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Внеклассное мероприятие "A Happy Chance"

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Внеклассное мероприятие "Счастливый случай" по английскому языку для 9 класса , повторение темы "Профессии"

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«Внеклассное мероприятие "A Happy Chance"»

« A Happy Chance».

Цель мероприятия: повторение лексического и грамматического материала по теме «Профессии».

Задачи мероприятия:

1.Образовательная: расширение кругозора учащихся, повторение лексического материала по теме «Профессии».

2. Развивающая: развитие умения общаться на английском языке.

3: Воспитательная: формирование умения работать в группе.

4. Практическая: формирование лексических навыков говорения на английском языке, формирование грамматических навыков.

Ход мероприятия:

The teacher: Good afternoon, boys and girls! Sit down, please! Today we will play the game “A Happy Chance” The topic of our game is” The world of professions” Let’s begin our game!

Task 1. You know that all professions are subdivided into several subgroups. Now you are to choose the card with the profession and it will be the name of your team.

( Учащиеся вытягивают карточки c названиями и рассаживаются по командам).

The teacher: Task 2. Now you are to name different professions, which you know. One by one. The team which will be the last, will get one point.

( Команды называют по очереди профессии).

The teacher: Task 3. I’ll give you cards and you are to make up 5 sentences from these words and translate them.

( Учащиеся составляют предложения и читают их).

The teacher: Read your sentences!

The teachers”: 1.Everyone knows that smoking can do a lot of harm to your health. 2. In the autumn forest there was a smell of rotten leaves. 3. The drink was sweet and had the flavour of oranges. 4. Sam came at the top of the class in the Math test. 5. Lisa proudly shows off her new dress.

The Programmers”: 1. My favourite rock group gave a terrific performance yesterday. 2.In the film the main character killed his brother because was jealous of him and his success. 3. I don’t mind you staying with me, I like your company. 4. You can see the figure of Admiral Nelson on the top of the column. 5. She cares about what people think.

The Designers”: 1. The cat is creeping towards the bird! 2. I hated that horror film; it really gave me the creeps. 3. Throw these apples out: they are rotten. 4. Anna is an excellent student and doesn’t need any cheat-sheets at the exam. 5. The soup has a strong flavour of chicken

The teacher: Task 4. Now I will enumerate the jobs and you are to choose which job is an extra one.

The teachers”: “The Programmers”: “The Designers”:

1. An air host 1. A veterinarian 1. An Architect

2. An interpreter 2. A doctor 2. A programmer

3. A journalist 3. A dentist 3. A social worker

4. A primary school teacher 4. A police officer 4. A fire man

5. A carpenter 5. A surgeon 5. A machine operator

6. A hairdresser 6. A nurse 6. A librarian

The teacher: Task 5. I’ll give you the cards and you are to put in prepositions where necessary.

(Команды вставляют предлоги).

The teacher: Read your sentences!

The teachers”: 1. As we have very little time, let’s concentrate on your business. 2.How are you feeling in new surroundings? 3. What are you queuing for. 4. The message warned about possible danger. 5. After the party there was a terrible mess on the floor.

The Programmers”: 1. A warming of the danger of smoking is on every pack of cigarettes. 2. Don’t say I didn’t warn you about possible problems. 3. The door of the room squeaked. 4. His room is usually in a terrible mess. 5. The police couldn’t find him: it seemed he vanished into thin air.

The Designers”: 1.His room is usually in a terrible mess. 2. I enrolled at the University in 2005. 3. Mary hated the idea of standing in long queues. 4. The police couldn’t find him: it seemed he vanished into thin air. 5. Boys who live in schools sleep in dormitories.

The teacher: Task 6.You are to give names to the descriptions of jobs.

  1. A person who welcomes or deals with people arriving at a hotel, at a place of business, visiting a doctor. (A receptionist).

  2. A person who studies chemistry, a scientist who specializes in chemistry. (A chemist).

  3. A person who owns a travel agency or works there and whose business is to arrange travels. (A travel agent).

  4. A person who makes and sells medicine. (A pharmacist).

  5. A person who prepares or oranges a newspaper, periodical or book. (

  6. A person whose job is to help people with the law, talk for them in court. ( A lawyer).

  7. A person who does work to improve bad social condition and help people in need. (A social worker).

  8. A person whose business is to buy, sell or look after houses. (An estate agent).

  9. A person trained to look after sick animals. (A veterinarian).

  10. A person whose job is to work with electricity. (An electrician).

  11. A person whose job is to work with an axe and a saw. (A carpenter).

  12. A person who interprets speech. (An interpreter).

The teacher: Task 7.You are to use the correct adjectives to complete the sentences.

The teachers”: 1.The life of an engineer is not as interesting as the life of an architect. 2. Michael says that teaching is a very creative and fulfilling profession. 3. Jobs of plumbers and carpenters can be characterized as exhausting and tiring. 4. Careers of fashion models are prestigious nowadays.

The Programmers”: 1. People who work as firemen should be brave as their job is very dangerous . 2. I think that any job in the theatre is skilful. 3. People who as accountant love numbers, but I think it is boring. 4. Can you agree that the jobs of photographers, writers, journalists are exciting .

The Designers”: 1. Mary says that the job of fashion designer is the most prestigious. 2. I think that a fireman, a police officer and an air host are the most dangerous professions. 3. Kate’s dream is to become a writer, she thinks it is the most creative job. 4. Do you want to become an auto mechanic? – I think this job is too exhausting.

( Учащиеся вставляют прилагательные).

The teacher: Task 8. And the last task is to answer the following questions:

The teachers”: What is a job? (A job is the work that person does regularly in order to earn money).

The Programmers”: What is a profession? (A profession is a job that requires special training, often a University degree and brings rather high social status).

The Designers”: What is a career? (A career is the series of jobs that a person does in his or her life, usually in one and the same field).

The teacher: Our game comes to the end. Thank you for your participation!

(Учитель подсчитывает баллы, выставляет оценки).


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