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Подбор орфоэпического материала для урока английского языка

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Английские скороговорки можно использовать на каждом уроке для орфоэпической разминки.  

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«Подбор орфоэпического материала для урока английского языка»

Английские скороговорки

Pat’s black cat
Is in Pat’s black hat.

A fat cat sat on a mat
and eat a fat rat.

[b] [k] [w] [ æ ] 
I see a big black cat,
big black cat,
big black cat 
What a big black cat! 
What a cat! What a cat!

[d] [ɔ]
Cob is Dob's dog,
Tob is Mob's dog.

[k] [ Λ ] [ɔ]
A cup of nice coffee
In a cup of coffee cup.

[t] [k] [i] [ɔ]
"Tick-tock, tick-tock."
Ticks Tommy's clock.
"Tick-tock, lick-a-tock",
Ticks and ticks his clock.

[s] [ɔu]
Snow is snowy, 
when it’s snowing.

[s] [z] [i] [i:] 
Sid sees, Sid sees, Sid sees
Six trees, six trees, six trees

[ð] [ʃ] [h] [θ] [æ] [i] 
This fish has a thin fin
That fish has a fat fin;
This fish is a fish 
That has a thinner fin 
Than that fish. 

[w] [tʃ] [ð] [i]
Which is this switch?
Which switch is this?

[au] [Λ] [tʃ]
How much wood 
would a wood-chuck chuck
If a wood-chuck 
would chuck wood?

It's a hard task
to stand and bask 
in the long grass
while people pass.
"They laugh and laugh", 
said the tall giraffe. 
"If 1 could bark
I'd rid the park 
of all who laugh 
at the poor giraffe".

[k] [b] [q] 
[i] [æ]
[ εə ]
A big black bug bit a big black bear,
A big black bear bit a big black bug.
When the big black bug
bit the big black bear,
then the big black bear
bit the big black bug.

As I was going along, along, along,
Singing a comical song, song, song,
The lane that I went was so long, long, long,
And the song that I sang was so long, long, long,
And so I went singing along.

[b] [e] [ɔ:]
[ɔ] [Λ] [i]
Betty Botter bought some butter.
"But", she said, "This butter’s bitter,
but a bit of better butter
will make .my batter better". 
So she bought a bit of better butter,
so it was better and it made her batter better.

"I'm looking for a house",
said a little brown mouse.

One, two, three.
Let me see
Who likes coffee
and who likes tea.
One, two, three.
Oh, I see, 
you like coffee, 
and you like tea. 

[g] [ai]
Good night, mother.
Good night, father,
Kiss your little son.
Good night, sister,
Good night, brother.
Good night, everyone.

[i:] [au]
The streets go up. 
The streets go down, 
and in, and out
about the town. 
And in the streets
the buses run,
two by two
or one by one.

[dз] [ɔu] [ai] [ɔi]
Jump, jump and jump, Jim Crow
Take a little walk and around you go.
Slide, slide and point your toe.
This is what we do when we jump, Jim Crow.


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