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The Russian students

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«The Russian students»

Read the dialogue and say what the Russian students are going to present to their English friends.

Dima: We are going to London soon. And there is one thing we have to think over. What presents are we going to give to our English friends?

Katya: What about some Russian souvenirs: matreshkas, some Gzhel souvenirs, badges perhaps?

Jim: Yes, badges! I`m going to take my collection of Russian badges to London.

Lena: Maybe some postcards and books about Russia? Any other ideas?

Dima: What about an album?

Jim: What kind of album?

Dima: A school album about our school, teachers and students.

Lena: What a wonderful idea! We can take photos, draw pictures of our classmates and the English classroom.

Jim: Good idea, Lena.

Dima: I`ll be responsible for photos then.

Katya: OK. And we can also write about our school parties and our trips to some Russian towns, can`t we? Lena and I will be responsible for stories. Will you help us with pictures and photos, Jim?

Jim: Of course! With pleasure.


a souvenir - сувенир

a badge - значок


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