I am glad to meet you and hope that today we will spend a fruitful and pleasant time together. And to understand what we are going to talk about, let's have a look at the screen.

( video)

- Your ideas? What do you think about the title of our lesson?

- You are right! Our lesson is devoted to Art. "Art is long, life is short - said ancient Romans." Do you agree with it? What is Art for you? What types of art do you remember? (theatre, painting, photography, cinema, sculpture, music, literature)

II. Brainstorming (прием «мозговой штурм»)

Мозговой штурм – техника, цель которой активизировать мыслительный процесс. Brainstorming может быть полезен подходит для начала изучения новой темы, при подготовке школьников к чтению, обсуждению какой-либо проблемы или написанию эссе. Мозговой штурм не предполагает дискуссии, учащиеся просто выражают свои мысли и активизируют уже известную лексику, а также это мотивирует их на прочтение текста.

- What famous artists and paintings do you know? What made them universilly-recognised, in your opinion? Now use the second conditional and finish the sentence:” If I were a painter…”

- Every artist tells us his interesting story. But instead of words he uses a canvas, a brush and paints. (The pictures of talented artists can "speak", they teach us to understand life better, to show people's true feelings, and open their inner world.

- In order to do our next task (Information Gap Activity) you should be divided into two groups. I will give you texts about one of the best known French painters Pierre Auguste Renoire. The texts are identical but gaps in the texts are different. To fill in the gaps you will have to ask questions to the other group. Is everything clear?

III. Information Gap («Информационный пробел»)

Группам учащихся даются идентичные тексты или таблицы с пробелами, но пробелы расставлены в разных местах. Задача группы – заполнить текст/таблицу,задавая вопросы другой группе. Запрашиваемая информация может варьироваться от очень простой до сложной. Задание способствует развитию изучающего чтения, умению строить вопросительные предложения и добывать нужную информацию. Предварительно дети знакомятся с новыми словами, если такие есть в тексте.


To complete the text you have to ask questions the other group. Example: When was Pierre-Auguste Renoir born?

The Beauty Remains, The Pain Passes

Pierre-Auguste Renoir, one of the most famous artists of the 20th century, was born in _ , in Limoges (France). In 1844 his family moved to ______ in search of more favorable prospects.

There Renoir decided to study painting seriously and entered the studio of Charles Gleyre, where he made friends with other young artists: Claude Monet, Frederic Bazille, and Sezanne. Later in 1871 they organized their first impressionist exhibition.

In ______ " the red period" of his art began because of his preferences to red and pink colours. " The Walk", " Red Roses", " Gabriella in a Red Blouse" belong to this period.

During the last decade of his life Renoir was almost paralized but continued to paint. Once Matisse, his close friend, watched the elder painter working in his studio. When he saw Renoir fighting terrible pain, Matisse said: " ____________ __________________________________________________?" Renoir answered simply: " The beauty remains, the pain passes".


To complete the text you have to ask questions the other group. Example: Where was Pierre-Auguste Renoir born?

The Beauty Remains, The Pain Passes

Pierre-Auguste Renoir, one of the most famous artists of the 20th century, was born in 1841, in _______ ____. In 1844 his family moved to Paris in search of more favorable prospects.

There Renoir decided to study painting seriously and entered the studio of Charles Gleyre, where he made friends with other young artists: _______________________________. Later in 1871 they organized their first impressionist exhibition.

In 1919 " the red period" of his art began because of his preferences to red and pink colours. Such paintings as "__________________", "____________________________", "_____________________" belong to this period.

During the last decade of his life Renoir was almost paralized but continued to paint. Once Matisse, his close friend, watched the elder painter working in his studio. When he saw Renoir fighting terrible pain, Matisse said: " Auguste, why do you continue to paint when you are in such agony?" Renoir answered simply: " __________________________________".

-Well done! Now I want you to pay attention to my little private collection. One of my hobbies is cross-stiching. These embroidered pictures are reproductions of famous paintings. Your guesses which of them belongs to the brush of Renoir? Find the name of the painting in the text.

IV. – And now I’ve prepared different tasks for both groups. The first group will have to put paragraphs chronologically to complete the story of a masterpiece. Everything you need you have on your desks – paper, scissors, glue, pictures, felt-tip pens. Your task is called Scribing. A true masterpiece is not just a painting; it often keeps some philosophical ideas. And one of the most inscrutable you are going to learn in several minutes. You may begin.

- The second group, your task is Matching famous painting with their descriptions. All necessary are on the desks. You may start as well.

Scribing («скрайбинг аппликационный или ручной») - процесс организации групповой работы, при котором активно используются техники интерактивной визуальной коммуникации. Ребята собирают «Историю одного шедевра» в хронологическом порядке, параллельно дополняя его своими рисунками, ключевыми словами либо заранее подготовленными аппликациями. Затем поочередно его рассказывают, презентуя свой продукт всему классу. При компьютерном скрайбинге весь процесс создания проекта записывается либо в приложении, либо на камеру.


The story of one masterpiece

Leonardo Da Vinci's ‘Last Supper’ is one of the most famous paintings in history. Da Vinci began the work in 1495 and completed around 1498. Before he could paint the thirteen figures, it was necessary to find the right faces for Jesus and Judas.

One Sunday at church he saw a young man in the choir who had the features of love, tenderness, innocence, compassion and kindness on his face. There was no doubt, it was Jesus for his " Last Supper"!

Years went by, but the painting was still not completed. Da Vinci could not find the suitable model for Judas. And finally he got lucky. A hopeless drunkard was brought to the painter's workshop. When the painting was finished, the drunker admitted that he had seen it before. "Several years ago I sang in the choir and led a right way of life. That time one artist came to me with an offer to be as the model for the Lord.

So according to historians' opinions Jesus and Judas are the same person in different periods of life. This metaphore shows that Kindness and Evil walk side by side and there is a subtle line between them.

-Your story serves as an important reminder of the power we have over our experiences and emotions. I will tell you one more. An old Indian is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?” The old Indian simply replied, “The one you feed.”

- Let us return to Group 2. Are you ready?


Although ‘the Scream’ by Edward Munch is considered unblessed and everyone who even touches it will be unhappy, the painting has been stolen 4 times since 1994. The original name of the picture is ‘The Scream of Nature’.

‘The Starry Night’ by Van Gogh was painted when he was treated in the mental hospital (just after cutting his ear). It is notable that this incredible view he could see through his ugly iron-barred window.

‘In every Russian landscape there is water, trees and even air. But the soul is only in Savrasov's Rooks.’ - Kramskoy said. Savrasov was the first to be able to open the soul and the beauty of Russian Nature.

Currently, most of Hans Zatska's paintings reside in private collections. There are a lot of religious pieces but he is more known for fantastic plots: paintings of fairies, mermaids and angels.

- Good of you! You have coped with the task! Now I want to present you two more reproductions of paintings. You guess who the author is. You are right! They belong to the brush of the Austrian artist Hans Zatska. One can recognize them by magical creatures.

- What about this one? It is a reproduction of ‘The rooks have arrived’. Do you know where it is situated? Can you say that the painting is sounding? What sounds can you hear?

V. Virtual visiting the Louvre

- Do you know what painting is considered the most famous and mysterious of all times? (Mona Liza) Do you agree with it? Who is the author? (Leonardo da Vinchi) Where is it situated? (In France in the Louvre)

-Do you want to have a look at her? Then I offer you to put on your VR glasses and let us go a trip to France.

(Virtual visit the Louvre)

VI. Reflection.

-Now it's high time to answer some questions about the lesson. What have you learned? What was new/difficult for you?

-Unfortunately, our lesson is over. Thank you for your job, my dear students. I hope that you all liked our lesson.Иририририиририририрп


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