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Reading. Speaking. Grammar (tag -question).

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Урок  для 5 класса, направленный на контроль навыков чтения и говорения. Закрепление - повторение понятия "разделительный вопрос".

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«Reading. Speaking. Grammar (tag -question).»

Read the text. Say why Lena was sad.

One grey morning Lena woke up but she couldn`t open her eyes. Her whole body, hurt and she had a sore throat. It was warm in the room, but her feet felt as cold as ice. Lena looked at the clock - it was about nine o`clock. Lena didn`t want to get up.

Her mum came into the room, “Happy birthday, honey! Why are you still in bed, dear? What`s the matter? Are you OK?

Breakfast is ready. You`ve got a lot to do. We`ve got your birthday party this afternoon, haven`t we?” Mum opened the curtains. It was cold and rainy outside. Lena couldn`t even think about the party and the cake.

“Sorry, Mum, but I`d better stay in bed. And could you bring me some tea, please?” Mum came up to her and took her temperature. Then, she said, “OK, I`ll bring you some hot lemon tea. It`ll make you feel much better. “Lena was sad. It was a pity to fall ill on her birthday. And now she won`t be able to go to her own party, will she?

Lena signed and fell asleep…

Look and learn!

to wake up (woke) -просыпаться

to hurt (hurt) -болеть

a body -тело

to have a sore throat -больное горло

to fall ill - заболеть


If you want to wish someone good health say these words: “Please Get Well Soon!”

Add the correct tag questions and then answer the questions.

Example: One grey morning Lena woke up early,…? - One grey morning Lena woke up early, didn`t she? - Yes, she did.

  1. Lena didn`t want to get up, …?

  2. Lena had a lot to do, …?

  3. It was windy and cold outside, …?

  4. Lena couldn`t think about the party and the cake, …?

  5. Lena and her mother decided to have lemon tea and sandwiches for breakfast, …?

  6. Lena was happy to stay in bed, …?


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