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Ovchinnikova Anastasiya Sergeevna

MBOU “School of Urojhainoye”


Nowadays, teachers try to find some good methods for their teaching. It is a big problem for modern teachers, because students are different, especially, modern generation and they always need new methods. Case study could solve this problem. Some teachers use cases because they believe that students learn more when they are at the center of the process.

In fact, the case study method is a powerful student-centered teaching strategy that can impart students with critical thinking, communication, and interpersonal skills. This method helps teacher to have and foster meaningful and interesting discussions with the students.

Before using this method, we must understand the meaning of «case». A case is a story. Cases recount - as objectively and meticulously as possible - realistic events or problems so that students experience the complexities, ambiguities, and uncertainties. Case formats vary. They can be formal written cases, a lead newspaper article, a movie clip, a radio/TV news story, a picture, a mathematical word problem, a piece of art [1].

In other words, cases illustrate issues and factors typical of the kind of problem under examination. Case teaching is learner centered, characterized by intense interaction between instructor and student as well as among students in a group.

Today, the case study method isn`t new, but still very actual and effective in teaching. Teachers always try to use this method for better results of their lessons, but it`s very important to know how to use it. This method gives good results even at primary school, but teacher must know how to organize it right. Of course, case study is a wonderful method of teaching for the high school learners. High school learners are more experienced and can make more decisions how to solve the problem. It makes the conversations more interesting and resultative. The method contribute students for thinking and development their cognitive skills. We know, self-development is very important for students. Case study also helps to improve it.

It also engages students so completely, the method also works well as a teaching strategy designed to reach different learning styles; by doing so, case teaching helps students learn “how to learn”—a skill valuable in any workplace [5].

C. Roland Christensen argues that student involvement develops on at least three distinct levels:

At first glance it`s not difficult to work using case study but it`s wrong opinion. Teacher must be prepared. We must control the process, know where to help and how to help students. The principal constraint in case teaching is time—cases take a lot of it. In short, case teachers are risk takers, willing to experiment with pedagogies that promise to turn classrooms into active learning communities.

“Know all the issues involved in the case, prepare questions and prompts in advance, and anticipate where students might run into problems” [1].

Students need to know exactly what they are expected in order to be successful in class. The text also must have a problem that students could experience in their live or just imagine it. It`s the second step of case method. The first one is a teacher`s preparation for the lesson. Case studies force students into real-life situations to require them to get involved in managerial communication. After that, students try to find the ways of solving this problem. Give students ample time to read and think about the case. Teachers shouldn`t forget that some students also need their help, so control the process and listen to your students attentively.

It would be better if students mention to the groups. They can find many decisions together. Discussing their decisions in groups, they also analyze their advantages and disadvantages. The last step is a very important because the group should choose the better way of solving the problem and explain it. At last, there is a little conversation between the students and teacher, where the teacher could understand results of endeavors. Having students, complete assignments based on the case study will not only engage them with the material, but will help you determine their progress.

“At the first level, students explore a problem by sorting out relevant facts, developing logical conclusions, and presenting them to fellow students and the instructor. The students discuss someone else’s problem; their role is that of the commentator - observer in a traditional academic sense. On the second level, students can be ass igned roles in the case, and take on perspectives that require them to argue for specific actions from a character’s point of view, given their interests and knowledge. Finally, on the third level, students will take the initiative to become fully involved, so that topics are no longer treated as abstract ideas, but become central to the student’s sense of self - of what they would choose to do in a specific real world situation” [4].

It can be difficult to see the success or failures of case method right away, but there are some ways to track if a particular case is having positive outcomes. During the course, judge if the students are making substantive headway into the material without having to be led by the hand [2].

On the whole, it should be said that advance preparation by the teacher, suitability of the course syllabus, students’ motivation, authenticity of materials and activities in which the learners are involved, as well as adequacy of the assessment measures and objectives pursued in the case, provide the key to the success of the Case Method [6].

Case study makes English classes more interesting and helps to develop problem-solving skills, train managerial communication skills, encourage collaborative learning and team-working skills in the language learner and get you thinking and brainstorming. Experienced teachers know that it`s very important in our profession. The new standards of teaching require new methods for developing personal and intellectual skills. The case study method could help teachers with it.


  1. Case studies. Design & Teach a Course, Carnegie Mellon. [Электронный ресурс] / 2008. Режим доступа:


  1. Garvin, D. Participant-centered learning and the case method: A Case study teacher in action. / D. Garvin. - Harvard Business School. [Электронный ресурс] / 2004. Режим доступа:

[http://Garvin, 2004/multimedia/pcl/pcl_1/start.html]

  1. Vicki L. G., Mark Boyer, Patrice Franco. The ABCs of Case Teaching / L. G. Vicki, Mark Boyer, Patrice Franco. – Institute for the study of diplomacy: Georgetown University, 2000. – 84 p.

  2. Teaching with case studies. Speaking of Teaching, Stanford University Newsletter on Teaching. [Электронный ресурс] / 1994. – 4 p. Режим доступа:


  1. Young R.E. and Eble K.E. , eds. Student Learning and College Teaching / R.E. Young and K.E. Eble . – College Teaching and Learning: Preparing for New Commitments—New Directions for Teaching and Learning : San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1998.

  2. Куимова М. В. The use of case study method in teaching English as a foreign language in technical university / М. В. Куимова . — 2010. — №1-2. Т. 2. – 86 с.


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