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Олимпиада 8 класс: английский язык

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 8  grade

I tour

I. Vocabulary Zone

Total – 23 points


Task 1. Name the objects. One example (0) has been done for you. Eg.: 0. – wave









0                                                                                          2                                      3                                                                          5


1 right answer = 1 point

Total= 5 points


Task 2. Match sentences (a-h) with pictures (1-8).  One


0. Her father used to whistle while driving.

a. My sister rode a bike when she was a student.

b. Jim enjoys swimming.

c. Mr. Carter does not like cooking.

d. His daddy kisses his small son.

e. They are training before the annual running marathon.

f. Jessica is good at sports.

g.  Mary dreams every night.

h  I hate when children are crying.




1 right answer = 1 point

Total= 8 points




Task 3. Put the letters in the correct order to create an English word. All words are object you may find in a house. One example (o) has been done for you. Eg: o -breeze


o. eeezrb

1. bthgir

2. ercastvo

3. asev

4. sssscori

5. uoacpbrd


1 right answer = 1 point

Total= 5 points


Task 4.  Choose the correct answer. Eg: 0- a

  1. The Statue of Liberty is situated ….

a) New York   b) London      c) Washington    d) Astana

1. A double-decker is ... .

a) a train, b) a small plane, с) a hotel room for two people, d) a bus

2. The common name for a toy bear in England is ... .

a) Michael-bear, b) Tom-bear, c) Teddy-bear, d) Jack-bear.

3. The "Dynasty" is an American ... .

a) opera, b) soap opera, c) musical, d) documentary.

4. The Crown Jewels are in ... .

a) the Tower of London, b) Buckingham Palace, c) Westmin ster Palace, d) the British Museum.

5. St. Patrick is the patron of... .

a) Wales, b) England, c) Ireland, d) Scotland.



1 right answer = 1 point

Total= 5 points






































8 grade

I tour

II. Grammar Zone

Total – 20 points


Task 1. Choose the correct variant.

  1. Sally must be talking to her mom because I have been getting a(n) ______ (answer/chat/busy signal) for two hours.
  2. I never answer my _____ (cordless/cell phone/pay phone) while I’m driving.
  3. Mark always turns his ____ (ringer/other line/call display) off when he is studying.
  4. You have to ____ (answer/hang up/dial) “0” for the operator.
  5. I have a ____ (receiver/busy signal/cordless) so I can do the dishes and chat at the same time.
  6. I know it was my friend who called because I have a ____ (dial tone/call display/directory).


1 right answer = 1 point

Total= 6 points


Task 2. Ask the following questions in written form. One example (0) has been done for you.

Eg: 0-Where will he travel next month?

0.      He will travel to London next month. (Where?)

1.      There are twenty children in our class (How many children?)

2.      She will start her work tomorrow (When?)

3.      I am a pupil of her fifth form (Who?)

4.      They opened the window two hours ago (What?)

5.      My friends are from Great Britain (Where?)


1 right answer = 2 point

Total= 10 points


Task 3. For questions 1 - 5 fill in the correct form of the words in brackets.

Eg: 0- revise

  1. I have a lot of ……………………. (revise) to do before the exams.
  2. That  man is a very ………………. (fame) actor.
  3. She is well-known for her ………………… (kind) to others.
  4. Those shoes are too ………………………. (expense) for me to buy.
  5. He was determined to win the ……………………. (compete).



1 right answer = 1 point

Total= 4 points










8 grade

I tour

III. Writing

Total – 20 points

Your family is visiting Astana next month. You have relative called Saule who also lives in Astana. You would like to meet here when you go to Astana.

Write an  email to Saule. In your email, you should:

  • say when your family is coming to Astana
  • ask if you can meet up, and suggest a day
  • suggest what you can do together


Write 45-65 words





Total -20points






































8 grade

II tour

IV. Listening

Total – 10 points

 Task 1 


You will now hear the girl’s monologue about leaving away from home. Listen and answer questions 1 -10

 ( true or false).

How does it feel to move away from home?

        Hello, my name is Diana. I am going to tell you how it feels to move away from home where you’ve lived all your life. Some people likes places where they live, others don’t, but, of course, we all get used to the same routine and become comfortable where we are. And while moving we leave something behind which can be friends, family or even items close to us. Work is very important for my parents and they both have good careers. Usually one of them is off on a business trip somewhere. Finally we had to follow our father’s career, so, recently we moved from Brighton to Bristol. At first I did not like the idea because I was comfortable in my house. We have lived here for 17 years! I did not think I would like the new house or the area because it is nothing like my old area. But change is always quite a good thing, I believe. Besides, I have not seen a lot of different places in my life. There are many good things about moving. The environment is so different here in Bristol. Now I realize that life here is much better, I think. I have met a lot of new people,  have been to new places. Our house become a little bit bigger here, it is good, and my room has become more comfortable. And now I just feel much more prepared for the real world in a way, I guess. But there are also many disadvantages to the move. I am feeling some sadness about being apart from my old Brighton friends, my old college, my everyday life. The fifteen – minute journey to college has now become a long forty-  five – minute bus journey. I loved being so close to my college find it can be tiring travelling so far by bus. But it’s not so bad  because I can plan a lot of different things while I am on a bus. Besides, this is not for long: in a year my parents are going to buy me a car. Actually, it’s taking my brother longer to adapt to the move. When we are on one of our long bus journeys, he often tells me the bus journey is too long and he misses the old house. I just tell him that we will have a car soon to make him feel better and in time he will probably like the new area! Even if you think that it is not a god idea, give it a shot because ten to one you will love it more than staying where you are! And now I am excited about what lies ahead. New place, here I come!


  1. Diana liked the idea of moving from  the very beginning._________
  2. Now Diana’s family has a bigger house. __________
  3. Diana has a brother. __________
  4. Diana has traveled a lot. ___________
  5. Her parents don’t want to buy her a car. ______
  6. Diana tries to make her brother feel better. _____
  7. Diana’s brother is not positive about their move. ________
  8. Diana doesn’t want to move anywhere again. _________
  9. It takes Diana an hour to get her new college. _________
  10. Diana’s parents have success in their jobs. _________



1 right answer = 1 point

Total= 10 points














8 grade

II tour

V. Reading

Total -10 points


Task 1. Read the text and match up two halves of sentences below.


A Town Without Smoke

        In the Australian town of Jonesborough in Queensland something very unusual happened: smoking was forbidden for two days. People who were seen with a cigarette, cigar or a pipe, had to pay money into a fund against cancer. In most shops and supermarkets you could only buy tobacco if you paid some extra money into that fund.

        The experiment was so unusual that a lot of people and journalists from almost all newspapers in the country came to witness it, because there were plans to do the same in other towns. When the people of Jonesborough were asked for their opinion about the experiment, some answered that they welcomed it. They said that there should be a general ban on smoking for health reasons. They explained that too many workers had to retire early because of it and cost the country more money that it received from tobacco tax. On the other hand, some people were against the ban and said they could not do without their daily ration of tobacco. They had to pay money into the fund.

        All in all, the reporters found out that those who did not smoke were for the ban and those who smoked were against it. The number of people who actually stopped smoking was very small, so it is questionable whether other towns will carry out the experiment.

1.        Have you heard about the unusual thing that happened in

2.        Yes, I read in a newspaper

3.        I think that was a good idea

4.        I have heard that journalists from everywhere in the country came

5.        People were only allowed to smoke

6.        A lot of people said

7.        Doctors found out

8.        The country has to spend more money on smokers` illnesses

9.        People who were for experiment

10.It is not quite definite

1.        than it gets from taxes.

2.        a town in Australia?

3.        because smoking is very unhealthy.

4.        if they paid some extra money.

5.        that many smokers had to give up their job because of poor health.

6.        did not smoke.

7.        whether other cities will make the same experiment.

8.        that smoking should be forbidden

9.        to witness the experiment.

10.     that smoking was not allowed there for a few days.



1 right answer = 1 point

Total= 10 points













8 grade

II tour

VI. Speaking

Total – 20

  1. Monologue. Look at the pictures.

-          What holidays and celebration do you know?

-          Are they celebrated in Kazakhstan or abroad?

-          What is your favorite one? Why?




















  1. Dialogue. Discuss free time activites. Does a hobby depend on a country or climate, season ? Healthy, unhealthy, useful, entertaining, modern, old activities.

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«олимпиада 8 класс: английский язык»

олимпиада 8 класс: английский язык

8 grade

I tour

I. Vocabulary Zone

Total – 23 points

Task 1. Name the objects. One example (0) has been done for you. Eg.: 0. – wave


0 2 3 5


1 right answer = 1 point

Total= 5 points

Task 2. Match sentences (a-h) with pictures (1-8). One

0. Her father used to whistle while driving.

a. My sister rode a bike when she was a student.

b. Jim enjoys swimming.

c. Mr. Carter does not like cooking.

d. His daddy kisses his small son.

e. They are training before the annual running marathon.

f. Jessica is good at sports.

g. Mary dreams every night.

h I hate when children are crying.

1 right answer = 1 point

Total= 8 points

Task 3. Put the letters in the correct order to create an English word. All words are object you may find in a house. One example (o) has been done for you. Eg: o -breeze

o. eeezrb

1. bthgir

2. ercastvo

3. asev

4. sssscori

5. uoacpbrd

1 right answer = 1 point

Total= 5 points

Task 4. Choose the correct answer. Eg: 0- a

  1. The Statue of Liberty is situated ….

a) New York b) London c) Washington d) Astana

1. A double-decker is ... .

a) a train, b) a small plane, с) a hotel room for two people, d) a bus

2. The common name for a toy bear in England is ... .

a) Michael-bear, b) Tom-bear, c) Teddy-bear, d) Jack-bear.

3. The "Dynasty" is an American ... .

a) opera, b) soap opera, c) musical, d) documentary.

4. The Crown Jewels are in ... .

a) the Tower of London, b) Buckingham Palace, c) Westmin ster Palace, d) the British Museum.

5. St. Patrick is the patron of... .

a) Wales, b) England, c) Ireland, d) Scotland.

1 right answer = 1 point

Total= 5 points

8 grade

I tour

II. Grammar Zone

Total – 20 points

Task 1. Choose the correct variant.

  1. Sally must be talking to her mom because I have been getting a(n) ______ (answer/chat/busy signal) for two hours.

  2. I never answer my _____ (cordless/cell phone/pay phone) while I’m driving.

  3. Mark always turns his ____ (ringer/other line/call display) off when he is studying.

  4. You have to ____ (answer/hang up/dial) “0” for the operator.

  5. I have a ____ (receiver/busy signal/cordless) so I can do the dishes and chat at the same time.

  6. I know it was my friend who called because I have a ____ (dial tone/call display/directory).

1 right answer = 1 point

Total= 6 points

Task 2. Ask the following questions in written form. One example (0) has been done for you.

Eg: 0-Where will he travel next month?

  1. He will travel to London next month. (Where?)

  2. There are twenty children in our class (How many children?)

  3. She will start her work tomorrow (When?)

  4. I am a pupil of her fifth form (Who?)

  5. They opened the window two hours ago (What?)

  6. My friends are from Great Britain (Where?)

1 right answer = 2 point

Total= 10 points

Task 3. For questions 1 - 5 fill in the correct form of the words in brackets.

Eg: 0- revise

  1. I have a lot of ……………………. (revise) to do before the exams.

  2. That man is a very ………………. (fame) actor.

  3. She is well-known for her ………………… (kind) to others.

  4. Those shoes are too ………………………. (expense) for me to buy.

  5. He was determined to win the ……………………. (compete).

1 right answer = 1 point

Total= 4 points

8 grade

I tour

III. Writing

Total – 20 points

Your family is visiting Astana next month. You have relative called Saule who also lives in Astana. You would like to meet here when you go to Astana.

Write an email to Saule. In your email, you should:

  • say when your family is coming to Astana

  • ask if you can meet up, and suggest a day

  • suggest what you can do together

Write 45-65 words

Total -20points

8 grade

II tour

IV. Listening

Total – 10 points

 Task 1 

You will now hear the girl’s monologue about leaving away from home. Listen and answer questions 1 -10

( true or false).

How does it feel to move away from home?

        Hello, my name is Diana. I am going to tell you how it feels to move away from home where you’ve lived all your life. Some people likes places where they live, others don’t, but, of course, we all get used to the same routine and become comfortable where we are. And while moving we leave something behind which can be friends, family or even items close to us. Work is very important for my parents and they both have good careers. Usually one of them is off on a business trip somewhere. Finally we had to follow our father’s career, so, recently we moved from Brighton to Bristol. At first I did not like the idea because I was comfortable in my house. We have lived here for 17 years! I did not think I would like the new house or the area because it is nothing like my old area. But change is always quite a good thing, I believe. Besides, I have not seen a lot of different places in my life. There are many good things about moving. The environment is so different here in Bristol. Now I realize that life here is much better, I think. I have met a lot of new people,  have been to new places. Our house become a little bit bigger here, it is good, and my room has become more comfortable. And now I just feel much more prepared for the real world in a way, I guess. But there are also many disadvantages to the move. I am feeling some sadness about being apart from my old Brighton friends, my old college, my everyday life. The fifteen – minute journey to college has now become a long forty-  five – minute bus journey. I loved being so close to my college find it can be tiring travelling so far by bus. But it’s not so bad  because I can plan a lot of different things while I am on a bus. Besides, this is not for long: in a year my parents are going to buy me a car. Actually, it’s taking my brother longer to adapt to the move. When we are on one of our long bus journeys, he often tells me the bus journey is too long and he misses the old house. I just tell him that we will have a car soon to make him feel better and in time he will probably like the new area! Even if you think that it is not a god idea, give it a shot because ten to one you will love it more than staying where you are! And now I am excited about what lies ahead. New place, here I come!

  1. Diana liked the idea of moving from  the very beginning._________

  2. Now Diana’s family has a bigger house. __________

  3. Diana has a brother. __________

  4. Diana has traveled a lot. ___________

  5. Her parents don’t want to buy her a car. ______

  6. Diana tries to make her brother feel better. _____

  7. Diana’s brother is not positive about their move. ________

  8. Diana doesn’t want to move anywhere again. _________

  9. It takes Diana an hour to get her new college. _________

  10. Diana’s parents have success in their jobs. _________

1 right answer = 1 point

Total= 10 points

8 grade

II tour

V. Reading

Total -10 points

Task 1. Read the text and match up two halves of sentences below.

A Town Without Smoke

        In the Australian town of Jonesborough in Queensland something very unusual happened: smoking was forbidden for two days. People who were seen with a cigarette, cigar or a pipe, had to pay money into a fund against cancer. In most shops and supermarkets you could only buy tobacco if you paid some extra money into that fund.

        The experiment was so unusual that a lot of people and journalists from almost all newspapers in the country came to witness it, because there were plans to do the same in other towns. When the people of Jonesborough were asked for their opinion about the experiment, some answered that they welcomed it. They said that there should be a general ban on smoking for health reasons. They explained that too many workers had to retire early because of it and cost the country more money that it received from tobacco tax. On the other hand, some people were against the ban and said they could not do without their daily ration of tobacco. They had to pay money into the fund.

        All in all, the reporters found out that those who did not smoke were for the ban and those who smoked were against it. The number of people who actually stopped smoking was very small, so it is questionable whether other towns will carry out the experiment.

  1. Have you heard about the unusual thing that happened in

  2. Yes, I read in a newspaper

  3. I think that was a good idea

  4. I have heard that journalists from everywhere in the country came

  5. People were only allowed to smoke

  6. A lot of people said

  7. Doctors found out

  8. The country has to spend more money on smokers` illnesses

  9. People who were for experiment

10.It is not quite definite

  1. than it gets from taxes.

  2. a town in Australia?

  3. because smoking is very unhealthy.

  4. if they paid some extra money.

  5. that many smokers had to give up their job because of poor health.

  6. did not smoke.

  7. whether other cities will make the same experiment.

  8. that smoking should be forbidden

  9. to witness the experiment.

  10. that smoking was not allowed there for a few days.

1 right answer = 1 point

Total= 10 points

8 grade

II tour

VI. Speaking

Total – 20

  1. Monologue. Look at the pictures.

  • What holidays and celebration do you know?

  • Are they celebrated in Kazakhstan or abroad?

  • What is your favorite one? Why?

  1. Dialogue. Discuss free time activites. Does a hobby depend on a country or climate, season ? Healthy, unhealthy, useful, entertaining, modern, old activities.


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