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План урока по теме ''Animals in our life''

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в данной методической разработке представлен план-конспект открытого урока в 6 классе по теме ''Animals in our life''

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«План урока по теме ''Animals in our life''»

Открытый урок по теме

«Animals in Our Life»


  1. Тренировать учащихся в употреблении в речи грамматической структуры Present Perfect Tense, if-Sentences.

  2. Развивать навыки устной диалогической и монологической речи: умение выражать и обосновывать свое мнение.

  3. Закрепить знания лексики по теме.

  4. Знакомить учащихся с общественными организациями по защите животных. Повышать нравственный и культурный уровень детей. прививать детям любовь к животным.

Ход урока.

  1. а) Приветствие и беседа с дежурным.

Good morning, boys and girls. Glad to see you.

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

What day is it today?

Who is absent?

b) Объявление темы и задач урока.

The theme of our lesson is «Animals in Our Life».

Well train the structures in the Present Perfect Tense, discuss animals problems, well speak about environ-mental organizations and create your own societies, that’s why I’ll divide you into 2 groups.

c) фонзарядка.

First of all let’s train the words and expressions we need in our discussion.

wild to fight against cruelty

domestic to join a society

endangered to survive

to feed animals to protect

feeding time exotic


Animal Liberation Front

(Дети повторяют слова хором за учителем, затем P5 читают слова сами)

  1. 1. а) Today well speak about animals.

Look at the pictures and say, which of the animals are wild/domestic.

P1 Name wild animals, please.

- a fox, a wolf, a panda, a whale, an elephant, a rhino, a snake, a hippopotamus, a parrot, an eagle

P2 Name domestic animals and birds.

- a hen, a cow, a cockerel, a cat

P3 b) Now, children, say me, please, which of the animals are endangered.

a whale an elephant

a panda a hippopotamus

a rhino

Repeat after me together!

All these animals we can see at the zoo.

2. а) Чтение текста. Let’s read the text “London zoo”. p 106. and answer the questions. (Дети читают и переводят текст)

b) Ответы на вопросы. Answer the questions, please.

  1. When did exotic animals appear in Great Britain for the first time?

  2. Where did the animals live?

  3. Where is the zoo now?

3. Imagine, that you are talking to the Director of London Zoo. Now, who will be a director? Ask her questions.

  1. What kind of animals can we see at the zoo?

  2. Can I take my dog into the zoo?

  3. I like monkeys very mach. Can I see them at your zoo?

  4. Are there any big animals at the zoo? What are they?

  5. Can we see animals at feeding time?

  6. Can I take any of the baby animals home with me?

  7. What is the Zoological society of London? What is its address?

  8. We want to help save endangered animals. How can we join the Zoological society of London?

  9. How many insects are there at London zoo?

Thank you very much.

4. Children, I think that all of you were at the zoo. Let’s make up dialogues about your visit to the zoo. Use the structures in the Present Perfect Tense:

- Have you ever been to the zoo?

- I have never been to…

I’ll give you 2 minutes. Think a little (музыка)

Are you ready? (Дети рассказывают монологи)

5. You know, that all zoos have problems. Let’s discuss the problems of zoos. Say what would you do, if you were the director of the zoo.

Use the structure: If I were the director of the zoo, I would buy a new tiger for my zoo.

…I would repair the animals’ cages.

…I would feed animal’s well.

…I would create a wild animals’ park.

…I would move the zoo to the country.

…I would close the zoo.

Thank you.

6. Let’s recite the poem “My Dream” written by Gillian Brown.

I love all kinds if animals

Dogs and cats and rabbits.

I love all kinds of animals,

Despite their little habbits.

If I had tons of money,

D’ you know what I would you?

I would buy lots of animals

And have my own zoo.

But they wouldn’t be in cages,

They would be free to run around

And there’s one thing they would feel

And that is safe and sound.

Children, what is this poem about? Who can tell us in Russian?

7. Children, imagine will you take care of? Why?

(Дети рассказывают о животных)

8. Аудирование и контроль. I want to tell you about environmental organizations. Listen to me

a) and be ready to answer the questions.

There are more than 300 nature centres in the British cities and more than 30 are in London. Children visit these centres with teachers and parents. They study and enjoy nature.

There are a tot of environmental organizations in the world but the mostly known are: “Greenpeace”, “Greenworld”, “International Fund for Animals’ Welfare”. All these organizations fight against cruelty to animals. They help animals and birds to survive.

Have you understood me?

b) Answer my questions, please.

  1. How many nature centres are there in London?

  2. What organizations is this text about?

  3. What other organizations do you know?

(Animal Liberation Front, World Wildlife Fund, Zoological Society of London)

  1. What is the aim of these organizations?

Thank you. I see that you know the organizations and their aims.

9. Let’s check your homework. Your projects about your own societies. Speak according to a plan.

  1. The name.

  2. The motto.

  3. The rules.

(1-ая команда защищает проект, 2-я команда задает вопросы, затем наоборот)

  1. Thank you very much. You worked hard. You projects were interesting. I think you are good helpers and defenders of animals. Write down homework: E 23 p 110. read the task and translate it into Russian.

Your marks are:


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