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Практикум по чтению

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«Практикум по чтению»

Практикум по чтению

для младшего школьного возраста

Vocabulary Practice for Children

Материал разработан учителем английского языка

МБОУСОШ №14 Гончар И.П.


Пояснительная записка

Разработанный мною Практикум по чтению состоит из девяти уроков.

цель - научить бегло читать учащихся младших классов,

- помочь освоить лексику по программе начальной школы,

- способствовать формированию диалогического


Обычно прохожу этот курс после изучения всех букв алфавита в классах с низкой обученностью и параллельно с изучением алфавита в сильных классах. Курс по чтению может быть применен как для учебника по программе Биболетовой, так и по программе углубленного изучения языка Верещагиной и других авторов. Лично я активно использую его при освоении, при повторении и в индивидуальных занятиях с учащимися.

LESSON 1. Letters to learn:

A a; D d; E e; H h; N n; P p; G g; I i; U u; O o.

REMEMBER: a cap- кепка;

a pen- ручка;

a hat- шапка, шляпа;

a hen- курица;

a dog- собака;

a pig- свинья;

a gun- ружье;

a cup- чашка;

a bat- летучая мышь.

READ: Утвердительные / отрицательные предложения.

It is a cap. It’s a cap. This is a cap.

/It is not a hat. It isn’t a hat. This is not a hat. This isn’t a hat./

It is a pen. It’s pen. This is a pen.

/It is not a pencil. It isn’t a pencil. This is not a pencil. This isn’t a pencil./

SAY: It’s_______ . It isn’t _________

REMEMBER: see- видеть. I can see- Я могу видеть.

I see a hat. I see a hat and a cap.

I can see a hen. I can not see a gun. / I can’t see a gun./

SAY: I see _________ . I can see _________.

I can see ________ and ________ .

I can not see ________ . I can’t see _______.


A rat, a bat, a cat. A bat, a cat, a rat. A pen, a hat, a cap, a pig, a gun, a cup.

A pen and a hen. A bat and a rat. A cat and a rat. A hen, a pig and a dog.

A gun,a pen and a cup. A dog, a cat and a pig. A bat, a rat and a cat.

It’s a gun. It’s a dog. It’s a bat. It’s a rat. It is a dog. It is a bat. It is a rat.

This is a dog. This is a bat. This is a rat. This isn’t a cat. This isn’t a pig.

This isn’t a hen. This isn’t a dog. This isn’t a bat. This isn’t arat. It’s a hen.

I see a gun. I see a hen. I see a cat. I see a cup. I can see a hen. I can see a cat.

I can see a pig. I cannot see a dog. I cannot see a gun. I can not see a cup.

/ I can’t see a pig. I can’t see a gun. I can’t see a dog. I can’t see a hen. /


READ: Ff Jj Mm Xx Kk Ll Ss Vv

REMEMBER: a box- коробка, ящик

a jam- варенье

a bed- кровать

a fox- лиса

a star- звезда

a kitten- котенок

a vase- ваза

a lamp- лампа

a bat- летучая мышь

SAY: I see a box and a bed.

I see _____and_____ .


one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelwe

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

twelve, eleven, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


1.Jam and a box. 10.A dog and a fox.

2.A cat and a fox. 11.A bed and a hat.

3.A gun and a dog, 12.A cup and a cap.

4.One fox and one bed. 13.One hat and one box.

5.A cat and a kitten. 14.A star and a gun.

6.A vase and a lamp. 15.A box and a bed.

7.A hen and a fox. 16.A vase and a box.

8.A hat and a cap. 17.A dog and a pig.

9.A pen and a cup. 18.One vase and two cups.

Ten, twelve, one, eight, three, nine, eleven, five, seven, two, four, six.


1.Ваза и чашка. 6.Котенок и крыса.

2.Ружье и звездочка. 7.Лампа и ящик.

3.Один, пять, восемь, шесть. 8.Одна кошка и две крысы.

4.Один ящик и три лампы. 9.Одна ваза и пять чашек.

5.Одна коробка и четыре шляпы. 10.Десять звезд.


I have a dog. I have no cat. = I have not a cat.

Я имею=У меня есть… Я не имею=У меня нет…


READ. Qq Ww Yy Zz Сочетание : / Wh / ; / qu /

REMEMBER: a squirrel- белка I have-я имею / у меня есть/

a wolf- волк I have no- я не имею /у меня нет/

a zebra- зебра ….but- нет

a boy- мальчик …or--или

a copy- book- тетрадь

a spoon- ложка

SAY: I have a dog. /I have got a dog./

I have no squirrel.= I have not a squirrel.

READ: I have a dog and a cat. /I have got a dog and a cat./

I have not a dog or a cat.= I have no dog and I have no cat.

I have a dog, but I have no cat. I have a dog, but I have no gun.

I have a kitten, but I have no squirrel. I have a cup, but I have no spoon.

I have a spoon, but I have no jam. I have a book, but I have no copy-book.

I have a vase, but I have no lamp.

I have a vase. I have five copy- books. I have no lamp. I have no pen.

I have no lamp. / I have not a lamp./ I have no pen. /I have not a pen./


1. У меня есть ложка, но нет тарелки.

2. Я вижу зебру.

3. Я вижу кошку, собаку, курицу и поросенка.

4. Я не могу увидеть летучую мышь, белку или крысу.

5. У меня есть кровать, ваза, ящик и чашки.

6. У меня есть 6 кур, 2 поросенка и собака.

7. У меня нет белки.

8. У меня нет ручки.

9. Я не вижу волка.

10. Я не вижу лису.


Hello! /Hi!/; Good morning!/ Morning!/; Good afternoon! /Good afternoon! /; Good evening! / Evening!/; Good night! night!/; Good bye! /Bye!/; Bye-bye! / Bye!/. See you! How are you? I’m fine. Thank you! How are you? Fine. Thanks. And you? Good night! night!/; Good bye! /Bye!/; Bye-bye! / Bye!/. See you!

1.Не списывай слово по буквам... Записывай слово целиком по памяти!

2.Попробуй написать слово ручкой в воздухе. Это поможет запомнить его.

3.Не забудь сверить написанное с образцом


EX. № 1. READ: * Aa * plate, take, name, face, place, table.

* Ee * tree, street, green, me, he.

* Ii /Yy/ * nine, five, like, nice, tie, my.

* Oo * rose, go, no.

* Uu * pupil, student, blue.


Тарелка- a plate; Взять- to take; Зеленый- green;

Лицо- a face; Любить- to love; Голубой- blue;

Стол- a table;

Место- a place Хороший- nice

Дерево- a tree; he- он;

Улица- a street; my- мой, моя, мое.

Галстук- a tie; me- мне;

Ученик- a pupil;

Студент- a student;

Роза- a rose;

Нос- a nose;

Камень- a stone;

EX.№ 2. READ:

Plate, face, table, place, name, take.

Tree, me, green, he, street.

Street, face, table, me, plate, take, he, green, tree, place, name.

Nine, my, five, like, tie,nice.

My, take, he, table, five, face, tree, name, street, green, nine, place, plate, me, tie.

Rose, nose, stone, go, no, pupil, student, blue.

Go, rose, student, no, pupil, nose, blue.

Ex.№ 3.READ:

Plate, take table, name, face, place, tree, he, green, me, nine, my, tie, five, rose, no, go, stone, nose, pupil, student, blue.

Tie, plate, green, take, no, nine, table, go, face, me, blue, place, my.


1.При чтении предложения или текста старайся охватить взглядом все предложение или группу слов.

2.Не делай лишних пауз. Читай плавно, ритмично. Раздели предложение на смысловые паузы.

3.Соблюдай правила чтения букв и буквосочетаний.

Lesson№ 5 Чтение в закрытом слоге.

REMEMBER: lip-губа; in-в /предлог/

big-большой; is-есть /глагол- связка/

ill-больной six-шесть /цифра/

to sit-сидеть it- это


Ex.№ 1. six ill it sit

big it in ill

lip is big lip

It, ill, sit, lip, is, six, big, nine, five, tie.

Ex.№ 2. Six, tie, five, my, nine, it, sit, lip, ill, in, big.

My, green, is, take, big, go, sit, blue, in, place, tie, he, it,

student, five, tie, me, nine, lip, name, ill.

EX. № 3.Перепишите слова в два столбика по типу слога (І или II).

lip, it, tie, five, sit, in, six, nine, my, big, ill

EX.№ 4. Прочитайте предложения.

A lip. It is a lip. A tree. It is a tree. A nose. It is a nose. A stone. It is a stone. A rose. It is a rose. A pupil. It is a pupil. A student. It is a student.

This is a table. This isn’t a plate. It’s a table.

This is a tie. This isn’t a hat. It’s a tie.

This is a tree. This isn’t a rose. It’s a tree.

This is a stone. This isn’t a tree. It’s a stone.

Can you show? /Можете показать?/a nose, a lip, an eye, an arm, a leg, a hand, a neck, a face, a finger, your lips, your nose, your eyes, your legs, your hands, your face,your arms, your neck. OK. Thanks.


This is my nose. This is my lip. This is my leg.

(В единственном числе начинайте предложения с This is…. Продолжайте самостоятельно со словами: eye, arm, hand, neck, face, finger.)

SHOW me /покажите мне/ your nose, your face, your lips, your neck, your eyes, your arms, your fingers, your legs

Lesson 6. Запомни личные местоимения:

I-я; You-ты; He-он; She-она; It-это; We-мы; You-вы; They-они;


A ball-мяч; a stick-палка; a pistol-пистолет; a word-слово; a lesson-урок;

too-тоже Ex.This is a ball. That is a ball too. /Это мяч. То тоже мяч./

Запомни правило:

В третьем лице единственного числа после местоимений: he, she, it-употребляется глагол has вместо глагола have

Ex. I have a ball. He has a ball too.


This boy has a ball. He has a pistol too. This boy has no gun.

That boy has a gun. He has a stick too. This boy has no pistol.

That boy has a cap. That boy has a dog.

This boy has no cap. This boy has no dog.

This boy has a book. This boy has a cat and two kittens.

He has a copy-book. That boy has a dog. He has no zebra.

He has a pen. He has a cat too. He has no wolf.

He has a stick. He has two kittens. He has no squirrel.

This girl has three dolls. This boy has two balls. That girl has five books.

That boy has four pens. The girl has one dish. She has two spoons.

The boy has three sticks. She has five stars. The boy has no stars.


1.У меня нет палки. 7. У меня есть ваза.

2.У этого мальчика есть палка. 8. У него есть лампа и чашка.

3.У него есть мяч и коробка. 9. У меня нет звездочки.

4.У него есть лиса. 10. У того мальчика есть котенок, у меня -

5.У него нет ружья. котенок тоже.

6.У меня есть чашка. 11. Шесть, восемь, один, два, пять, семь.


1.What’s your name? /My name is……./

2.What’s your surname? /My surname is…../

3.How old are you? /I am……/

4.Where are you from? /I am from…../

5.What’s your adress? / My adress is…..,………Street,Russia./

6.What’s your favourite sport? /My favourite sport is……/

8.What’s your hobby? /My hobby is…../

Lesson№ 7. Чтение слов в закрытом слоге.

Aa- bag, man, map, flag, lamp, bad, hat, hand, stand, that, apple.

Oo- dog, not, box, on, stop, clock.

Uu- bus, plus, cup, up.

Ee- pen, ten, red, bed, left, leg, dress, pencil.

Ii- six, sit, big, lip, ill, in, big.

REMEMBER: 1.Чтение слов в закрытом слоге (III тип слога) зависит от порядка букв

после буквы ударением. Читай- “a”-[ ] ;”o”-[ ] ;”u”-[ ] ;”e”-[e ] ; “i”-[i ];

2.Чтение сочетаний букв с буквой “_r”- ar-[a:] ;

or-[o:] ;

ir;ur;er- [ :] -нужно запомнить.

“ar”-[a:] car, park, yard, dark, skarf, arm. (машина, парк, двор, шарф, рука.)

“or”-[ :] fork, or, form.. (вилка, или, класс.)


“ir” girl, first, third, skirt. (девочка, первый,третий,юбка.)

“ur” turn (повернись)

“er” her (ее)

Все три сочетания букв читаются одинаково- [ :].

Построение простого вопроса. Общий вопрос – да /нет.

This is a dog. Is this a dog? Ответы: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

I have a cat. Have you a cat? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

I can see a car. Can you see a car? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

He has a lamp. Has he a lamp? Yes, he has./ No, he hasn’t.


Has this girl a vase? / Has she a vase?/ Yes, she has.

Has this girl a kitten? No, she hasn’t.

Has she a snake? No, she has’t.

Has she a frog? No, she hasn’t.

Has she a hat? Yes, she has.

ANSWER: Have you a dog? /Have you got a dog?/ Yes I have. / No, I haven’t.

Have you a cat? /Have you got a cat?/

Have you a car? /Have you got a car?/

Have you a pen? /Have you got a pen?/

Вопрос: How many_________? /Сколько?/-ставится впереди вспомогательного глагола ”have” или любого другого вспомогательного глагола- “has”;” can” ,”is”……..

READ: How many kittens has a cat? / It has two kittens./

How many sisters have you? / I have no sisters./

How many brothers have you? /I have one brother, _______/

Lesson №8. Чтение вопросов.

Вопрос: Сколько ? How many_______ have you?

How many_______ has he?


*How many friends have you? /I have two friends/ *How many friends has your friend? *How many sisters have you? *How many sisters has Nick? *How many cassetes have you? *How many cassetes has Ted? *How many books have you? *How many books has he? Thank you! *How many computer games have you? *How many computer games has he?

Вопрос: Что это? WH-? What is this? /What’s this?/

READ: -What’s this? It’s a plate. -This is a tie. This isn’t a dress.

-This isn’t a cup. It’s a plate. -Is this a tie? Yes, it is.

-Is this a cup? No, it isn’t. -Is this a dress? No, it isn’t.

-Is this a plate? Yes it is.. -What’s this? It’s a tie.

-What’s this? It’s a plate. -What’s that? It’s a tree.

-What is this? It’s a bed. -This is a man. That is his friend.

-This isn’t a sofa. It’s a bed. -That isn’t my friend.

-This is a desk. This isn’t a table. -Is this your friend too? No, it isn’t.

-Is this a table? No, it isn‘t. -Is this his friend? Yes it is.


-Is this adesk? Yes, it is. -Is this your or his friend? It’s his friend.

SAY this way.

Ex. -Is that a pencil? No, it isn’t. That isn’t a pencil. It’s a pen. What’s that? It’s a pen.

-Is that a desk? No,it isn’t. That isn’t a desk. It’s a table. What’s that? It’s a table.

Читай с правильной интонацией.

-This is a cap and that’s a hat. -This is a student and that’s a pupil.

-This is my cat and that’s my dog. -This is my girl-friend and that is her mother.

-This is his pen and that’s your pen. -This is my room and that’s your room.

-This is my bed and that is your bed. -This is my dress and that is her dress.

All right!

SAY: What’s this and what’s that? This is a stone and that’s a tree./дерево/

What’s this and what’s that? This is a hat and that’s a cap.

What’s that and what’s this? That is a cat and this is a dog.

Вопрос: Какой? /Какая? Какие?/ WH-QUESTIONS. What kind of________ is this?

What kind of________ is that?

-It’s a big cake./торт/ What kind of cake is this? It’s a big cake.

-It’s a white dress. What kind of dress is this? It’s white.

-This is a red pen. That’s a blue pen. What kind of pen is this? It’s red. What kind of pen is that?

Blue. /It’s blue/ /

-What kind of rose is this? It’s a nice rose. It’s a nice red rose. It’s a nice red rose for you.

Thanks you very much!

Lesson 9. Чтение с предлогами места. Вопрос: Where is_______? (где?)

Where is the ball? It is on the table.

Where is the ball now? It’s near the table.

Where is the ball now? It’s under the table

Where is the star? It’s over the ground. /над землей/.

Where is the ball? It is in the box.

Where is the star? It’s by the line.

/около линии/.

Where is the ball now? Between the lines.


I have a car. It’s in the street. /на улице/ Where is the car? In the street.

I have a pen. It is on the table. /на столе/ Where is the pen? On the table.

I have a cat. It is on the sofa. /на диване/ Where is the cat? On the sofa.

I have a computer. It is in my room. Where is your computer? In my room.

What’s this? It’s a star. What colour is the star? It’s white. Where is the star? In the sky./на небе/. In the blue sky.

Excuse me. Where is your car. It is in the street now? Where? Near our house./около нашего дома/. Don’t worry. /не волнуйтесь/.It/s OK.

Where is the dog? Is it in your room? No? Is it in my room? Where is my dog? Don’t worry.

It is in the kitchen./на кухне/. Sleeping /спит/ under the table. Oh, sorry, dear. It’s OK.

Where is my bag? Your school bag? Yes. It is near the door. /около двери/.Sorry.


A dog. My dog. My clever dog. My big and clever dog. It’s my big and clever dog near me.

A car. A nice car. A nice big car. It’s a nice big car. This is my nice and big car in the street.

A cat. My pussy cat. My nice pussy cat./пушистый котик/. It’s my nice pussy cat. This is

my nice pussy cat on the sofa.


1Добавляя к слову прилагательные и местоимения, добейся, чтобы получилось

предложение./как показано выше в образце/

2.Распредели следующие слова по III типам слога:

These /эти/, student, ill /больной/, my, plus /плюс/, me, clock /часы/, take, those /те/, pencil, face, sit, man, stop, like /нравится/, stone, spell /назови по буквам/, bus, nine, go, pupil.

/Выучи выделенные курсивом слова/


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