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Открытый урок "Holidays, traditions and customs in Kazakhstan"

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«Открытый урок "Holidays, traditions and customs in Kazakhstan"»

"Қазақ мектеп гимназиясы

Lesson plan

Пән: English

Мұғалім:Zhenisova Zh.K.

Сынып:8 “Ә”

Тақырыбы:Holidays, traditions and customs in Kazakhstan. Meals. Cardinal and ordinal numerals.

Сабақтың түрі: Combined

Сабақтың мақсаттары:

білімділік : to advance students’ knowledge about Kazakh traditions and customs, to activate the students' speaking abilities about customs and traditions of our country, to teach students to search and learn necessary materials themselves.

дамытушылық : to develop pupils' monologue speech, oral speech, logical thinking.

тәрбиелік : to respond to the students as individuals;

to promote interpersonal relationship;

to bring up a sense of patriotism;

to create competitive environment;

Сабақтың жабдықтары: көрнекілік құралдар ,үлестірімді құралдар.

Connection with other subjects: History of Kazakhstan, Kazakh literature.

Сабақтың мазмұны



Student^s Activity

1.Организационная часть



T: Good-morning, students. Sit down, please. Today at the lesson we will review all information you have already studied last lesson, also I will check your knowledge.

T: So, open your copy - books write down today's date and the theme of our lesson. The theme of our lesson is "Traditions and customs in Kazakhstan''.
T: Today we'll speak about Kazakh traditions and customs and we'll have phonetic drill, get some information about traditions ,have our grammar practice and conclude our lesson with solving jumbled words.
Let’s start our lesson.

Pupils greet the teacher. The duty pupil answers the teacher’s questions.


A phonetic drill:

Phonetic drill. Let's have our phonetic drill.

Each Easter Eddie [i: tS i: stә eddi ]
eats eighty Easter eggs [i: ts eiti i: stә egs ]

Warming - up:

Now let's warm up and remember proverbs. Match two parts. Repeat them after me, please. Can you give me equivalents in Kazakh language.
Every country has its customs.
East or West, home is best.
There is no place like a home
- Әр елдің өз салт дәстүрі бар.
- Өз үйің өлен төсегің.
- Туған елдей ел, болмас туған жердей жер болмас.
T: Thank you very much. Good for you.

Pupils listening and reading the phonetic drill.

Pupils listening and reading the proverbs. They are writing it in their copy books and then they are reading it all together.


Checking home work

Let’s remember some grammar themes from your last lesson. And review the information about:

1. Education in Kazakhstan.

2. Phrasal verbs get, make, look, go, come, carry

They are remembering the themes from the last year lessons. They are answering the teacher’s questions.


Presentation of the new theme: Holidays, traditions and customs in Kazakhstan. Meals.

Cardinal and ordinal numerals.

T: Today at the lesson we will read a text about holidays, traditions, meals and customs in Kazakhstan.

Then we’ll do some grammar tasks to fix the theme:

Cardinal and ordinal numerals.

T: Before talking about traditions I want to ask you about our Motherland. - What do you feel when you pronounce the word ''Motherland''?
S: When I say the word Motherland I feel myself sure and proud.
A Motherland is the place where we were born and grew up. And I'm happy to live here.
T: Why should people keep their traditions?
S: I think we must respect and keep our traditions for the next generation, because traditions tell and show us the life of our nation.
S: To know own traditions and customs it means to be patriots of the Motherland.
T: Ok. You are quite right. Now, thank you for your opinions.

They are writing the rules in their copy books. Reading the combination of cardinal and ordinal numerals and giving the examples.


Fixing knowledge

Let’s do some exercises to fix your knowledge, your task is to do the exercises using the new theme:

  1. Doing exercises, reading the sentences and explaining.

During fixing the knowledge pupils are doing exercises from the copies:

-Writing transcription

-Dividing the word into groups according the types of reading.



Today you have leant about Holidays, traditions and customs in Kazakhstan. Meals.

Cardinal and ordinal numerals.

Spelling rules.

At home you are to revise and learn the rules.

Any questions?

Marks of the lesson.

What have you learnt today?

H/T: to learn the rules, retell the text.

The lesson is over you may be free. Good bye!

The pupils tell about the theme of the lesson, their expression.

They are writing their home task for the next lesson:

-learn the rules

- Saying good-bye to teacher.

Kazakh holidays

International Nauryz holiday

Nauryz is official holiday in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenia , Azerbaijan and Tadjikistan. During the course of history Nauryz became a symbolic Kazakh New Year in Kazakhstan. Nowadays it is one of the most favourite holidays in Kazakhstan. Kazakhs also often refer to Nauryz as “Ulystin uly kuni” which means “the great day of the nation”. Nauryz remains also a strong tradition in the countries of Central Asia as well as in Afghanistan, Iran and Azerbaijan. The present day name of Nauryz derives from the Persian Novruz translated as a new day.

Nauryz has many unique features. Various kinds of competitions were included in the festival program, such as horse races and hand-to-hand combats between stalwart fellows. The “Aitys” (a contest of two or more improvising folk poet-musicians) is a joyful competition of wit and poetic skill. And of course there were many songs, dances and games. One of the bright traditions that we meet in Abai’s manuscript is the “Nauryz-bata” or Nauryz blessing. To receive a blessing on this day from the lips of aksakals (elderly) and aje (women of old age) is considered a big honour and sign of kindness

Kazakh custom.

Auyz Tia - "taste treat"

The ancient custom of Kazakh people. Anyone who comes to the house, it will not release the Kazakh as guest did not taste the food. Auyz ment of and means "to taste, to taste the food." At any time, regardless of their sitting at table in the house or not, Kazakhs put on tablecloth meal or just bread and ask the guest to taste. "Breakfast not leave, and dinner, do not wait," - said the Kazakhs. According to tradition, entered the house at breakfast time must sit down and have breakfast with the hosts. Otherwise hear a joke: "husband left" - women, "the wife will run away" - men.

When you travel, on a long journey, everyone should try before leaving treats in the house. Taking your children to the army, the parents gather at the table, that is, wonderful tradition continues today.

Kazakh tradition

Shashu – during the joyous event (wedding, matchmaking, etc.) on heroes of the occasion throw a variety of sweets, money. Guests will gladly collect them. Kazakhs believe that sweets, taken during the “Shashu” bring good luck. By choosing the sweets every guest wished that for itself the same celebration and happiness.

Suyіnshі” – a announcement of good news. When pronounced “Suyіnshі” all at once understand that a man came with the good news. And for one who brings the news, it is necessary to give the gift.

Qonaqkade” (qonaq – guest; kade – present). The landlord has the right to ask his guest to perform a “Qonaqkade” that is to sing a song, etc. Kazakhs from an early age to taught their children to eloquence, playing musical instruments, singing, and composing poems. “Qonaqkade” is a testing guest in the arts, as well as the guarantee of a fun-filled party.

Qyz uzatu”. Marrying the daughter is a feast. In this day every parent feels both sad and happy. Rejoice – because they grew beautiful, intelligent, decent daughter, for which you will not be ashamed; sad – because they do not want to give his daughter in marriage, because everyone thinks she is still a child. The girl matchmakers come around 5-7 people (odd number), and even more. Among them: “bas quda” (main matchmaker), “qudalar” (matchmakers) and friend of the groom (here as a counselor, a witness). In the northern and central regions of Kazakhstan the man alone go for a girl. Matchmakers usually come in the evening. Since their arrival starts: games, songs, entertainment, tradition of the “Kade” (gifts, presentation). Close relatives of the girls officially invite matchmakers in the day to visit. Woman customarily sent along with the matchmakers early morning at sunrise. Sunrise – a symbol of a new day, a new life. Before leaving, she says goodbye song (Qoshtasu zhyry) to the relatives. Young people singing “Zhar-zhar”, “aushadiyar.” Handing matchmakers as usual “quda attandyrar” (quda – matchmaker, attandyrar – send, see off).

Aitys” – is considered as a literary genre, but anciently it was formed as a folk custom. Aitys – is a public contest of Kazakh akyns. Poetry competition for singer-improvisers, one of the traditional forms of oral folk poetry. And games, seeing off, and feasts have not passed without baiga, without wrestlers, and without aitys akyns. “Aitys” contributed to the development of talents and their manifestation. The most famous contest of akyns remain in people’s memory in the form of a special kind of poems that tell about these aityses to bringing the authentic songs which were sung by contenders. Almost all popular poet akyns – began their careers with aitys.

Bata” (verbal blessing) is a valuable spiritual wish. This is a special kind of poetic creativity when pronouncer asks to the audience mercy from God. The blessing is pronounced by older, respected, noble people. “Bata” is used as a method of upbringing, serves for kindness, compassion, and humanity. Special for it poetry and songs were composed. Edifying words are said by holding an open palm, and then palms are sent to face. Usually “bata” is given before a long journey, hardships, thanks for the food, the hospitality and kindness

Kazakh food

Besbarmak, a dish consisting of boiled horse or mutton meat, is the most popular Kazakh dish. It is also called "five fingers" because of the way it is eaten. The chunks of boiled meat are cut and served by the host in order of the guests’ importance. Besbarmak is usually eaten with a boiled pasta sheet, and a meat broth called sorpa, and is traditionally served in Kazakh bowls called kese. Quwyrdaq is another Kazakh's national dish.

Other popular meat dishes are kazy (which is a horse meat sausage that only the wealthy could afford), shuzhuk (horse meat sausages), kuyrdak (also spelled kuirdak, a dish made from roasted horse, sheep, or cow offal, with the heart, liver, kidneys, and other organs, diced and served with onions and peppers)/

The traditional drinks are fermented mare's milk (kumys), camel's milk (shubat), cow’s milk (airan), and sheep's milk, as well as their products kaymak (sour cream), katyk or ayran (buttermilk), kurt (which is made from dried cheese and whey rolled into balls), and irimshik (dried sour milk product similar to kurt, but not rolled into balls).

The most common traditional sweets are baursak, shelpek, sheck-sheck (also known by the Tatar name chack-chack), and zhent. They are easy to prepare in nomadic conditions - in a cauldron, and today are traditionally prepared for any celebration undoubtedly being an additional decoration of the festive table.

1. Подберите к указанным порядковым числительным подходящую пару.

Н-р:  the 56th – the fifty-sixth (пятьдесят-шестой)

  1. the 30th                                   the forty-ninth

  2. the 2nd                                    the sixty-eighth

  3. the 17th                                   the thirtieth

  4. the 81st                                   the fifth

  5. the 5th                                     the second

  6. the 23rd                                   the eighty-first

  7. the 49th                                   the seventy-fourth

  8. the 116th                                 the twenty-third

  9. the 74th                                   the seventeenth

  10. the 68th                                   the one hundred and sixteenth

2. Напишите порядковые числительные словами.

Н-р:   the 34th  - the thirty-fourth (тридцать-четвертый)

  1. the 12th                                                           6. the 60th

  2. the 91st                                                           7. the 37th                                                              

  3. the 15th                                                           8. the 46th

  4. the 22nd                                                          9. the 58th

  5. the 73rd                                                          10. the 89th

3. Посмотрите на список жильцов дома. Напишите, используя порядковые числительные, кто на каком этаже живет.

Н-р:   Kelly lives on the seventh floor. (Келли живет на седьмом этаже.)

Floor 7      -           Kelly

Floor 6      -           John

Floor 5      -           Diana

Floor 4      -           Peter

Floor 3      -           Sofia

Floor 2      -           Oliver

Floor 1      -           Amanda

4. Напишите следующие даты при помощи порядковых числительных.

Н-р:   The New Year is on (31.12). – The New Year is on the thirty-first of December. (Новый год - тридцать первого декабря.)

  1. The Women’s Day is on (08.03).

  2. Victory Day is on (09.05).

  3. Christmas in Russia is on (06.01).

  4. Christmas in America is on (25.12).

  5. St. Valentine’s Day is on (14.02).

  6. Halloween is on (31.10).


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