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Проверочная работа на знание Present Simple и Present Continuous

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Проверочная работа на закрепление Present Simple/ Present Continuous

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«Проверочная работа на знание Present Simple и Present Continuous»

Вариант 1.

1.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1. His father (to watch)_____________ TV at the moment.

2. I (to drink) __________ coffee now. I (to write) _____________ an English exercise.

3. Your friend (to do) ____________ his homework now.

4. Look! The baby (to sleep) ____________.

5. My grandmother (to work) _____________. She is not on pension.

6. I usually (to get) ________________ up at seven o’clock in the morning.

7. He (to work) _________________ at a hospital.

8. My cousin (to go) _______________ to school every day.

9. My grandma (to make) _____________ breakfast for me now.

10. They (to be) _____________ good dancers.

2.Добавьте окончание –ing к следующим глаголам

Work, swim, come, play, lie, tell, get, take, cut, drink, make, hit, sleep, try, look, walk, serve, eat, die, sit, cry, ski, travel, smile, begin, prepare, stop, listen, shave, fly.

3. Дополните предложения нужной формой глагола to be – am, is, are

  1. Frank and Martin … watching a TV show now.

  2.  Kelly … washing her dress in the bathroom.

  3.  Our teacher … writing something on the blackboard.

  4. It … gettingdark.

  5.  The birds … singing sweetly in the garden.

  6.  I … preparing for my report at the moment.

  7.  The children … decorating the hall for the party.

  8.  Thewind … blowingnow.

  9.  People … speaking quietly in the conference-hall.

  10.  You … waiting for the call.

4. Составьте предложения

  1.  I/playing/tennis/with/my/friend/now/am.

  2.  We/walking/on/the/are/ beach/now.

  3.  They/having/a/great/time/at/the/camp/are/at/the/ moment.

  4.  Angela/painting/a/is/beautiful/picture/now.

  5. Tina/ and/Pam/staying/are/in/a/five-star/hotel.

  6.  It/raining/outdoors/at/the/ moment/is.

  7.  Bobby/preparing/is/for/the/test/in/his/room.

Вариант 2.

1.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в PresentContinuous или PresentSimple.

1. Pat (to cook) __________ dinner at the moment.

2. I (to drink) ____________ coffee in the morning.

3. Your friend (to go) __________ to school in the morning.

4. The baby always (to sleep) _____________ after dinner.

5. My father (to work) ____________ in the garden.

6. My mother (to play) _____________ the piano now.

7. You (to read) ______________ a magazine at the moment.

8. She (to talk) _________________ about right now.

9. Tom (to read) ______________ a book every day.

10. My grandpa ( to watch) ______________ TV every evening.

2. Добавьте окончание –ing к следующим глаголам

Come, clean, swim, do, write, make, shop, live, sing, run, dance, play, work, sit, sleep, take, have, eat, jump, cry, read, look, go, buy, help, speak, listen, talk, lie, die.

3. Дополните предложения нужной формой глагола tobe – am, is, are

  1. My friend __________reading a book.

  2. I _________drinkingtea.

  3. They _______ makingnoise.

  4. He ________looking through the window.

  5. She ________helping about the house.

  6. We __________ watching TV.

  7. Granny _________cookingdinner.

  8. The birds __________swimming on the lake.

  9. The dog ________sitting at the door.

  10. It _________lookingatme.

4. Составьте предложения

  1. The/water/is/in/the/kettle/boiling.

  2. Somebody/knocking/at/is/the/door.

  3.  The/children/still/sleeping/are.

  4. You/watching/the/sunset/are/now.

  5.  The/girls/choosing/the/ costumes/are/for/the/party.

  6.  We/waiting/for/are/the/bus/at/the/ bus-stop.

  7.  A/little/is/girl/crying.


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