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Use of the association method in learning vocabulary

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This article deals with the topic of using the association method. Using the method of association in the classroom helps to improve the logical thinking of students, helps to replenish vocabulary. Each person’s association is individual and therefore students are not afraid to make mistakes during class. They feel freedom during classes and participate in the process very actively. As a result, interest in the learning process increases and this helps to achieve better results. These and other problems of using this method are comprehensively considered in our work.

Key words: associations, key words method, chain of associations, system of using.

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«Use of the association method in learning vocabulary»


O.A. Yakubov

Senior teacher, Department of Languages

Chirchik Higher Tank Command and Engineering School


This article deals with the topic of using the association method. Using the method of association in the classroom helps to improve the logical thinking of students, helps to replenish vocabulary. Each person’s association is individual and therefore students are not afraid to make mistakes during class. They feel freedom during classes and participate in the process very actively. As a result, interest in the learning process increases and this helps to achieve better results. These and other problems of using this method are comprehensively considered in our work.

Key words: associations, key words method, chain of associations, system of using.

The current language situation is characterized by the active development of intercultural contacts in various fields of activity. International relations are constantly expanding, and the Internet as a means of mass communication is actively being introduced into our lives and makes diverse information in foreign languages ​​more accessible, and, consequently, the need for the ability to use a foreign language for communicative purposes is growing. Proficiency in a foreign language is necessary for a specialist in any field. Today this is an absolutely indisputable fact, and at the same time, the practice of teaching a foreign language at non-linguistic faculties of universities shows that traditional teaching methods and techniques often prove to be ineffective, and the level of communication skills of graduates is often insufficient.

To date, the most urgent problem requiring new solutions is the problem of improving the quality of knowledge of the English language with a small number of hours of academic work devoted to the study of the subject. Knowledge of a foreign language today is a prerequisite for getting an interesting, well-paid job, both in our country and abroad, for communicating with foreign partners, for getting the opportunity to continue education abroad, and professional development in your field.

Thus, the main goal of learning a foreign language is the formation of linguistic competence. Linguistic competence involves mastering a certain amount of formal knowledge and the corresponding skills associated with various aspects of the language: vocabulary, phonetics, grammar. Therefore, we can conclude that in teaching the emphasis is not on language as a system, but on speech.

Nowadays, many teachers are actively searching for new forms, methods and teaching methods. Modern education is aimed at preparing students for the active development of the situation of social change, not only the development of the ability to adapt.

When teaching a foreign language, special attention is paid to such forms of classes that involve the active involvement of each student in the educational process, stimulate communication in a foreign language, promote the development of interest in language learning and increase motivation.

One of the non-traditional teaching methods is the association method or the keyword method. This method is not widely distributed among the techniques and methods traditionally used in English lessons, and is not described in detail in the methodological literature. Recently, however, interest in this method has increased significantly.

The founder of this technique is unknown, but the associative way of memorizing foreign words is already mentioned in the literature of the late nineteenth century. One of the first scientific studies devoted to this method was Atkinson's study. He and a group of co-authors described this technique in his articles (there this method is called the key word method). The experiment was conducted at Stanford University. English-speaking students who participated in this experiment were asked to memorize Russian words using the keyword method (phonetic association method) and without it. The high degree of effectiveness of the application of this method was proved as a result of this experiment in comparison with conventional memorization.

When working with associations, it is very important to submit the studied material systemically. One of the most important conditions in the application of the method are facial expressions, gestures, expressiveness of speech.

The associative method uses associative images. One of the main requirements for associative images is their connection with some common feature. Associative communication can be, for example, in color (black - white), shape (square), size (big - small).

You should not impose your association on a student. The value of the idea lies in the presence of each associative image under certain requirements: communication and a common topic. The main thing in the association method is the brightness of the image. The brighter the images, the easier it is to create connections between them, therefore, the more words you can remember. Associations should be unusual, non-standard, absurd, funny, figurative, unexpected, new. The selection of vivid associations allows you to quickly replenish the vocabulary. It is possible to memorize 100 new words per day.

In an English lesson in a second-year group, the following experiment was conducted. Students were asked to remember 20 words on a new topic, using those techniques that they usually use, that is, just memorize. In the next lesson, a test was carried out for memorizing words and a number of tasks for their use in oral and written speech were proposed. Then it was proposed to remember another 20 new words, but this time using the method of associations, while in the lesson in the group the associations arising from the students in connection with the proposed words were actively discussed. The result of the experiment was more successful and faster memorization.

The teacher always strives to make the concept of "translation" meaningless. That is, the main goal when learning vocabulary in a foreign language is to memorize new words so as to create a stable connection between the visual and verbal way. Then foreign speech begins to be understood directly, like speech in the native language, and the words have a stimulating effect for the appearance of images. The effect of this reflex should be automatic and instant. If this is not the case, then, despite excellent grades, the student will forget both new words and the accompanying grammar. Therefore, the challenge is to help shape the reflex.

Based on the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn: the use of effective ways of developing associative memory and some mnemonic techniques in English classes can improve the quality of knowledge and achieve improved academic performance, increase motivation for learning English, and develop cognitive interests.

List of references:

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