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Приложение к статье "Инфографика на уроках английского языка" (2 часть)

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«Приложение к статье "Инфографика на уроках английского языка" (2 часть)»

Tasks for text № 1

1. What is the main purpose of the poster?

a) to give useful information how to earn money using the internet

b) to give some tips how to protect your money from fraudsters

c) to describe the importance of online communication

2. Read the sentences and mark them as TRUE, FALSE or NOT STATED.

a) You money can be stolen if you visit legitimate but compromised website.

b) New malware can be ignored because it is not dangerous.

c) To avoid becoming a victim you should use only trusted websites.

d) There are some malicious sited which can see what you type.

e) You shouldn’t give personal information using unreliable sites.

f) Kaspersky Internet security is the most trustworthy.

g) Trusted sites protect your computer from malware in real time.

h) Free Wi-Fi is reliable.

3. Give the definitions of the following notions.

a) password

b) comprehensive

c) safety

d) malware

e) phishing

f) legitimate

g) fake

h) security

Tasks for text № 2

  1. What is the main idea of the poster?

  1. Gadgets are harmful for health.

  2. Tablets changed the education completely.

  3. Pupils are not allowed to use tablets during lessons.

  1. Complete the following sentences with right words.

  1. Tablet ownership among college students ___________ from a year ago.

  2. The usage of tablets is _______________ after the usage of smartphones.

  3. There are many ______ and reasons of the usage of the tablets in the classroom.

  4. Students can easily ___________ to hear the song or speaker.

  5. Tablets are smaller than _________ and lighter than ________________.

  6. Tablets are ___________ with online teaching and learning platforms.

  7. Some districts began to ____________ students bringing in their own devices.

  8. Users of the tablets can ______________ their reading experience.

  1. Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of the usage of the tablets in the class.



  1. Develop the following topics with your partner:

a) The usage of the tablets helps students to do the homework.

  1. The reasonable combination of the usage of the tablets and coursebooks.

  2. Should students use only e-resources? Are e-resources always trustworthy?

Tasks for text № 3

1) What is the main idea of the poster?

a) Mental health disorders are common only among businessmen.

b) Mental health disorders are incurable.

c) Better mental health support in the workplace increase the success of a company.

2) Mark these utterances as TRUE, FALSE or NOT STATED.

a) Few employees speak about their mental problems with their line managers.

b) 1 in 10 employees in the past week consult a psychologist.

c) The majority of the line managers feel responsible for the wellbeing of their employees.

d) Line managers believe don’t need a special psychological training.

e) Better mental health support in the workplace contributes to high level of sales.

f) Only female employees need a psychological support.

3) Make a list of measures for the support of mental health.


4) Give the definition of the following words.

a) disability

b) responsible

c) appreciate

d) wellbeing

e) basic

Tasks for text № 4

  1. What is the purpose of this poster?

  1. To give some instructions to prevent people from accidents in the swimming pool.

  2. To give useful information how to behave on the beach.

  3. To give some instructions how to learn to swim.

  1. Read the sentences and mark them as TRUE, FALSE or NOT STATED.

  1. Owners of the pool should install fencing near the pool.

  2. People can buy flotation devices near the swimming pool.

  3. People shouldn’t use glasses or sharp breakable items in the pool area.

  4. Children should always put sunscreen when they swim.

  5. Owners of the pool should provide their clients with towels and protective flotation devices for free.

  6. Running, pushing, diving and drinking are forbidden near the pool.

  7. The usage of the mobile phones is forbidden.

  8. It is forbidden to leave children unattended in or near the pool area for any reason.

  1. Give the definition of the following words:

  1. install

  2. exclusive

  3. evacuate

  4. supervisor

  5. properly

  6. unexpected

  7. insurance

Tasks for text № 5

1) What is the purpose of the poster?

a) to give some useful tips how to write an assay in English

b) to give some recommendations how to improve fluency in English

c) to provide the reader with the necessary information about the studies abroad.

2) Give the synonyms to the underlined words in the sentences.

a) Have a genuine purpose and motivation for learning and using English.

b) Practice English in deliberate and meaningful ways.

c) Plan and set realistic goals for yourself.

d) Notice English around you and engage with English that really interests you.

3) Add some other tips for English fluency.


4) Discuss the following topics with your classmates.

a) When you learn English use authentic materials only.

b) The communication with native speakers helps to improve your fluency

c) The motivation depends on interesting materials


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