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Презентация ученика 10 класса Абрамова Максима к уроку английского языка: "Олимпийские игры"

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Данная презентация создана обучающимся 10 класса к уроку английского языка. Тема: история Олимпийских игр.

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«Презентация ученика 10 класса Абрамова Максима к уроку английского языка: "Олимпийские игры"»

Olympic games Работу выполнил: ученик 10 класса МБОУ Богородицкой СШ Абрамов Максим

Olympic games

Работу выполнил:

ученик 10 класса

МБОУ Богородицкой СШ

Абрамов Максим

Some history In the ancient Greek city of Olympia an unusual competitions appeared - the Olympic games. They were held once in four years.

Some history

In the ancient Greek city of Olympia an unusual competitions appeared - the Olympic games. They were held once in four years.

Greek athletes competed in running, jumping, javelin, disc, wrestling, pankration, chariot races.

Greek athletes competed in running, jumping, javelin, disc, wrestling, pankration, chariot races.

Before the competition, each athlete took an oath to abide by the rules of a fair competition. More than for 11 centuries public Greek games were held in Olympia.

Before the competition, each athlete took an oath to abide by the rules of a fair competition.

More than for 11 centuries public Greek games were held in Olympia.

The winner was greeted by the whole town. In the city wall did break where the chariot rode the winner, a break in the day was patched to Olympic victory entered the city and never left.

The winner was greeted by the whole town. In the city wall did break where the chariot rode the winner, a break in the day was patched to Olympic victory entered the city and never left.

In 394 ad the Roman Emperor Theodosius 1 issued a decree prohibiting further Olympic games. The Emperor converted to Christianity and decided to eradicate anti-Christian games, glorifying the pagan gods.

In 394 ad the Roman Emperor Theodosius 1 issued a decree prohibiting further Olympic games.

The Emperor converted to Christianity and decided to eradicate anti-Christian games, glorifying the pagan gods.

The Olympic games were resumed in 1896 in Greece. In their revival the large role French social scientist Pierre de Coubertin played.

The Olympic games were resumed in 1896 in Greece.

In their revival the large role French social scientist Pierre de Coubertin played.

Modern Olympic symbol America Africa  Europe     Australia Asia The five rings represent the unity of five continents and the meeting of the world at the Olympic games.

Modern Olympic symbol








The five rings represent the unity of five continents and the meeting of the world at the Olympic games.

The Olympic motto:

The Olympic motto:

"Faster, higher, stronger"

The three words was first written by the French priest Henri Didona at the opening of sports events in the College. These words like Pierre de Coubertin, believed that these words reflect the purpose of athletes from around the world.



"The most important thing in the Olympic games – not victory, but participation, also as in life most important – not the triumph but the struggle"

"On behalf of all the athletes, I promise that we will participate in these Games, respecting and observing the rules by which they are held, in true sporting spirit, for the glory of sport and the honour of their teams"

The oath


and judges

Olympic logo

Olympic logo



Hodori: the mascot of the Olympic summer games in 1988 in Seoul, South Korea Heidi and Howdy: mascots of the Winter Olympic games of 1988 in calgary, Canada

Hodori: the mascot of the Olympic summer games in 1988 in Seoul, South Korea

Heidi and Howdy: mascots of the Winter Olympic games of 1988 in calgary, Canada

Kobe: Olympic Summer games 1992 in Barcelona, Spain Magique (Magic): Winter Olympic games, 1992, Albertville, France

Kobe: Olympic Summer games 1992 in Barcelona, Spain

Magique (Magic): Winter Olympic games, 1992, Albertville, France

Izzy: Olympic Summer games in 1996, in Atlanta, USA Haakon and Kristin : the mascots of the Winter Olympic games 1994 in Lillehammer, Norway

Izzy: Olympic Summer games in 1996, in Atlanta, USA

Haakon and Kristin : the mascots of the Winter Olympic games 1994 in Lillehammer, Norway

Wenlock and Mandeville - mascots of the Olympic games in London, 2012

Wenlock and Mandeville -

mascots of the Olympic games

in London, 2012

Mascots of the Olympic games in Sochi 2014, the people of Russia chose the hare, polar bear and Leopard. This trio, according to the organizers, symbolizes the Olympic principles - friendship, fair play and commitment to excellence.

Mascots of the Olympic games in Sochi 2014, the people of Russia chose the hare, polar bear and Leopard.

This trio, according to the organizers, symbolizes the Olympic principles - friendship, fair play and commitment to excellence.

Olympic medals

Olympic medals

http://weblinks.ru/blog/interest/2362.html http://athletics-sport.info/history http://p-i-f.livejournal.com/90693.html http://www.rian.ru/trend/talisman_sochi2014_25022011  Источники картинок: olympiad.h1.ru itishistory.ru igryolimpa.ru news.bcm.ru afrikara.com epochtimes.com.ua olimpiada.dljatebja.ru igryolimpa.ru olymps.ru numi.ru weblinks.ru!
  • http://weblinks.ru/blog/interest/2362.html
  • http://athletics-sport.info/history
  • http://p-i-f.livejournal.com/90693.html
  • http://www.rian.ru/trend/talisman_sochi2014_25022011

Источники картинок:

  • olympiad.h1.ru
  • itishistory.ru
  • igryolimpa.ru
  • news.bcm.ru
  • afrikara.com
  • epochtimes.com.ua
  • olimpiada.dljatebja.ru
  • igryolimpa.ru
  • olymps.ru
  • numi.ru
  • weblinks.ru!


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