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Quiz "Wonders of the World

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«Quiz "Wonders of the World»

Quiz Wonders of the World


Wonders of the World

7 Ancient Wonders of the World  Where were they? Great Pyramid of Giza  Hanging Gardens of Babylon  Statue of Zeus at Olympia  Temple of Artemis at Ephesus  Mausoleum at Halicarnassus  Colossus of Rhodes  Lighthouse of Alexandria   a.  Egypt b. Ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) c. Greece d. Turkey e. Turkey f. Greece g. Egypt

7 Ancient Wonders of the World Where were they?

  • Great Pyramid of Giza 
  • Hanging Gardens of Babylon 
  • Statue of Zeus at Olympia 
  • Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 
  • Mausoleum at Halicarnassus 
  • Colossus of Rhodes 
  • Lighthouse of Alexandria  

a. Egypt

b. Ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq)

c. Greece

d. Turkey

e. Turkey

f. Greece

g. Egypt

1. How many Wonders of the Ancient World still exist?   A. 1 B. 2 C. 3

1. How many Wonders of the Ancient World still exist?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

2. Which wonder of the ancient world can you see now? A. Great Pyramid of Giza B. Statue of Zeus at Olympia C. Lighthouse of Alexandria

2. Which wonder of the ancient world can you see now?

A. Great Pyramid of Giza

B. Statue of Zeus at Olympia

C. Lighthouse of Alexandria

3. Where were Hanging Gardens of Babylon supposed to be located? A. In ancient Babylon State B. In ancient China C. In ancient India

3. Where were Hanging Gardens of Babylon supposed to be located?

A. In ancient Babylon State

B. In ancient China

C. In ancient India

  4. How was Temple of Artemis destroyed according to the legend?   A. During the arson B. During the enemy troops attack C. During the earthquake

  4. How was Temple of Artemis destroyed according to the legend?

A. During the arson

B. During the enemy troops attack

C. During the earthquake

5. What is the Colossus of Rhodes? A. A group of temples in ancient Greece B. A giant statue of the Greek titan C. The highest tower in India

5. What is the Colossus of Rhodes?

A. A group of temples in ancient Greece

B. A giant statue of the Greek titan

C. The highest tower in India

6. In what city is the Colosseum located? A. Rome B. Milan C. Naples

6. In what city is the Colosseum located?

A. Rome

B. Milan

C. Naples

7. Which Greek sculptor made a statue of Zeus in Olympia? A. Phidias B. Kolot C. Senior Polycleitus

7. Which Greek sculptor made a statue of Zeus in Olympia?

A. Phidias

B. Kolot

C. Senior Polycleitus

8. How was the Lighthouse of Alexandria destroyed? A. During the heavy storm B. During several eathquakes C. During the great fire

8. How was the Lighthouse of Alexandria destroyed?

A. During the heavy storm

B. During several eathquakes

C. During the great fire

9. Which Carian ruler had the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus as his tombstones? A. Xiao Gong B. Mausolus C. Maze

9. Which Carian ruler had the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus as his tombstones?

A. Xiao Gong

B. Mausolus

C. Maze

10. What was the height of Colossus of Rhodes? A. 53 meters B. 36 meters C.100 meters

10. What was the height of Colossus of Rhodes?

A. 53 meters

B. 36 meters

C.100 meters

11. When was the list of New 7 Wonders of the World released? A. 15 August 1909 B. 7 July 2007 C. 3 September 1983

11. When was the list of New 7 Wonders of the World released?

A. 15 August 1909

B. 7 July 2007

C. 3 September 1983

Modern Wonders of the World A B C 1. The Colosseum 2. Machu Picchu 3. Petra D E 4. Taj Mahal 5. Christ the Redeemer Statue F 6. Great Wall of China G 7 . Chichén Itzá

Modern Wonders of the World




1. The Colosseum

2. Machu Picchu

3. Petra



4. Taj Mahal

5. Christ the Redeemer Statue


6. Great Wall of China


7 . Chichén Itzá

1. In what city is the Taj Mahal located? A. Anand B. Angul C. Agra

1. In what city is the Taj Mahal located?

A. Anand

B. Angul

C. Agra

2. In what country do we find Machu Picchu?   A. Peru B. Brasil C. Mexico

2. In what country do we find Machu Picchu?

A. Peru

B. Brasil

C. Mexico

3. In what country do we find Chichen Itza?   A. Argentina B. Guatemala C. Mexico

3. In what country do we find Chichen Itza?

A. Argentina

B. Guatemala

C. Mexico

4. Where in China is the Great Wall located? A. North B. East C. South

4. Where in China is the Great Wall located?

A. North

B. East

C. South

5. In what country can we find Petra? A. Israel B. Egypt C. Jordan

5. In what country can we find Petra?

A. Israel

B. Egypt

C. Jordan

6. What was NOT done in the Colloseum? A. Animal fights B. Plays C. Voting

6. What was NOT done in the Colloseum?

A. Animal fights

B. Plays

C. Voting

7. Why was the Chinese Wall built? A. Prestige B. A lot of unemployed people needed work C. To keep out invaders

7. Why was the Chinese Wall built?

A. Prestige

B. A lot of unemployed people needed work

C. To keep out invaders

8. Why was the Taj Mahal built? A. To bury his wife B. To bury her husband C. To be buried together

8. Why was the Taj Mahal built?

A. To bury his wife

B. To bury her husband

C. To be buried together

9. What is the city of Machu Picchu sometimes called? A. The Lost City of the Incas B. Indiana Jones City C. The Great City of Quetzalcoat

9. What is the city of Machu Picchu sometimes called?

A. The Lost City of the Incas

B. Indiana Jones City

C. The Great City of Quetzalcoat

10. How long is the great wall of China? A. 9 000 km B. 5 000 km C. 6 000 km

10. How long is the great wall of China?

A. 9 000 km

B. 5 000 km

C. 6 000 km

Thank you! Wonders of the World

Thank you!

Wonders of the World


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