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Организационный момент

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Презентация “I go to school”

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Презентация к уроку английского языка "I go to school" (UNIT 4 Step 1) в 4-м классе УМК Rainbow English

  • Темирова Диана Хусейновна, учитель английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языкиКонкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 4

Ключевые слова: английский язык

Презентация к уроку



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УМК "Rainbow English" О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева.

Цели урока:

  • Практическая: прививать навыки устной речи, умение понимать собеседника, правильно реагировать, вступать в диалог, закреплять пройденный материал, применять полученные знания на практике.
  • Образовательная:
    • повторить и закрепить лексику раздела;
    • формировать умение строить монологическое высказывание, развивать навыки аудирования, говорения, грамматические навыки;
    • формировать навыки чтения с детальным пониманием содержания, умение обсуждать прочитанное, умение сравнивать, обобщать и делать выводы.
  • Воспитательная: воспитывать уважительного отношения к школе, к учителям, к одноклассникам, развивать самостоятельность, умение сотрудничать, работать в команде, формировать интерес к иностранному языку, наблюдательность, воспитывать желание учиться и делать открытия; воспитывать умение слушать других.
  • Развивающая: развивать активное самостоятельное мышление ребенка, формировать речевой слух учащихся, воспитывать речевой этикет и культуру общения на уроке, развивать логическое мышление, воображение, внимание, память, речь.

Задачи урока: формирование коммуникативных навыков, введение и активизация лексики по теме «Школа», систематизация и закрепление изученного грамматического материала (настоящее простое и настоящее длительное времена, предлоги местонахождения), отработка навыков монологической речи, аудирования и чтения.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент. Вступление

1. Приветствие

- Hello, boys and girls. I am very glad to see you. Sit down, please.

- Today we are going to speak, listen, read, and play

2. Фонетическая зарядка (warm-up)

Речевая разминка. На экране слайд. Дети вспоминают правила чтения известных слов и их перевод.

[ɔ:] always, daughter, morning, floor, for

[æ] apple, thanks, flat, family, garage

[eɪ] table, again, take, hate, late

[ɑ:] after, March, park, armchair, car

[ɪ] middle, window, finish, listen, interesting

[ʊ] book, hook, cook, good, look

На следующем слайде скороговорка. Дети медленно повторяют за учителем, потом пытаются сказать сами:

  • Look at the boy - he has a toy,
  • Look at the girl - she has a doll,
  • Look at the cat - it has a hat,
  • Look at the pig - it is very big.

Формирование навыков говорения по теме

(Ученики перечисляют глаголы в настоящем простом времени: read, write, speak, count, listen, play games, run, watch, sing songs, jump, eat (have lunch), do my homework, etc.) -

What do you do with the: book, duster, blackboard, pen, teacher?

- Read, write, listen, speak, etc.

3. Сообщение темы, постановка цели и задач урока

- Now please, try to guess the word I'm speaking about. (NOUN)

1) You know this word very well. You go there 6 days a week…(a school)

2) Who is standing at the blackboard? (A teacher)

3) He is black, and red, and blue. He draws a picture for you. (A pencil)

4) They can read, write and count. They are use books, pens, pencils. (Ученик).

Today at the lesson we'll speak about our school.

(ученики приглашаются к доске, чтобы из вырезанных букв правильно выложить слова)

II. Основной этап урока

4. Формирование грамматических навыков

Грамматическое задание на доске:

  • There is a mug on the table.
  • There are toys on the shelf.
  • There is a desk, a bookcase in our classroom.
  • There are two chairs and table in my bedroom.
  • There are three windows and a door in our classroom.
  • The door is …
  • The windows are…

5. Формирование навыков чтения и говорения

Чтение текста "Mary's school" стр. 121.

Рассказ о своей школе.

6. Динамическая пауза

Well done! Are you tired? Let's have a rest. Please, stand up.

Please read, write, jump,sing, dance,sleep,swim.

7. Формирование грамматических навыков

Работа на карточках

Решение примеров (на доске)

8. Формирование навыков монологической речи

I like my school because… (ученики заканчивают предложение)

  • It is nice. I like to learn. I meet my friends there.
  • It is interesting.
  • I learn new information.

What do I do at school? (повторяемглаголы)

  • Read, write, listen, sing, etc.

III. Заключительный этап урока

9. Подведение итогов урока

10. Рефлексия

That was excellent! Let's see what we've learned at the lesson.

Did you like this lesson?

What did you like?

Вопросы к классу:

  • Ребята, что нового мы узнали на уроке, какие новые слова?
  • Что нам удалось на уроке лучше всего?
  • Что вам понравилось больше всего?
  • Что нам нужно еще подучить?

С помощью наводящих вопросов учителя дети подводят итог урока.

11. Инструктаж по домашнему заданию

Please open your record books and write down your homework.

12. Выставление отметок.

Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over.


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«Презентация “I go to school”»



READ [ɔ:] always, daughter, morning, floor, for [æ] apple, thanks, flat, family, garage [eɪ] table, again, take, hate, late [ɑ:] after, March, park, armchair, car [ɪ] middle, window, finish, listen, interesting [ʊ] book, hook, cook, good, look


[ɔ:] always, daughter, morning, floor, for

[æ] apple, thanks, flat, family, garage

[eɪ] table, again, take, hate, late

[ɑ:] after, March, park, armchair, car

[ɪ] middle, window, finish, listen, interesting

[ʊ] book, hook, cook, good, look

Look at the boy – he has a toy, Look at the girl – she has a doll, Look at the cat – it has a hat, Look at the pig – it is very big.

Look at the boy – he has a toy,

Look at the girl – she has a doll,

Look at the cat – it has a hat,

Look at the pig – it is very big.

Who is teaching you now? A teacher It is black, and red, and blue. It draws a picture for you . A pencil Pupils They can read, write and count. They are use books, pens, pencils.

Who is teaching you now?

A teacher

It is black, and red, and blue.

It draws a picture for you .

A pencil


They can read, write and count.

They are use books, pens, pencils.

You go there 5 days a week… School

You go there 5 days a week…




The door is on the teacher’s right. The window is on the left. The pupils __________ him. The map __________. The clock ___________. The pictures _________________. The cupboard __________. The teacher’s table _________. The television __________. John Barker ______ the teacher. are in front of is behind him. is on his right are on his right and on his left is behind him is behind him is on his left is next to
  • The door is on the teacher’s right.
  • The window is on the left.
  • The pupils __________ him.
  • The map __________.
  • The clock ___________.
  • The pictures _________________.
  • The cupboard __________.
  • The teacher’s table _________.
  • The television __________.
  • John Barker ______ the teacher.

are in front of

is behind him.

is on his right

are on his right and on his left

is behind him

is behind him

is on his left

is next to

The first variant: listen to the speaker and tell me what a John Barker do in school on Mondays. John has 5 lessons on Monday. He reads books, writes texts, counts, sing songs, runs and jumps. He has lunch.

The first variant:

listen to the speaker and tell me what a John Barker do in school on Mondays.

John has 5 lessons on Monday.

He reads books, writes texts, counts, sing songs, runs and jumps.

He has lunch.

The second variant- listen the speaker and read only those sentences that match the text. John does not go to school on Monday. John and Tom go to school together. John has milk in the morning. John never has eggs in the morning. The school bus stops in front of John’s house. John meets his friends in the garden. The boys usually have lessons on Monday. They read books, write texts, count and sing songs at school. They have lunch at twelve o’clock. They come home at four.

The second variant-

listen the speaker and read only those sentences that match the text.

John does not go to school on Monday.

John and Tom go to school together.

John has milk in the morning.

John never has eggs in the morning.

The school bus stops in front of John’s house.

John meets his friends in the garden.

The boys usually have lessons on Monday.

They read books, write texts, count and sing songs at school.

They have lunch at twelve o’clock.

They come home at four.

Read unfamiliar words by analogy with familiar.

Read unfamiliar words by analogy with familiar.

December, 1 7 . Classwork.

December, 1 7 .


New words

New words



PUT & GIVE 1)………… the books on the table, please. 2)………… me your bike, please. 3)…………. the plant on the windowsill. 4)Mary is ready to ………….… us her computer. 5)John never ……..… matches to his little cousin. 6)Mother doesn’t often ………………. us sweets. Put Give Put give gives give


1)………… the books on the table, please.

2)………… me your bike, please.

3)…………. the plant on the windowsill.

4)Mary is ready to ………….… us her computer.

5)John never ……..… matches to his little cousin.

6)Mother doesn’t often ………………. us sweets.










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