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Задания для проведения КВН по английскому языку

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«Задания для проведения КВН по английскому языку»

КВН в 5-х классах.

Тема: “We learn English and we’ll be lucky”.

Задачи: Развитие творческих способностей, поддержание практических навыков говорения , расширение их кругозора.

ОФОРМЛЕНИЕ: 1. Today the Lively and Quick- witted will win.

2.Лозунги болельщиков: Cheer up!

Keep up your spirits!

Never say “die”!

Don’t give in!

Good for you!

Right you are!

We are with you!

Capital! Fine!

Ведущий 1. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

Welcome to our Club of the Merry and Quick- witted! Now you will see a competition between the teams of 5 ‘’A” and 5”B”.

You must know the rules. They are very easy. You may sing and dance together with our participants and you must support them by clapping. And now let me introduce our teams.

Под музыкальную заставку ТВ передачи КВН выходят две команды:

5 «А»- “Merry Girls”

5 «Б»- “School Stars”

Ведущий 2. Let me introduce you our judges (представляет членов жюри). We ask you, judges, not to be too critical and forgive our participants the mistakes they may make.

Ведущий 1. Who are you? 5 «А»: We are “Merry Girls” Капитан: And I am the Capitan! Our song!

Команда запевает песню на мотив «Пусть бегут неуклюже..»

Our driver is waiting. Off we go in a minute. We are leaving for our hotel. Our driver is waiting. Off we go in a minute. We are leaving for our hotel. Refrain: We are leaving hotel. We are leaving for our hotel.

Ведущий 2. Now the team of 5 «В» will welcome you.

Команда: We are “School Stars” (поют песню на мотив « Я на солнышке лежу…) We are sitting in the bus, All the 16 ,all of us, We are singing on the way On this fine, this sunny day.

Капитан: I am the captain of the team.

Ведущий 1. And now we welcome you to the second round of our competition. Each team will name 3 English holidays and the dates of their celebration.

5 «А»

1.New Year’s Day

It’s on the 31st of December

2. April Fool’s Day

It’s on the 1st of April

3. Independence Day

It is on the 4th of July

5 «Б»

1.Memorial Day

It is on the 30th of May

2. St. Valentine’s Day

It is on the 14th of February

3. Thanks giving Day

It is on the 4th Thursday on November

Ведущий 1. Every team has a speaker who will make the speech about one of the holidays.

Спикер 1 команды рассказывает о «New Year’s Day»;

Спикер 2 команды рассказывает о «Thanks giving Day»

Ведущий 2. Now each team presents us a poem.

5 «А»:

I like Sunday Best Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday less Thursday ,Friday are not bad Saturday is better yet But I like Sunday best.

5 «Б»

Of all the days That in the week I dearly love But one day And that’s the day That comes between A Saturday and Monday.

Ведущий 1. Here you see the word “Sportsmen”. Make as many words as you can out of this word.

1 гр 2гр























Ведущий 2. The next round is “Guess Matching Words” (сочетающиеся слова)

Black (white)

Bread (butter)

Soap (water)

Hide (seek)

Boys (girls)

Hat (coat)

Weak (strong)

High (low)

First (last)

Shoes (socks)

Hands (feet)

Ladies (gentlemen)

Nieces (nephews)

Bride (groom)

Ведущий 2. A good captain is the flag of the team. Competition of captains. The captain raises the signal cart if he knows the Russian equivalent of the English proverb.

1 команда 2 команда

  1. Better late than never. 1. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

  2. You know a man by his friend. 2. All is well that ends well.

  3. It’s never too late to learn. 3. Well begun is half done.

  4. He laughs best who laughs last. 4. Every family has a back sheep.

  5. East or West home to the best. 5. Never put of till tomorrow what you can do today .

Ведущий 1. Attention, please. The next contest is called “Hidden words” for the captains too. Find ,please the animals hidden in the following sentences.


  • Close the door at once. (rat)

  • He will come to America tomorrow. (cat)


  • Do good workers succeed. (dog)

  • If Roger comes we will begin. (frog)

Ведущий 2. The next round is “Grammar Puzzles”.

Ведущий 1. 1. What is there between England and France? (ответ: the conjunction “and”) 2. What have nous and pronouns in common? (ответ: the word “noun”)

Ведущий 2. 1. What is the difference between definite and indefinite articles? (ответ: the prefix “in”) 2. Why are teeth like verbs? (ответ: because they are regular and irregular)

Ведущий 1. Now your task is to read a tongue-twister. Say each of these tongue-twisters as quickly as you can.

  1. William wants to know whether the weather will de wet.

  2. A gentle judge just judges justly.

Ведущий 2 . Competition “Make a Rhyme”.

The first team

  1. I have a dog I have a fox

  2. I have a bear I have a frog

  3. I have a box I have a hare

The second team

  1. I have a house I have a pig

  2. I have a wig I have a kitten

  3. I have a mitten I have a mouse

Ведущий 1. Our program is over and while our judges are summing up you are welcome to sing some songs and dance.

Подводятся итоги. Команда-победитель получает приз, а остальные ,принимавшие участие в работе,- открытки ,сувениры, конфеты.

Good luck !

  1. gt


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