Благодаря готовым учебным материалам для работы в классе и дистанционно

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Готовые ключевые этапы урока всегда будут у вас под рукой

Организационный момент

Проверка знаний

Объяснение материала

Закрепление изученного

Итоги урока

Урок-презентация в 4 классе "Чей дом лучше?" (по УМК Лапицкой)

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Конспект урока

  1. Класс: 4                                                                                              Учитель англ языка Хайлак Т. С.
  2. Предмет, тема урока: Английский язык, тема: «Which house is better?»/ «Чей дом лучше?»
  3. Этап обучения по данной теме:  урок является третьим по теме «Мy house» / «Дом». На прошлых уроках учили названия комнат,мебели и кухонных принадлежностей, а на этом уроке остановились на описании дома и мебели, которая находится в нем.
  4.  Его образовательная цель: формирование и активизиция грамматических навыков в использовании оборотов There is… / There are..., активизация лексических единиц на данную тему. Воспитательной задачей является умение сотрудничества детей. На уроке развивались навыки устной речи, умение доказывать.
  5. По типу урока – урок изучения нового материала. Он включает в себя четыре основных этапа: организационный момент, проверка домашнего задания, изучение нового материала, закрепление.
  6. Используемые приемы, методы, технологии обучения: при проведении урока  ориентировалась на принципы обучения: доступность, наглядность, последовательность от простого к сложному. Чтобы решить цели  использовала игровой метод обучения, потому что он наиболее доступен, понятен и интересен детям.
  7. Используемые формы организации познавательной деятельности учащихся:  в ходе урока была организована парная, групповая работа, вопросно-ответная форма. Задания были ориентированы на произношение детьми новых слов.
  8. Оборудование и основные источники информации:  учебник Л. М. Лапицкой «English – 4», рабочая тетрадь,  компьютер, медиа проектор, магнитофон, тематические картинки по теме «Дом», раздаточный материал.
  9. Прогнозируемый результат: повторение детьми слов по данной теме, умение использовать их в предложениях, в связной речи.


Тема: «Which house is better?» / «Чей дом лучше


Цель урока: закрепление лексики по теме «My house»



          углубить и расширить знания учащихся по теме «My house»

2) развивающие:

активизировать навыки устной речи, умение доказывать;

сформировать и закрепить грамматические навыки использования оборотов There is… / There are…

3) воспитательные:

воспитывать умение сотрудничества.

Речевой материал:  a house, a bathroom, a bedroom, a hall, a kitchen, upstairs, downstairs, messy, flowers.

Грамматика: конструкция There's… / There are…

Оборудование: учебник Л. М. Лапицкой «English – 4», рабочая тетрадь,  компьютер, медиа проектор, тематические картинки по теме «Дом», раздаточный материал.


этапы урока

ход урока




Организационный момент:












Ознакомление с темой урока:



Фонетико-лексическая разминка






Teacher (Т)

Pupil (P) together: Good morning, good morning!

                                  Good morning to you!

                                  Good morning, good morning!

                                  I am glad to see you!


T: Thank you, I am really glad to see you too. Sit down, please! What date is it today? What day of the week? What season?

We have an unusual lesson today. Many  guests are visiting our lesson. Dear guests, we  are glad to welcome you to our English lesson. Let’s start.


The topic of our lesson is...Which house is better?

And the aims are:

to practice new words

to find out grammar secret



Т: Today we are going to work in teams. 2 rows – 2 teams. Choose the names of your teams.

Look at the screen, read the words and find the odd ones by turn.

P-ls read.

T: Who can say what rooms do you know? And what furniture?

Р: A living-room, a kitchen, ... A table, a sofa…

Look at the screen...

Т: TASK 1.Let’s play the game  “Guess the room”

Read and complete the sentences... 1 sentence – 1 point.

TASK 2.  And guess the riddles… 1 riddle – 1 point.
















































Задание 1. Продолжи предложение.

Задание 2. Отгадай загадку.


Проверка домашнего задания

And now let's check your homework. It's a piece of our projects.

Let's start!








Введение нов грам стр-ры.

Т. (показывает на 3 домика на доске) : There's a living-room  in the Pink house. There are 3 bedrooms in the Blue house.





T: It’s time to have a rest. Let's sing a song together

Point to the window,

Point to the door,

Point to the table,

Point to the floor.

Clap your hands together,

1, 2, 3.

Turn around quickly.

What can you see?

I can see the window,

I can see the door,

I can see the table,

                  I can see the floor.




Первичное закрепление грам конструкции

T: And now look at the board and answer my questions. How many houses can you see? What colour are they? What rooms are there in the pink house?

Open your books, page20 ex 1a. Look at it and first

      Read the task, please.

Now we are going to listen to the dialog …

P-ls tell the dialog.

So answer the question: Which house is better for Twinky? Why?

P: The pink house is the best for Twinky because it’s got a big garden.

Read Twinky's letter – (ex1b, p20)- and compare with your answers.


T: And now grammar secret! Read and try to guess it.

Ex 2, p21

Note. We say There's if the next noun is singular. We say There are if the next noun is plural!!!







Активизация употребления грам  матической  конструкции There's… / There are…


T: And now let's remind our grammar secret.

Р: There is – singular.  There are – plural.

Т: Why do we use this grammar construction?

Р: To say that something is in one place.

Т: How can we translate them?

Р: From the end.


TASK 3.  

Make sentences. Ex 3a, p 21

P-ls from team 1 answer and then from team 2.

One point for one right answer.


TASK 4.  T: And now let's continue our team work

Take your cards and write down there's or there are.

1.____   a bed in the room.

2.On the wall  ____    two pictures.

3. ____   a cat and a dog in the room.

4.____   three chairs in the living room.

5.  ____   boys in the park.

6.  ____   a bathroom in the flat.


Then change your cards in pairs? Look at the screen  and check your works.

One point is for every right card.




Самостоятельная работа с самопроверкой по эталону

TASK 5.  T: Let's play. Take en egg, open it.

Now every team make 3 sentences from the pieces.

Then check them looking  at the screen.


  1. There are three rooms in my flat.
  2. There 's a mirror in my bedroom.
  3. There 's a bathroom in my house.
  4. There are five chairs in the living-room.
  5. There 's a table and a plate in the kitchen.
  6. There 's a  fridge and a cupboard in the kitchen.



Cобирают предл-я, а затем сверяют свои предложения с ответами на экране.


Подведение итогов и рефлексия деятельности

T: What did you learn at our lesson?

Did you like the lesson today?





Объяснение домашнего задания

T.: At home you should do ex. 4 on the page 18 in the workbook, ex2 p21 (grammar secret).


Дети записывают домашние задания в дневники.



итогов урока

T: The lesson is over. Your marks are … Thank you for your work. Good bye!




Просмотр содержимого документа
«Конспект Какой дом лучше»

Конспект урока

  1. Класс: 4 «А» 10.02.2016 Учитель англ языка Хайлак Т. С.

  2. Предмет, тема урока: Английский язык, тема: «Which house is better?»/ «Чей дом лучше?»

  3. Этап обучения по данной теме: урок является третьим по теме «Мy house» / «Дом». На прошлых уроках учили названия комнат,мебели и кухонных принадлежностей, а на этом уроке остановились на описании дома и мебели, которая находится в нем.

  4. Его образовательная цель: формирование и активизиция грамматических навыков в использовании оборотов There is… / There are..., активизация лексических единиц на данную тему. Воспитательной задачей является умение сотрудничества детей. На уроке развивались навыки устной речи, умение доказывать.

  5. По типу урока – урок изучения нового материала. Он включает в себя четыре основных этапа: организационный момент, проверка домашнего задания, изучение нового материала, закрепление.

  6. Используемые приемы, методы, технологии обучения: при проведении урока ориентировалась на принципы обучения: доступность, наглядность, последовательность от простого к сложному. Чтобы решить цели использовала игровой метод обучения, потому что он наиболее доступен, понятен и интересен детям.

  7. Используемые формы организации познавательной деятельности учащихся: в ходе урока была организована парная, групповая работа, вопросно-ответная форма. Задания были ориентированы на произношение детьми новых слов.

  8. Оборудование и основные источники информации: учебник Л. М. Лапицкой «English – 4», рабочая тетрадь, компьютер, медиа проектор, магнитофон, тематические картинки по теме «Дом», раздаточный материал.

  9. Прогнозируемый результат: повторение детьми слов по данной теме, умение использовать их в предложениях, в связной речи.

Тема: «Which house is better?» / «Чей дом лучше

Цель урока: закрепление лексики по теме «My house»



углубить и расширить знания учащихся по теме «My house»

2) развивающие:

активизировать навыки устной речи, умение доказывать;

сформировать и закрепить грамматические навыки использования оборотов There is… / There are

3) воспитательные:

воспитывать умение сотрудничества.

Речевой материал: a house, a bathroom, a bedroom, a hall, a kitchen, upstairs, downstairs, messy, flowers.

Грамматика: конструкция There's… / There are…

Оборудование: учебник Л. М. Лапицкой «English – 4», рабочая тетрадь, компьютер, медиа проектор, тематические картинки по теме «Дом», раздаточный материал.

этапы урока

ход урока




Организационный момент:


Ознакомление с темой урока:

Фонетико-лексическая разминка

Teacher (Т)

Pupil (P) together: Good morning, good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning, good morning!

I am glad to see you!

T: Thank you, I am really glad to see you too. Sit down, please! What date is it today? What day of the week? What season?

We have an unusual lesson today. Many guests are visiting our lesson. Dear guests, we are glad to welcome you to our English lesson. Let’s start.

The topic of our lesson is...Which house is better?

And the aims are:

to practice new words

to find out grammar secret

Т: Today we are going to work in teams. 2 rows – 2 teams. Choose the names of your teams.

Look at the screen, read the words and find the odd ones by turn.

P-ls read.

T: Who can say what rooms do you know? And what furniture?

Р: A living-room, a kitchen, ... A table, a sofa…

Look at the screen...

Т: TASK 1.Let’s play the game “Guess the room”

Read and complete the sentences... 1 sentence – 1 point.

TASK 2. And guess the riddles… 1 riddle – 1 point.





Задание 1. Продолжи предложение.

Задание 2. Отгадай загадку.


Проверка домашнего задания

And now let's check your homework. It's a piece of our projects.

Let's start!




Введение нов грам стр-ры.

Т. (показывает на 3 домика на доске) : There's a living-room in the Pink house. There are 3 bedrooms in the Blue house.




T: It’s time to have a rest. Let's sing a song together

Point to the window,

Point to the door,

Point to the table,

Point to the floor.

Clap your hands together,

1, 2, 3.

Turn around quickly.

What can you see?

I can see the window,

I can see the door,

I can see the table,

I can see the floor.



Первичное закрепление грам конструкции

T: And now look at the board and answer my questions. How many houses can you see? What colour are they? What rooms are there in the pink house?

Open your books, page20 ex 1a. Look at it and first

Read the task, please.

Now we are going to listen to the dialog …

P-ls tell the dialog.

So answer the question: Which house is better for Twinky? Why?

P: The pink house is the best for Twinky because it’s got a big garden.

Read Twinky's letter – (ex1b, p20)- and compare with your answers.

T: And now grammar secret! Read and try to guess it.

Ex 2, p21

Note. We say There's if the next noun is singular. We say There are if the next noun is plural!!!



Активизация употребления грам матической конструкции There's… / There are…

T: And now let's remind our grammar secret.

Р: There is – singular. There are – plural.

Т: Why do we use this grammar construction?

Р: To say that something is in one place.

Т: How can we translate them?

Р: From the end.


Make sentences. Ex 3a, p 21

P-ls from team 1 answer and then from team 2.

One point for one right answer.

TASK 4. T: And now let's continue our team work

Take your cards and write down there's or there are.

1.____ a bed in the room.

2.On the wall ____ two pictures.

3. ____ a cat and a dog in the room.

4.____ three chairs in the living room.

5. ____ boys in the park.

6. ____ a bathroom in the flat.

Then change your cards in pairs? Look at the screen and check your works.

One point is for every right card.


Самостоятельная работа с самопроверкой по эталону

TASK 5. T: Let's play. Take en egg, open it.

Now every team make 3 sentences from the pieces.

Then check them looking at the screen.

  1. There are three rooms in my flat.

  2. There 's a mirror in my bedroom.

  3. There 's a bathroom in my house.

  4. There are five chairs in the living-room.

  5. There 's a table and a plate in the kitchen.

  6. There 's a fridge and a cupboard in the kitchen.

Cобирают предл-я, а затем сверяют свои предложения с ответами на экране.


Подведение итогов и рефлексия деятельности

T: What did you learn at our lesson?

Did you like the lesson today?


Объяснение домашнего задания

T.: At home you should do ex. 4 on the page 18 in the workbook, ex2 p21 (grammar secret).


Дети записывают домашние задания в дневники.



итогов урока

T: The lesson is over. Your marks are … Thank you for your work. Good bye!


Просмотр содержимого документа
«прилож 1»

1. ____ a bed in the room.

2. On the wall ____ two pictures.

3. ____ a cat and a dog in the room.

4.____ three chairs in the living room.

5.____ boys in the park.

6.____ a bathroom in the flat.

1. ____ a bed in the room.

2. On the wall ____ two pictures.

3. ____ a cat and a dog in the room.

4.____ three chairs in the living room.

5.____ boys in the park.

6.____ a bathroom in the flat.

1. ____ a bed in the room.

2. On the wall ____ two pictures.

3. ____ a cat and a dog in the room.

4.____ three chairs in the living room.

5.____ boys in the park.

6.____ a bathroom in the flat.

1. ____ a bed in the room.

2. On the wall ____ two pictures.

3. ____ a cat and a dog in the room.

4.____ three chairs in the living room.

5.____ boys in the park.

6.____ a bathroom in the flat.

6.____ a bathroom in the flat.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«прилож 3»

Liz: Twinky, what do you think about the red house? There’s a living-room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen.

Twinky: What about the garden?

Liz: There’s a small garden near the house.

Mike: Oh, Twinky, look! The Blue house is nice. It’s big. There’s a living-room. There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a kitchen.

Twinky: Yes, it’s beautiful. Is there a garden?

Mike:Yes, there is. There’s a small garden.

Liz: No, look at the Pink house! Oh, it’s lovely! There’s a living-room, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. And there’s a big garden!

Liz: Twinky, what do you think about the red house? There’s a living-room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen.

Twinky: What about the garden?

Liz: There’s a small garden near the house.

Mike: Oh, Twinky, look! The Blue house is nice. It’s big. There’s a living-room. There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a kitchen.

Twinky: Yes, it’s beautiful. Is there a garden?

Mike:Yes, there is. There’s a small garden.

Liz: No, look at the Pink house! Oh, it’s lovely! There’s a living-room, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. And there’s a big garden!

Liz: Twinky, what do you think about the red house? There’s a living-room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen.

Twinky: What about the garden?

Liz: There’s a small garden near the house.

Mike: Oh, Twinky, look! The Blue house is nice. It’s big. There’s a living-room. There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a kitchen.

Twinky: Yes, it’s beautiful. Is there a garden?

Mike:Yes, there is. There’s a small garden.

Liz: No, look at the Pink house! Oh, it’s lovely! There’s a living-room, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. And there’s a big garden!

Liz: Twinky, what do you think about the red house? There’s a living-room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen.

Twinky: What about the garden?

Liz: There’s a small garden near the house.

Mike: Oh, Twinky, look! The Blue house is nice. It’s big. There’s a living-room. There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a kitchen.

Twinky: Yes, it’s beautiful. Is there a garden?

Mike:Yes, there is. There’s a small garden.

Liz: No, look at the Pink house! Oh, it’s lovely! There’s a living-room, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. And there’s a big garden!

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«чей дом лучше »

Which house is better?

Which house is better?

Aims:  -to practice new words -to find out some  grammar secret


-to practice new words

-to find out some

grammar secret

Find the odd word   bedroom, hall, kitchen, pot plate, spoon, mirror, knife cupboard, cooker, fridge, desk carpet, floor, window, door

Find the odd word

bedroom, hall, kitchen, pot

plate, spoon, mirror, knife

cupboard, cooker, fridge, desk

carpet, floor, window, door



You can look in it  Mirror  Mirror  Mirror  Mirror  Mirror

You can look in it


  • Mirror
  • Mirror
  • Mirror
  • Mirror

You can sit or sleep on it Sofa

You can sit or sleep on it


You can talk to your friends on it Telephone

You can talk to your friends on it


You can can sit on it Chair

You can can sit on it


You can do your homework on it Desk

You can do your homework on it


A chair with arms Armchair

A chair with arms


You can keep clothes in it Wardrobe Wardrobe Wardrobe Wardrobe Wardrobe

You can keep clothes in it


  • Wardrobe
  • Wardrobe
  • Wardrobe
  • Wardrobe

You can keep books in it Bookcase

You can keep books in it


A thing we can see at night with Lamp

A thing we can see at night with


You can eat at it Table Table Table Table Table

You can eat at it


  • Table
  • Table
  • Table
  • Table

Let’s see if you know the names of the rooms in the flat? Compl et е the sentences. We cook in the …..

Let’s see if you know the names of the rooms

in the flat? Compl et е the sentences.

We cook in the …..

We cook in the kitchen .

We cook in the kitchen .

We sleep in the …..

We sleep in the …..

We sleep in the  bedroom .

We sleep in the bedroom .

We watch TV in the …..

We watch TV in the …..

We watch TV in the  living-room .

We watch TV in the living-room .

We eat in the …..

We eat in the …..

We eat in the  kitchen .

We eat in the kitchen .

We walk our dog in the …..

We walk our dog in the …..

We walk our dog in the  gard en .

We walk our dog in the gard en .

We wash our hands in the …..

We wash our hands in the …..

We wash our hands in the  bathroom .

We wash our hands in the

bathroom .

Now let's check your homework!

Now let's check your homework!

There's   a knife in the box. There are  two spoons in the box.

There's a knife in the box.

There are two spoons in the box.

There's   a knife in the box . В коробке находится нож. There are  two spoons in the box. В коробке находятся 2 ложки.

There's a knife in the box .

В коробке находится нож.

There are two spoons in the box.

В коробке находятся 2 ложки.

Liz and Mike choose a house for Twinky. Listen and answer. Which house is the best for Twinky? Why?

Liz and Mike choose a house for Twinky. Listen and answer.

Which house is the best for Twinky? Why?

Twinky writes a letter to his mum. Read ex 1b, p 20 and answer. Which is Twinky’s house?

Twinky writes a letter to his mum. Read ex 1b, p 20 and answer.

Which is Twinky’s house?

Grammar secret.   There's   a bathroom in the house. There's   a living-room and a kitchen in the house. There are  two bedrooms upstairs.   Top secret There's=There is

Grammar secret.

There's a bathroom in the house.

There's a living-room and a kitchen in the house.

There are two bedrooms upstairs.

Top secret There's=There is

Write There's or  There are   1. ____   a bed in the room. 2. On the wall ____  two pictures. 3. ____  a cat and a dog in the room. 4.____  three chairs in the living room. 5.____  boys in the park. 6.____  a bathroom in the flat.

Write There's or There are

1. ____ a bed in the room.

2. On the wall ____ two pictures.

3. ____ a cat and a dog in the room.

4.____ three chairs in the living room.

5.____ boys in the park.

6.____ a bathroom in the flat.

Check yourself   1. There's  a bed in the room. 2. On the wall  there are two pictures. 3.  There's  a cat and a dog in the room. 4. There are  three chairs in the living room. 5. There are  boys in the park. 6. There's a bathroom in the flat.

Check yourself

1. There's a bed in the room.

2. On the wall there are two pictures.

3. There's a cat and a dog in the room.

4. There are three chairs in the living room.

5. There are boys in the park.

6. There's a bathroom in the flat.

Make your sentences Ex 3a, p 21

Make your sentences

Ex 3a, p 21

Make up correct sentences

Make up correct sentences

Check yourself   There are three rooms in my flat. There 's a mirror in my bedroom. There 's a bathroom in my house. There are five chairs in the living-room. There 's a table and a plate in the kitchen. There 's a fridge and a cupboard in the kitchen.

Check yourself

There are three rooms in my flat.

There 's a mirror in my bedroom.

There 's a bathroom in my house.

There are five chairs in the living-room.

There 's a table and a plate in the kitchen.

There 's a fridge and a cupboard in the kitchen.

Look at the picture and make your sentences:  There's… There are…

Look at the picture and make your sentences:

There's… There are…

HOMEWORK  Learn by heart our grammar secret ex 2 p 21 and write ex 4 p 18 in your workbooks.


Learn by heart

our grammar secret

ex 2 p 21 and write

ex 4 p 18 in your workbooks.

The lesson is over.  Thank you for your good work.  Goodbye!

The lesson

is over.

Thank you

for your good work.



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