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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 4 классе игра-повторение «Путешествие по стране Английского Языка»

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Игра-соревнование для 4 класса "Путешествие в страну английского языка"

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«Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 4 классе игра-повторение «Путешествие по стране Английского Языка»»

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 4 классе игра-повторение «Путешествие по стране Английского Языка»

Форма проведения: игра-соревнование

Тип игры: комбинированный (закрепление, формирование и развитие навыков и умений)

Режим работы: teacher-class, group-work

Цель игры:

  1. Развитие неподготовленной речи учащихся.

  2. Повторить материал на английском языке, который изучали в курсе начальной школы.

  3. Воспитание интереса к изучению предмета.

  4. Обобщение знаний учащихся, полученных на уроках английского языка.

Межпредметные связи: математика, литература, история.


  • Компьютер для показа презентации

  • Мультимедийный проектор

  • Интерактивная доска

  • Раздаточный материал (карточки с заданиями, флаги англоязычных стран, карты США и Великобритании)

Ход мероприятия.

Название этапа и его содержание


Greetings: Good afternoon, children. Hello, dear guests.

Let’s begin a competition that is called Travelling to English language”. Two teams will take part in a game of the most quick-witted and the cleverest. Today all of you have a good chance to improve your English during the game. Now I want to introduce you our jury. The members of our jury are…


Rules Explanation

The game has 7 contests, they are:

  1. Introduction of your country.

  2. Warming-up.

  3. The ABC game.

  4. Do the sums.

  5. Chain.

  6. Short Names.

  7. Cartoon and books characters.

Well, I wish you success. Be active, honest and helpful!


The first contest: “Introduction of your country.”

Let’s start travelling. The first task is to present your countries to our guests. But first of all you should choose the name of country, which you will be introduce.

(учащиеся вытягивают карточку с названием страны, которую они будут представлять: The UK, The USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada)


The second contest: Warming-up

And now we come to the 2nd contest of the game called “Warming-up”. Our second game is “Warming-up”. Each team should answer my question in turn. «Разминка» Дайте ответы на английском языке. Каждая команда по очереди отвечает на вопросы.

1.     How many letters are there in the English alphabet?

2.     How many seasons are there in a year?

3.     How many days are there in a week?

4.     What day comes after Friday?

5.     Who is my mother’s mother?

6.     Who is my mother’s daughter?

7.     When do the English celebrate Christmas?

8.     When do the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

9.     What is Coca-Cola?

10.  What is a hot dog?


The third contest: “The ABC game.”

And now we come to the 3rd contest of the game called “The ABC game”. You will get some letters from the English alphabet. You must put the letters in the right order, so as to get the name of the English-speaking country. You have 1 minute at your disposal. You can get 2 points.

Карточки с буквами

  1. A,U,S,T,R,A,L,I,A

  2. C,A,N,A,D,A


The fourth contest: “Do the sums.”

Конкурс 4 «Реши примеры» Напишите результат английским словом. It’s time to count now. Я буду называть примеры для каждой команды по очереди. Вы должны быстро назвать ответ.


Ten plus eleven is …

Eight plus eight is …

Seven plus thirteen is …

Fourteen plus eight is …

Twenty minus twelve is …

Twenty-two minus ten is …


The following task is for the rest. I need 1 pupil from each team. You should read the tongue-twister as quickly as you can 3 times.

  1. Put your head on your bed.

  2. Run round the playground.


The fifth contest: “Chain”

Конкурс 5 «Цепочка»

Напишите как можно больше слов по теме:



English grammar


The sixth contest: Short Names

Конкурс 6 «Сокращенные имена»

В повседневном общении мы никогда не называем друг друга полным именем, чаще употребляем сокращенное. Ваша задача – соотнести полное имя с сокращенным.

1.     Elizabeth

2.     Thomas

3.     William

4.     Susan

5.     Michael

6.     Robert

7.     Patricia

8.     Anthony

9.     Pamela

a.     Mike

b.     Bobby

c.      Pat

d.     Tony

e.      Sue

f.       Pam

g.     Bill

h.     Tom

i.       Liz



The 7th contest: “Cartoon and books characters”.

Конкурс 7 «Герои сказок и мультфильмов» (по желанию)

Now we have the last game. Our teams should guess a riddle. I’ll say some words about the famous characters of English and American books and cartoons. You should guess whom I mean.

Вы должны назвать (Написать) героя книги или мультфильма, которого я описала. (На русском или на английском если знаете))

  1. This character is a funny bear. He is fat but very nice. He likes honey and doesn’t like bees. He enjoys to make up rhymes. He likes to visit his friends Rabbit and Piglet.

2.       This is a very kind girl. She is very beautiful, much more beautiful than her stepmother. That’s why her stepmother sent her to the forest. But the girl found seven friends there. They were Seven dwarfs. They all lived very happily together.

3.       This man is a character of English folk rhymes. He is very fat. He is always hungry. He can eat everything: bread and butter, cheese and meat, churches and people. He says that his stomach is never full.

4.       This funny mouse is a character of the American cartoon. This mouse was created by Walt Disney. The mouse is very clever, but he always has a lot of problems with a cat. He has to make many tricks to run away from this cat.

5.       This is a boy. He has no parents. His parents were magicians and the angry man killed them. This boy is very talented and clever. He studies at the magic school. He can do a lot of magic tricks. He has got a lot of friends. They help him to fight against angry men.

6.       She is a very kind and nice girl. She has got a father but she hasn’t got a mother. Her stepmother and her stepsisters are angry and greedy. This girl has got a godmother, a fairy. The fairy gives her a beautiful dress and crystal shoes to go to the ball. But the girl loses one shoe.


Summing up and declaring of the winner.

-Friends, do you like music? Listen to the song “Do you live in London?” now and sing with British children (приложение 3).

Our jury will add up the score of the game.

(Подведение итогов. По ходу игры жюри вносят в таблицу заработанные игроками очки, поэтапно после каждого раунда, где они автоматически подсчитываются (Приложение 2).)

Jury: The score is … to … in smb’s favour. The team “…” is the winner.

(Объявление победителей. Победителям игры ставятся в журнал отличные оценки.)

Приложение 1

The capital of our country is…

The symbol of our country is…

The biggest cities of our country are…

The capital of our country is…

The symbol of our country is…

The biggest cities of our country are…







Red Rose

Red Rose

Oxford, Edinburgh, Cambridge

Oxford, Edinburgh, Cambridge

New York, Chicago, Los-Angeles

New York, Chicago, Los-Angeles












Ten plus eleven is …

Eight plus eight is …

Seven plus thirteen is …

Fourteen plus eight is …

Twenty minus twelve is …

Twenty-two minus ten is …

1.     Elizabeth

2.     Thomas

3.     William

4.     Susan

5.     Michael

6.     Robert

7.     Patricia

8.     Anthony

9.     Pamela

a.     Mike

b.     Bobby

c.      Pat

d.     Tony

e.      Sue

f.       Pam

g.     Bill

h.     Tom

i.       Liz


  1. This character is a funny bear. He is fat but very nice. He likes honey and doesn’t like bees. He enjoys to make up rhymes. He likes to visit his friends Rabbit and Piglet.

2.       This is a very kind girl. She is very beautiful, much more beautiful than her stepmother. That’s why her stepmother sent her to the forest. But the girl found seven friends there. They were Seven dwarfs. They all lived very happily together.

3.       This man is a character of English folk rhymes. He is very fat. He is always hungry. He can eat everything: bread and butter, cheese and meat, churches and people. He says that his stomach is never full.

4.       This funny mouse is a character of the American cartoon. This mouse was created by Walt Disney. The mouse is very clever, but he always has a lot of problems with a cat. He has to make many tricks to run away from this cat.

5.       This is a boy. He has no parents. His parents were magicians and the angry man killed them. This boy is very talented and clever. He studies at the magic school. He can do a lot of magic tricks. He has got a lot of friends. They help him to fight against angry men.

6.       She is a very kind and nice girl. She has got a father but she hasn’t got a mother. Her stepmother and her stepsisters are angry and greedy. This girl has got a godmother, a fairy. The fairy gives her a beautiful dress and crystal shoes to go to the ball. But the girl loses one shoe.

Приложение 2

Учетная карточка команд

Название конкурса



Максимальное кол-во баллов за конкурс

  1. Introduction of your country.

  1. Warming-up.

  1. The ABC game.

  1. Do the sums.

  1. Chain.

  1. Short Names.

  1. Cartoon and books characters.


Приложение 3 текст песни

Do you live in London?
Do you like it here?
Do you eat fish and chips?
Do you watch TV?
Do you drive on the right side?
Do you have a car?
Do you go to Oxford?
Do you learn computers?
Do you dance and sing?
Do you know Prince Charles?
Do you know the Queen?
Do you like the Baetles?
Do you play handball?


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