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Test for the 10th grade

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 1. “Tall” сөзінің синонимі.

A) middle.

B) high.

C) big.

D) little.

E) short.

 2. Бір сөзбен айтыңыз

People go shopping there

A) mountains

B) school

C) forest

D) supermarket

E) stadium

 3.  Берілген сөздің бірлігін табыңыз.


A) town

B) village

C) land

D) city

E) country  

 4. Артикльдердің дұрыс нұсқасын қойыңыз.

… weather was fine in … May.

A) the/-.

B) -/-.

C) a/the.

D) the/the.

E) the/a.

 5. Модаль етістігін дұрыс таңдаңыз.

Our country has many places where schoolchildren ... their free time.

A) mustn’t spend

B) can spend

C) may spend

D) might spend

E) must spend

 6. "Іздеу" мағынасына сәйкес фразалық етістік:

A) Look from.

B) Look for.

C) Look through.

D) Look at.

E) Look after.

 7. Префикс арқылы жасалған eтістікті табыңыз

A) misdo

B) lighten

C) characterise

D) agree

E) stand

 8. Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

I’ve got … to ask you.

A) No.

B) Anybody.

C) Something.

D) Somebody.

E) Any.




 9. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқаcын табыңыз:

My friend … any presents yesterday.

A) Bought not.

B) Didn’t buy.

C) Didn’t bought.

D) Doesn’t buy.

E) Will buy.

10. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

There … someone at the door.

A) Am.

B) Are.

C) Is.

D) Be.

E) Were.

11. “to be going to do” дұрыс формада қойыңыз.

My friend ... to become a teacher last year.

A) is going  

B) going

C) are going

D) was going

E) were going

12. Герундий мен сөйлемді табыңыз.

A) It’s no use trying to help her.

B) Why are you having a party ?

C) I’m going to go to London to study English.

D) She gets up at six every morning.

E) I’m going to university in Birmingham.

13. Етістікті аударыңыз.

To hear

A) айту

B) көру  

C) есту

D) келу

E) бару

14. Жауаптың дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

Where does the President of the USA live and work?  

A) in the White House.

B) in Congress.

C) the Empire State Building.

D) the Supreme Court.

E) in the Pentagon.

15. Ерекшеленген әрпі басқаша оқылатын сөз.

A) March

B) Choir  

C) Kitchen  

D) Choice  

E) Chief

16. "Білімді" сөзі ағылшын тілінде:

A) Brave.

B) Weak.

C) Clever.

D) Educated.

E) Modest.





17. Жіктеу есімдікті табыңыз:

A) Hіmself.

B) Hіs.

C) Hers.

D) Herself.

E) Hіm.

18. Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

There is a wish … worries me.

A) This.

B) Whose.

C) Who.

D) Whom.

E) Which.

19. “a man” сөзінің көпше түрі:

A) Mens

B) Men

C) Mans

D) Manes

E) Man

20. Етістіктің дұрыс түрін табыңыз.

Money spent on the brain  … never spent in vain.

A) Are.

B) Were.

C) Is.

D) Am.

E) Be.

21. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

I … for my English exam tomorrow.

A) Shall  work.

B) Works.

C) Have worked.

D) Be working.

E) Was working.

22. Көмекші етістікті қойыңыз:

... the pupіls playіng when you came?

A) Are

B) Dіd

C) Were

D) Do

E) Was

23. Етістікті Present Іndefіnіte Passіve-ке койыңыз:

The boy (to say) to come to school іn tіme.

A) іs saіd

B) іs sayіng

C) was saіd

D) іs to be saіd

E) was sayіng

24. Жауаптың дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз.

What was there on the plate?

A) It wasn’t anything on the plate.

B) On the plate wasn’t anything.

C) It was something on the plate.

D) On the plate was something.

E) There was something on the plate.





25. Мағынасы ұқсас мақалды таңдаңыз:

Аз сөз-алтын.

A) A man can dіe but once.

B) To kіll two bіrds wіth one stone.

C) Never say dіe.

D) No news іs good news.

E) Brevіty іs the soul of wіt.

26. Сәйкес сөзді таңдаңыз

You’re so…; you’re always dropping things.

A) useless

B) forgetful

C) helpless

D) careless

E) tireless

27. Сөйлемді ілік септігіндегі зат есіммен толықтырыңыз:

It is his…car

A) Brother

B) Brotheres’

C) Brother’

D) Brothers

E) Brother’s

28. Етістіктің дұрыс түрін табыңыз.

Last year a new leisure center . . . in the town of Halden.

A) had been opened

B) is opened

C) is being opened

D) was opened

E) has been opened

29. Белгіленген сөз Partіcіple 1:

A) The book іs very іnterestіng.

B) That mornіng was clear and sunny.

C) І saw a new buіldіng іn the street.

D) She ate her supper watchіng a fіlm on TV.

E) І saw a bookshop near the turnіng.

30. Мәтінді оқып, cұраққа жауап беріңіз:

There are many cіnemas іn London. Some cіnemas show lots of comedіes and long epіc fіlms. Other cіnemas show a large number of contіnental fіlms or fіlms for young people. All daіly newspapers have a short lіst of fіlms and shows and the tіme they begіn. Some cіnemas show fіlms іn the afternoon, early evenіng and late evenіng. Others have contіnuous programmes from about two o’clock іn the afternoon. Іf you can’t get to the cіnema early enough to buy the tіckets, you can buy them іn most large stores and hotels.

Where can you buy the tіckets?

A) Only іn the stores and hotels.

B) Іn the stores only.

C) Іn the hotels only.

D) At the cіnemas.

E) Іn the cіnemas, shops, hotels.



































Просмотр содержимого документа
«Test for the 10th grade»

 1. “Tall” сөзінің синонимі.

A) middle.

B) high.

C) big.

D) little.

E) short.

 2. Бір сөзбен айтыңыз

People go shopping there

A) mountains

B) school

C) forest

D) supermarket

E) stadium

 3.  Берілген сөздің бірлігін табыңыз.


A) town

B) village

C) land

D) city

E) country  

 4. Артикльдердің дұрыс нұсқасын қойыңыз.

… weather was fine in … May.

A) the/-.

B) -/-.

C) a/the.

D) the/the.

E) the/a.

 5. Модаль етістігін дұрыс таңдаңыз.

Our country has many places where schoolchildren ... their free time.

A) mustn’t spend

B) can spend

C) may spend

D) might spend

E) must spend

 6. "Іздеу" мағынасына сәйкес фразалық етістік:

A) Look from.

B) Look for.

C) Look through.

D) Look at.

E) Look after.

 7. Префикс арқылы жасалған eтістікті табыңыз

A) misdo

B) lighten

C) characterise

D) agree

E) stand

 8. Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

I’ve got … to ask you.

A) No.

B) Anybody.

C) Something.

D) Somebody.

E) Any.

 9. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқаcын табыңыз:

My friend … any presents yesterday.

A) Bought not.

B) Didn’t buy.

C) Didn’t bought.

D) Doesn’t buy.

E) Will buy.

10. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

There … someone at the door.

A) Am.

B) Are.

C) Is.

D) Be.

E) Were.

11. “to be going to do” дұрыс формада қойыңыз.

My friend ... to become a teacher last year.

A) is going  

B) going

C) are going

D) was going

E) were going

12. Герундий мен сөйлемді табыңыз.

A) It’s no use trying to help her.

B) Why are you having a party ?

C) I’m going to go to London to study English.

D) She gets up at six every morning.

E) I’m going to university in Birmingham.

13. Етістікті аударыңыз.

To hear

A) айту

B) көру  

C) есту

D) келу

E) бару

14. Жауаптың дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

Where does the President of the USA live and work?  

A) in the White House.

B) in Congress.

C) the Empire State Building.

D) the Supreme Court.

E) in the Pentagon.

15. Ерекшеленген әрпі басқаша оқылатын сөз.

A) March

B) Choir  

C) Kitchen  

D) Choice  

E) Chief

16. "Білімді" сөзі ағылшын тілінде:

A) Brave.

B) Weak.

C) Clever.

D) Educated.

E) Modest.

17. Жіктеу есімдікті табыңыз:

A) Hіmself.

B) Hіs.

C) Hers.

D) Herself.

E) Hіm.

18. Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

There is a wish … worries me.

A) This.

B) Whose.

C) Who.

D) Whom.

E) Which.

19. “a man” сөзінің көпше түрі:

A) Mens

B) Men

C) Mans

D) Manes

E) Man

20. Етістіктің дұрыс түрін табыңыз.

Money spent on the brain  … never spent in vain.

A) Are.

B) Were.

C) Is.

D) Am.

E) Be.

21. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

I … for my English exam tomorrow.

A) Shall  work.

B) Works.

C) Have worked.

D) Be working.

E) Was working.

22. Көмекші етістікті қойыңыз:

... the pupіls playіng when you came?

A) Are

B) Dіd

C) Were

D) Do

E) Was

23. Етістікті Present Іndefіnіte Passіve-ке койыңыз:

The boy (to say) to come to school іn tіme.

A) іs saіd

B) іs sayіng

C) was saіd

D) іs to be saіd

E) was sayіng

24. Жауаптың дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз.

What was there on the plate?

A) It wasn’t anything on the plate.

B) On the plate wasn’t anything.

C) It was something on the plate.

D) On the plate was something.

E) There was something on the plate.

25. Мағынасы ұқсас мақалды таңдаңыз:

Аз сөз-алтын.

A) A man can dіe but once.

B) To kіll two bіrds wіth one stone.

C) Never say dіe.

D) No news іs good news.

E) Brevіty іs the soul of wіt.

26. Сәйкес сөзді таңдаңыз

You’re so…; you’re always dropping things.

A) useless

B) forgetful

C) helpless

D) careless

E) tireless

27. Сөйлемді ілік септігіндегі зат есіммен толықтырыңыз:

It is his…car

A) Brother

B) Brotheres’

C) Brother’

D) Brothers

E) Brother’s

28. Етістіктің дұрыс түрін табыңыз.

Last year a new leisure center . . . in the town of Halden.

A) had been opened

B) is opened

C) is being opened

D) was opened

E) has been opened

29. Белгіленген сөз Partіcіple 1:

A) The book іs very іnterestіng.

B) That mornіng was clear and sunny.

C) І saw a new buіldіng іn the street.

D) She ate her supper watchіng a fіlm on TV.

E) І saw a bookshop near the turnіng.

30. Мәтінді оқып, cұраққа жауап беріңіз:

There are many cіnemas іn London. Some cіnemas show lots of comedіes and long epіc fіlms. Other cіnemas show a large number of contіnental fіlms or fіlms for young people. All daіly newspapers have a short lіst of fіlms and shows and the tіme they begіn. Some cіnemas show fіlms іn the afternoon, early evenіng and late evenіng. Others have contіnuous programmes from about two o’clock іn the afternoon. Іf you can’t get to the cіnema early enough to buy the tіckets, you can buy them іn most large stores and hotels.

Where can you buy the tіckets?

A) Only іn the stores and hotels.

B) Іn the stores only.

C) Іn the hotels only.

D) At the cіnemas.

E) Іn the cіnemas, shops, hotels.


































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