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Урок-викторина "Мой родной город"

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«Урок-викторина "Мой родной город"»

Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ- Югра

г. Мегион

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №4»

творческий проект

Викторина на английском языке

«Мой родной город»

Руководитель проекта:

Коваль Мария Сергеевна

учитель английского языка

Викторина «Мой родной город»

Цели: закрепление материала по теме «Мой родной город»; активизация лексических навыков; тренировка навыков аудирования и монологической речи.

Оборудование: флажки; карточки с названием достопримечательностей; картинки с достопримечательностями, известными людьми Мегиона.

Ход мероприятия

- Good morning, children! How are you? Today we shall recite poems, ask and answer the questions, describe the pictures, do a crossword and play games on topic “My native town”.

Учитель приветствует детей, сообщает им цель и тему викторины.

Задание 1. «Разминка»

  • We have no teams today. Each pupil will do the tasks and get a “flag”. The first task is to answer the questions. Listen to me carefully, please!

Вопросы учителя:

  1. When did Megion become a town? (It became a town in 1980)

  2. Where is Megion situated? (It is situated in Western Siberia)

  3. What river is near Megion? (The Mega river is near Megion)

  4. What is the main industry in Megion? (The main industries in Megion are oil and gas industries)

  5. Are there many places of interest in Megion? (There are many nice places and wonderful buildings in Megion- the memorial tower and oiler, the hotel “Adriya”, sports and fitness complex “Pearl” and others)

Учитель предлагает детям ответить на вопросы разминки. За каждый правильный ответ ученики получают 1 флажок (1 балл).

Задание 2. «Достопримечательности Мегиона»

- Thank you for your answers and questions. Now I want you to remember the places of interest in Megion. You will listen to my stories and name the interesting place. You can see the names on the blackboard.

Учитель предлагает детям прослушать рассказы о достопримечательностях Мегиона и соотнести рассказ и название на доске. На доске заранее вывешиваются карточки с названиями достопримечательностей, их должно быть больше, чем рассказов.


  1. In this place you can see the monument which is dedicated to war dead people. (The Walk of Fame)

  2. This square is dedicated to oil and gas workers. Here you can see the monument to the extraction of 500 million tones of oil. The oil worker day usually starts in this place. This square was opened in 2001. (The Square of 500 million tones of oil)

  3. In this place a lot of concerts, performances and fairs take place. Many famous people (singers or actors) come here and take part in different activities. (Arts palace)

Запись на доске:

The Museum, The Square of 500 million tones of oil, the library, Arts palace, The Walk of Fame

Задание 3. Хорошо ли ты знаешь родной город?

- Will you go to the blackboard, please? You can see the pictures of our native town. You will match the picture of an interesting place and its name.

На доске вывешиваются картинки с изображением различных достопримечательностей города. Ученики по очереди выходят к доске, называют достопримечательность и записывают ее название. За правильный вариант названия ученик получает 1 флажок.

The memorial tower and oiler (the place of the first extraction of oil in Megion)

T he Hotel “Adriya”

Sports and Fitness Complex “Pearl”

The Church of Mantel (Pokrov) of Our Lady

Задание 4. «Известные люди Мегиона»

  • It’s time to describe the famous people of our country. You can see the portraits on the blackboard. Who will be the first to speak?

Учитель вывешивает на доске портреты известных людей, жизнь и творчество которых связаны с Мегионом. Ученики рассказывают об одном из известных людей. (Рассказ должен содержать 5-7 предложений. Ученик может получить до 3 флажков за свой рассказ).

A bazarov V.A.- the earliest geologist, one of the discoverers of oil in Megion
Taktasheva L.P.- well-known poet

The mayor of the city- Deineka O.

The first discoverer of oil in Megion- Norkin G.

Задание 5. «Даты и события»

  • Now the task for you is to match the dates and the important events.

На доске написаны в двух столбиках даты и важные события в истории города. Задание для учащихся: соотнести дату и событие из истории Мегиона. За каждый правильный вариант ученик получает 1 флажок.

1980- Megion became a town

2000- the extraction of 500 million tones of oil

1960- the opening of Samotlorskoe oilfield

2005- the opening of wall memorial in honour of Norkin (the discoverer of oil in Megion)

2010- the opening of the monument to unknown soldier

Задание 6. «Исполнение стихов»

-Let’s recite poems we have learnt this term.

Ученики рассказывают стихи по теме «Мой родной город».

My home town

My home town
The place where I was born,
where I learned of love
And was taught of truth
And where my thoughts were formed
In my home town.

My home town
How highly you do you rate
Where united we stand
And divided we fall
When our nation calls,
In my home state
My great state.
My homeland
Majestically do you stand
With your mountains so near
And your people so dear
Ready to listen and hear
In our homeland
Our grand land.

My homeland
Kentucky at its grace
The land I have known
Where my thoughts have grown,
In my bluegrass home
My own sweet home
Our own Kentucky home.

Randy L. McClave

Задание 7. Кроссворд

-Thank you for your poems. It was really great! Now it’s time to do a crossword. This crossword contains words and information about our native town and district.

Ученики разгадывают кроссворд по теме «Мой родной город и округ».










































По вертикали:

  1. The native population in our district (in Western Siberia).

  2. This animal serves as kind of transport for Khanty people.

  3. The typical house of Khanty people.

  4. The religion of Khanty people.

По горизонтали:

  1. Khanty’s one of the main occupation.

  2. The famous berry in Khanty-Mansiisk District.

  3. The hobby of Khanty people.

  4. The emblem of Megion.

  5. When Khanty people had free time, they liked to …. songs.

-Thank you for your work, children. You were so active today. Will you count your flags? If you have 8 to 10 flags, you will have an excellent mark today. If you have from 6 to 8 flags, you will have a good mark. Do you like our lesson today? The lesson is over. Good- bye, boys and girls.


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