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Открытый урок "Healthy Lifestyle"

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по английскому языку

для 5 класса

Серия “Rainbow English”, авторы О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова



О.И. Белошенкова, учитель английского языка первой квалификационной категории









2019 год

Конспект открытого урока  «A healthy lifestyle»

  • Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. Greeting our guests. Please, sit down

Look at the screen and think what we are going to speak about (на экране фото людей, ведущие здоровый образ жизни)

  • Yes, you are right. Today we will speak about health, healthy people, healthy food.
  • Can you tell me the topic of our lesson?

A healthy lifestyle

  • Now let’s discuss the aims of our lesson.

At the previous lesson we got acquainted with the words and word-combinations  on the topic of a healthy lifestyle.  We have known the meaning of these words, we have learnt to pronounce them.  And what should we do today

-  1) to learn to use them in our speech

-  2) to make up a list of main rules of a healthy lifestyle.

-  Today we are going to speak about health and a healthy lifestyle. I don’t think there is anything more important than health. Remember, please, what Russian people say when they meet each other.

-  They say”здравствуйте” . It means they wish each other to be healthy.

-  You’ll agree that our health is in our hands. Thousand years ago ancient Greeks said :

“Health is the best wealth.”

  • These words will be a motto of today’s lesson. Let’s translate these proverb.(дети переводят).

But there are a lot of other proverbs about health. Your hometask was to find proverbs about health and work with them.

At first look at the screen, listen to me and repeat.

Good health is above wealth

A sound mind in a sound body

You are what you eat

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

Eat to live, not live to eat

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Здоровье дороже богатства

Съедая одно яблоко в день, вы оставите своего доктора без работы

В здоровом теле – здоровый дух

Ты –то, что ты ешь

Есть, чтобы жить, а не жить, чтобы есть

Кто рано ложиться и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет

 Find the Russian equivalents for these English proverbs.

Good job

Now let’s remember the words with which we got acquainted at the previous lesson.

Translate them into English

In good health - в добром здравии

a healthy diet – здоровая диета,

to keep fit – быть в форме,

to keep regular hours – соблюдать режим дня,

to keep to a diet – быть на диете

to do morning exercises – делать утреннюю зарядку

to go in for sport – заниматься спортом

regular meals – регулярные приемы пищи


The question is that our life is so dynamic that sometimes we don’t have time to have regular meals, do morning exercises, sleep enough. As a result people have serious problems with their health.

Let’s speak about our habits.

Now you will work with the text. You will read, translate and tell us what we should do to be healthy and what we shouldn’t do to be healthy.

   Our habits.

 It’s pleasure to look at a strong, athletic man and a slim beautiful woman. It’s known that healthy people live longer and their career is more successful.

To look well you must follow some simple rules : don’t smoke, don’t eat too much chips and sweets, don’t sit in front of the computer for a long time, don’t watch television a lot, eat more vegetables and fruit, sleep well, do morning exercises, keep regular hours ,walk a lot, go in for sport.

And,of course, it is necessary to spend much time outdoors, whether it is winter or summer.

We should  eat more vegetables and fruit, sleep well, do morning exercises,keep regular hours, walk a lot, go in for sport to be healthy.

We shouldn’t smoke, eat too much chips and sweets, sit in front of the computer for a long time, watch television a lot to be healthy.

Now I want to know if you are healthy people. Listen to my questions.

1) How often do you do your morning exercises?

2) What games are you good at?

3)Do you eat healthy food?

4) What food do you like to eat?

5) Do you often eat fast food?

6) Do you walk a lot?

7) Do you often run or ride your bike?

8) Do you take a shower in the morning or in the evening?

9) Do you often visit doctors?

10) What kind of sport do you like?


I think you will agree with me if a person wants to be healthy, he should have healthy habits .

Yesterday we conducted a survey among  our pupils. You can see a question list at the screen.


The results of the survey:

  • According to the survey which was done yesterday the majority of us don’t skip breakfast.
  • It is easy only for three  pupils  to get up early and do morning exercises. 
  • But there is a good thing:  most of us lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • We can say that the pupils of our class  take care about their health.



Now sum up all the information which you have got during our lesson and make up a list of main rules for being   healthy

Main rules to be healthy

eat more vegetables and fruit,

sleep well,

do morning exercises,

keep regular hours,

walk a lot,

go in for sport

Take a shower

clean teeth twice a day;

don’t eat fast food

don’t sit in front of the computer for a long time,

don’t watch television a lot

I see that you know much about the healthy lifestyle. And I want you to take care about your health.

The lesson is over. Good bye.

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