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Сценарий праздника Halloween

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«Сценарий праздника Halloween»

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя школа №4»

Сценарий праздника



Подготовила и провела

учитель английского языка МБОУ СШ №4

Ахундова С.М.


Halloween – один из любимых праздников детворы. На нём можно не только показать хорошие знания языка, но и повеселиться от души. Кроме того, такие мероприятия способствуют развитию творческой фантазии и инициативы в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности, а также развивают познавательные интересы учащихся и умения сотрудничать в осуществлении совместной деятельности.

Цель: познакомить детей с традициями страны изучаемого языка.

Задачи - развивать у детей коммуникативную компетенцию,

- развивать навыки говорения и выступления на публике,

- формировать умение работать в команде,

- воспитывать чувство товарищества и взаимопомощи,

- повысить мотивацию к изучению английского языка.

Оформление зала: окна завешиваются черными шторами, на шторах и по стенам зала развешиваются картинки с символами Хэллоуина (привидения, черные коты, ведьмы, летучие мыши, тыквы, мумии, скелеты, черные шарики.). На стене плакат с названием праздника и газеты.

Сцена украшена свечами, тыквой, которая является декорацией для сценки. На сцене нарисованный котел, в котором варится зелье, вокруг изображения черных котов, тыкв и ведьм.

Звучит таинственная и устрашающая мелодия, которая заканчивается с началом представления.

За участие в представлении и конкурсах, за приготовленные костюмы и подделки учащиеся награждаются призами.

Ход праздника-игры.

Первый ведущий: We begin our traditional Halloween Party! We have two teams which are going to have a contest tonight. Welcome the team “Bloody Oranges”… and another team is called “Witches”… Now let me introduce our jury…

Второй ведущий: Let us start our Halloween competition. The first contest is Halloween Theatre. The team “Bloody Oranges” has prepared a play which is called “Bloody Oranges”.

Bloody Oranges”

Pupil 1: Once upon a time there was a family. There were four of them: a mother, a father, a son and a daughter. They were having dinner on the 31-st of October. They had already eaten their dinner but suddenly mother realized that she had forgotten to put oranges on the table.

Mother:  Oh, dear! Where are the oranges? I think they are in the cellar. Jane, go to the cellar and bring the oranges.

Pupil 2: Jane goes to the cellar, opens the door and has the feeling that there is somebody in the room, but she does not see anybody. On the shelf she sees the oranges.

Jane: Ah! Here are the oranges!

Pupil 1: But when she wants to take the oranges she hears a strange voice.

Voice: Do not take my bloody oranges! Go away!

Pupil 2: Jane is frightened and she runs up to the dining room.

Jane: I could not find the oranges. Ask Max to bring them!

Mother: Max, go to the cellar and bring the oranges, please.

Max: Of course, Mum. Only those silly girls cannot find the oranges!

Pupil 1: He goes downstairs opens the door and on the shelf he sees the oranges. He wants to take them.

Pupil 2: But he hears the same strange voice.

Voice: Voice: Do not take my bloody oranges! Go away!

Pupil 1: Max is scared too and he runs upstairs out of the cellar.

Max: I have not brought the oranges. Let father go there!

Mother: My darling, will you go to the cellar and bring those oranges, please?

Father: OK

Pupil 1 He goes downstairs opens the door and on the shelf he sees the oranges. He wants to take them. But he hears the same strange voice.

Voice: Do not take my bloody oranges! Go away!

Father: I am not afraid of you! I need these oranges and I will take them!

Pupil 2:  Fifteen minutes passed but nobody came back. Mother, Jane and Max went to the cellar together. They opened the door and on the floor they saw their dead father with bloody oranges around him.

Voice: Ha! Ha! Ha!

Второй ведущийThank you, “Bloody Oranges”! Your Halloween play was really horrible.

It’s Halloween

Pupil 1: 

It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween!
The moon is full and bright.
And we shall see what can’t be seen
On any other night!

Pupil 2: 

Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls
Grinning goblins fighting duels
Werewolves rising from their tombs,
Witches on their magic brooms.

Pupil 3: 

In masks and gouns we haunt the street
And knock on doors for trick or treat.
Tonight we are the king and queen,
For oh tonight it’s Halloween!

На сцене танец “ведьмочек”.

Первый ведущий.

Halloween customs today follow many of ancient practices. When children wear costumes, false faces, or witches’ hats, bob for apples or carry jack-o-lanterns they are carrying on ancient traditions.

Второй ведущий.

Witches prepared different potions (снадобья) and told magic spells:

Pupil 1.

Bubbling, bubbling, bubbling pot
Add some bat wings and then what?
Mix and mix until you’ve got
A new monster ugly and hot.
Bubbling, bubbling, bubbling pot,
Turn a rat into a frog,
Turn a cat into a log,
Bubbling, bubbling, bubbling pot.

Pupils from the team “Bloody Oranges”:

Halloween action poem 1

Flap your wings like a big black bat,

(pupils wave their hands)

Arch your back like a witches’ cat,

(pupils arch their backs)

Prowl around like a goblin in a town,

(pupils prowl around)

Dance on tiptoes like a clown,

(pupils dance on tiptoes)

Float through the air like a ghost all about,

(pupils float about)

Now everyone together, let me hear you shout:

pupils shout:

Happy Halloween!

Pupils from the team “Witches”:

Halloween action poem 2

I am a pumpkin big and round,

( pupils show size with their arms)

Once upon a time I grew on the ground

(pupils point to the ground)

Now I have a mouth, two eyes, and a nose.

( pupils point to their mouths, eyes and noses )

What are they for, do you suppose?

(pupils shrug their  shoulders)

Pupil one from the team “Bloody Oranges”:

A Halloween rhyme1

The spooks are out tonight!

The spooks are out tonight!

They will grab your nose,

And bite your toes.

The spooks are out tonight

Pupil one from the team “Witches”:

A Halloween rhyme2

You’d better watch out on a Halloween night,

Because the witches are out tonight,

They are a terrible sight,

Hide under a chair and lock your door tight,

Because the witches are out tonight.

Jack – O’ – Lantern – Hi, everybody. My name is Jack, you know. I’ve been wandering around the Earth for hundreds of years. I am so tired. People don’t like me, but I want to talk to them. I am so glad to have come to your party. One of the ancient traditions on Halloween was story telling. I know so many interesting stories and I won’t go until I tell you one of them.

Now light the candles in your pumpkins switch off the light and listen to my story.

(Tells the story and comes closer to the spectators)

Once upon a time there lived an old woman. She sat by the fire and she spun waiting for someone to come. But no one came. Soon there was a knock at the door and the door opened and in came two big shoes, two long thin legs, some wide, wide shoulders, some long thin arms, and two fat hands and in rolled a pumpkin head.

She looked at someone and said:
Why do you have such big, big shoes?
Much walking, much walking, – said someone.
Why do you have such long thin legs?
Much running, much running.
Why do you have such wide shoulders?
Much carrying, much carrying.
Why do you have such fat, fat hands?
Much working, much working.
Why are you here? What is it you want?
I came to get……….YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Первый ведущий: It was marvelous!  Let us play again! The game is called “Collect a skeleton”.  Which team will manage to collect a skeleton quicker? Throw the dice and stick the part of skeleton’s body on the board with the help of magnets. Each skeleton’s bone has a number. A “1” is needed to start because number “1” is a skeleton’s body.  The first team –go! Your time is … It is Witches’ turn now.

The winners are…

Второй ведущий Another competition is called: “Wrap up like a mummy”. Use toilet paper and wrap one or two members of your team in it. Whose mummies will be better? You have 10 minutes for this task.

Time is up. The jury should decide whose mummy is better.

Второй ведущий. – Well, well, well the time for fun has come. We have a lot here to enjoy.

Let’s play the game “Bobbing for apples”. Apples are in a bowl of water. Let someone try to catch an apple with his teeth.

Watch us bobbing for an apple,
For an apple, apple, apple
But no apple, apple, apple
Not an apple can I get.
Oh I cannot catch an apple,
Not one apple, apple, apple,
Though my sister got an apple,
All I got was soaking wet.

Первый ведущий: Now I suggest that you should guess my riddles. If you give the right answer, you’ll get a little present.

She always flies on her magic broom,
She always flies around the moon
With a black hat on her head 
And what do you think, who is that?
(a witch)

Второй ведущий:

In masks and gowns we haunt the street
And knock on doors for trick or treat
Tonight we are the king and queen
For all tonight is ………..

Первый ведущий:

I flight at night because I don’t like light. (Bat)

Второй ведущий:
I’m scary and white. I come out at night. Who am I? (Ghost)

Первый ведущий:

It means bad luck, don’t look at it
If it crosses your path
And what do you think we call it?
(a black cat)

Второй ведущий:

Sometimes big and sometimes small
But always round and yellow
When the children make my famous grin
Then I’m a scary fellow
(Jack – O’ – Lantern)

Первый ведущий:

I am a big and round
Once upon a time I grew on the ground
Now I have a mouth, 2 eyes and a nose
Who am I do you suppose?

Второй ведущий:

I see a friendly shining moon
As big and round as a balloon
Soon I will go out on the street
With my friend for our ………….
(Trick – or – treat)



Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat.
Give us candy, give us cake,
Give us something sweet to take.
Give us cookies, fruits and gum,
Hurry up and give us some.
You had better do it quick
Or we’ll surely play a trick.
Trick or treat, trick or treat
Give us something good to eat.

Первый ведущий: And now the teams are welcome to sing a Halloween song

This is Halloween”.

Pupil 1: 

One little skeleton hopping up and down,

Hopping up and down, hopping up and down,

One little skeleton hopping up and down.

For this is Halloween!

 Pupil 2: 

Two little witches flying through the air,

Flying through the air, flying through the air,

Two little witches flying through the air.

For this is Halloween!

 Pupil 3: 

Three black cats are walking on a fence,

Walking on a fence, walking on a fence,

Three black cats are walking on a fence.

For this is Halloween!

 Pupil 4: 

Four plump pumpkins bouncing down the road,

Bouncing down the road bouncing down the road,

Four plump pumpkins bouncing down the road.

For this is Halloween!

 Pupil 5: 

Five white goblins skipping round the house,

Skipping round the house, skipping round the house,

Five white goblins skipping round the house.

For this is Halloween!

Второй ведущий: Our party is coming to the end and we invite all of you to take part in “Halloween Fashion Show”.

Парад-конкурс костюмов.

Наряженные “страшилки” выстраиваются в ряд и под музыку, и аплодисменты зрителей проходят круг почета.


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