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Тест к учебнику «Пособие по страноведению для школьников: США» автора Ю. Б. Голицынского, тема «Традиции в США»

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Данный тест по американским традициям представляет интерес для изучающих английский язык. Может быть использована на уроках английского языка и страноведения.

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«Тест к учебнику «Пособие по страноведению для школьников: США» автора Ю. Б. Голицынского, тема «Традиции в США»»

Test On Topic “American Traditions”

1. Columbus called the native Americans “Indians” because:

a) he was in India b) it was a simple mistake c) of gifts that Columbus offered

2. The word “yankee” does not mean

  1. a mispronounced word “English” b) simply ‘an American’ c) a dweller of New England

3. Why is Martin Luther King's Day celebrated in January?

a) Because he was assassinated in January b) Because he was born in January c) Because he organized the civil rights movement in January

4. What does Memorial Day mark in the USA?

a)The end of the summer season b)The start of a school year c)The beginning of the summer season

5. What holiday do Americans regard as the most important one? a) Halloween b) Thanksgiving c) Independence Day

6. Who was the first to celebrate Thanksgiving? a) Pilgrims b) Indians c) Puritans

7. It's celebrated on March 17th: a) Lincoln’s birthday b) St. Patrick’s day c) Columbus day

8. What holiday do we call 'Turkey Day'? a) Thanksgiving b) Easter c) Christmas

9. What is the day that most people in the USA associate with fireworks? a) Memorial day b) 4th of July c) Christmas

10. On which holiday is US mail delivered? a) St. Patrick’s day b) 4th of July c) Labour day

11. Which holiday's date always changes? a) Thanksgiving b) Easter c) Halloween

During which US holiday is a person not likely to open a present? a) Groundhog day b) Boxing day c) Christmas

12. In the US, which animal has a holiday in February? a) squirrel b) eagle c) groundhog


1. Columbus called the native Americans “Indians” because:

a) he was in India b) it was a simple mistake c) of gifts that Columbus offered

2. The word “yankee” does not mean

А) a mispronounced word “English” b) simply ‘an American’ c) a dweller of New England

3. Why is Martin Luther King's Day celebrated in January?

a) Because he was assassinated in January b) Because he was born in January c) Because he organized the civil rights movement in January

4. What does Memorial Day mark in the USA?

a)The end of the summer season b)The start of a school year c)The beginning of the summer season

5. What holiday do Americans regard as the most important one? a) Halloween b) Thanksgiving c) Independence Day

6. Who was the first to celebrate Thanksgiving? a) Pilgrims b) Indians c) Puritans

7. It's celebrated on March 17th: a) Lincoln’s birthday b) St. Patrick’s day c) Columbus day

8. What holiday do we call 'Turkey Day'? a) Thanksgiving b) Easter c) Christmas

9. What is the day that most people in the USA associate with fireworks? a) Memorial day b) 4th of July c) Christmas

10. On which holiday is US mail delivered? a) St. Patrick’s day b) 4th of July c) Labour day

11. Which holiday's date always changes? a) Thanksgiving b) Easter c) Halloween

During which US holiday is a person not likely to open a present? a) Groundhog day b) Boxing day c) Christmas

12. In the US, which animal has a holiday in February? a) squirrel b) eagle c) groundhog


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