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Рапорт дежурного ученика

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С помощью учеников 5-11 классов разработаны примерные вопросы и ответы во время начала урока.Использовались наиболее часто употребляемые языковые конструкции.



Просмотр содержимого документа
«Рапорт дежурного ученика»

The pupil`s on duty report

1. Who`s on duty today?-I`m.

2. What is your name?

My name is…

3. How old are you?-I am…

4. What date is it today?

It`s the … of…

5. What day of the week is it today?


( Monday, Tuesday ,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday)

6. Who`s absent today?

…is (are) absent .

7. What`s your homework?


8. What`s the weather like today?

It`s(fine ,so-so ,nasty ,cold ,snowy ,rainy ,cloudy ,warm ,hot)

9. What kind of weather do you think will be tomorrow ?

I think it will be …

10. How many pupils are there in the classroom right now?

There`re … pupils in the classroom.

11. Speak about yourself:

(hobby, music ,sport , computer , collections , photo, etc)

My hobby is…

12. What is your favorite subject(s) is (are)…

(13) What have you just (already) done up this time?

I`ve just (already)…

(14) Why do you study English?


15. What is your surname?

-My surname is…

16. What`s your favorite color?

-It`s red (black, white, orange…)

17. What can`t you do?

- It is so pity. I can`t play the guitar…

18. Where are you from?

-I`m from Russia.

19. How are you?

- I`m fine. Thank you.

- Very well. Thanks.

- So-so.

20. How long does it take you to get to school (by bus,

on foot…)?

- It takes me… minutes to get to school…

21. What`s your favorite kind of music

(sport, number, season, day of the week…?)

22. What are you good at?

-I`m good at maths, (sport…)

23. What comes after the letter D?

- (the letter «Е»)

24. What comes after ‘’13’’?-“14”

25. When did you come to school today ?

-I came at (8.15)…

26. What are you doing now?- I`m sitting.

27. How many lessons do you have today ?

We have… lessons today

28. How many letters are there in the English alphabet?

There are 26 letters.

29. What will be the theme of the lesson today ?

- It will be …

30. What is your favorite game?

31. What is the 15th letter in the English alphabet?

32. When is your birthday?

-It`s on the… of…

33 .Have you done your homework ?

-Yes, I have.

- No , I haven`t because …(I was absent, I couldn`t do it…)

34. Could you open the door, close the door, clean the blackboard?

- Of course, I can. With pleasure. I’m sorry, I can’t.


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