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Входной тест для 9 класса

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входной тест для 9 класса по материалам 8 по УМК SPOTLIGHT 8

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«Входной тест для 9 класса»

Entry Test 9th Form

1. Choose the right preposition (of, to, by, off, in).

  1. It contains the largest display… toy dolls.

  2. The most successful men and women of that period showed … their wealth wearing silk, woolen and linen clothes.

  3. If I was invited …my friends dinner party, I would think twice what to wear.

  4. It was … fashion to wear their hair long with lots of colour threads in it.

  5. We'd recommend you to travel... bus.

2 . Choose the necessary word.

  1. My friend, who/ which is very talented, is arriving today.

  2. She’s bought the book who/ that she was looking for.

  3. Tom’s father has been building his house for/since two years.

  4. Alice wanted a bicycle for/since her last birthday.

3.Fill in the gaps with an appropriate modal verb (must, may, can, need, to have to).

  1. Sandra _________ not come to me tomorrow – I’ve done the job.

  2. There is no need to rewrite the essay completely – it’s quite good. You _____ only rewrite the third passage.

  3. It’s so late, we _______ be going!

  4. Students _____________ pay for their education at private school.

  5. You ________ stay at home today.

  6. It ________ be your car there. You have parked it today.

  7. You ______ not take pictures in this museum.

  8. We _________ speak Spanish at the lesson.

  9. ___________ you help me?

  10. You _________ be glad to find the best flat.

4. Active or passive? Choose the correct verb form.

  1. The book (wrote/was written) by Hardy.

  2. Four people (have killed/have been killed) in а train crash.

  3. А famous architect (was built/built) the bridge.

5. Match the sentences from column A with the replies from column B.



  1. I can’t stand brightly dyed hair.

  2. Would you like a cup of coffee?

  3. Do you like animals?

  4. Are you keen on football?

  5. I’d like to see this film.

  6. My brother likes sport.

  1. No, thanks.

  2. Yes, I am.

  3. Neither can I.

  4. Let’s go on Sunday.

  5. So do I.

  6. No, I don’t.


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