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Презентация к уроку Спорт. Олимпийские игры

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Презентация к  уроку английского языка в 6 классе

по теме «Каникулы. Олимпийские игры в Сочи. Развитие общекультурной и этнической идентичности» .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

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«презентация к уроку Спорт. Олимпийские игры»

Урок английского языка в 6 класса Тема: «Каникулы. Олимпийские игры в Сочи. Развитие общекультурной и этнической идентичности»  Учитель: Болотина Ольга Геннадиевна (МБОУ г. Керчи РК «Школа № 15  им. Героя Советского Союза Е.М. Рудневой»

Урок английского языка в 6 класса

Тема: «Каникулы. Олимпийские игры в Сочи. Развитие общекультурной и этнической идентичности»


Болотина Ольга Геннадиевна

(МБОУ г. Керчи РК «Школа № 15

им. Героя Советского Союза Е.М. Рудневой»

Olympic Games

Olympic Games

Read. Translate. Fill in the table. A Medal, gold, swimming, a track, speed skating, gymnastics, an athlete, a place, cycling, hockey, bronze, a participant, a winner, a field, judo, a team, bobsleigh, a basketball player, synchronized swimming, ice hockey, judge, silver, flag. Check your answers People Winter Olympics Summer Olympics Award & Equipment

Read. Translate. Fill in the table.

A Medal, gold, swimming, a track, speed skating, gymnastics, an athlete, a place, cycling, hockey, bronze, a participant, a winner, a field, judo, a team, bobsleigh, a basketball player, synchronized swimming, ice hockey, judge, silver, flag.

Check your answers


Winter Olympics

Summer Olympics

Award & Equipment

Check your answers People Winter Olympics An athlete A participant A winner A team A basketball player A judge Summer Olympics Speed skating Hockey Bobsleigh Ice hockey Award & Equipment Swimming Gymnastics Cycling judo Synchronized swimming A medal Gold A track A place Bronze A field Silver flag

Check your answers


Winter Olympics

An athlete

A participant

A winner

A team

A basketball player

A judge

Summer Olympics

Speed skating



Ice hockey

Award & Equipment





Synchronized swimming

A medal


A track

A place


A field



General Information E veryone knows what the Olympic games are.  Every four years in summer and two years in winter the best country’s sportsmen and sportswomen meet there .

General Information

E veryone knows what the Olympic games are.

Every four years in summer and two years in winter the best country’s sportsmen and sportswomen meet there .

The first Olympic Games When the Olympic Games began they were first held in the Greek city of Olympia every four years. These games were held and allowed all free Greek men to compete.

The first Olympic Games

When the Olympic Games began they were first held in the Greek city of Olympia every four years. These games were held and allowed all free Greek men to compete.

The first Olympic Games (2)  The first competition was held in 776 B.C. There are 5 Olympic Rings .  They represent the five continents: (Africa, America, Asia, Australia, and Europe) and the athletes from around the world.

The first Olympic Games (2)

The first competition was held in 776 B.C.

There are 5 Olympic Rings . They represent the five continents: (Africa, America, Asia, Australia, and Europe) and the athletes from around the world.

1896 Olympic Games I n 1894 the French archeologist Pierre de Coubertin revived the Olympic Games. T he First Modern Olympics were held in Greece in Athens in 1896.  14 countries, including the Unites States, participated.

1896 Olympic Games

I n 1894 the French archeologist Pierre de Coubertin revived the Olympic Games.

T he First Modern Olympics were held in Greece in Athens in 1896.

14 countries, including the Unites States, participated.

1896 Olympic Games (2) There were nine categories of events of the 1896 Olympics. They included athletics, cycling, fencing and wrestling. Other athletes competed in swimming, weightlifting, tennis and gymnastics.

1896 Olympic Games (2)

There were nine categories of events of the 1896 Olympics. They included athletics, cycling, fencing and wrestling. Other athletes competed in swimming, weightlifting, tennis and gymnastics.




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