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Музыка - Все разработки учителей

Специально для учителя музыки. Смотрите и скачивайте бесплатно уроки, тесты, конспекты, презентации, планы, мероприятия и прочие полезные материалы по музыке ВУЗ.
This article is written in Uzbek. We know that in music lessons, the work of educating and training students, the formation and development of their creative abilities is carried out under the guidance and supervision of a teacher. and most importantly, the task of perfecting spiritual qualities. ...
30.01.2022 14:42 66 0
This article is written in Uzbek. The introduction of state educational standards in music education, as well as in all disciplines, will allow us to make full use of our national musical heritage. These are reflected in popular folk melodies and songs, in the creative activities of singers and m ...
30.01.2022 14:44 114 0
This article is written in Uzbek. We know that the most important task in music lessons is the type of musical activity, and the music teacher must use these activities wisely in the classroom. Speaking of types of musical activities, I would like to dwell on what they are called. The types of ac ...
30.01.2022 14:45 102 0
This article is written in Uzbek. The introduction of new pedagogical technologies in the State Educational Standards in music education, as well as in all disciplines, will allow to make full use of the national musical heritage. Teaching on the basis of pedagogical technology can be carried out ...
30.01.2022 14:47 104 0
This article is written in Uzbek. Sometimes students enter the classroom only by name. The old-fashioned way of teaching prevents students from expressing their creative thinking, and the teacher needs to keep pace with the times and have an understanding of modern teaching methods. need For exam ...
30.01.2022 14:48 121 0
This article is written in Uzbek. Perception of music enriches the child's life experience, develops the ability to feel the real reality artistically, to know, to develop thinking skills. However, the formation of this skill and ability requires a long process of development in the child' ...
30.01.2022 14:50 110 0
This article is written in Uzbek. As we develop the rules of independent thinking in secondary school students, especially primary school students will be able to express their independent opinions, sing songs in full, be able to think independently, and most importantly, consciously listen to na ...
30.01.2022 14:51 97 0
This article is written in Uzbek. Music creates indescribable emotions that cannot be expressed in words, The great Russian composer R. Glier said: "Music is the thoughts and feelings expressed through the impressions of life." ...
30.01.2022 15:10 95 0
This article is written in Uzbek. The most important requirement for the teacher in the organization of the lesson on the basis of the plan is the organization of assignments on the basis of pedagogical technologies, which are performed independently. takes a lesson. The student enjoys it and att ...
30.01.2022 15:11 83 0
This article is written in Uzbek. Simple and fun "methods" should be used so that students do not overextend their thinking skills when introducing an innovative system. During the lesson, especially when drawing landscapes in the bosom of nature, it will be interesting for the student, ...
30.01.2022 15:13 98 0

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