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Задание 4 устной части ЕГЭ - 2022 по английскому языку.

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Данная схема предназначена для подготовки школьников к устной части ЕГЭ -2022 по английскому языку.

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«Задание 4 устной части ЕГЭ - 2022 по английскому языку.»

Схема выполнения задания 4 по английскому языку ЕГЭ -2022

  1. Introduction


Hi Jane, I am calling about some photos I’ve just found for our project …………… .

I think they might be useful and I would like to discuss them with you.

Give a brief description of the photos (connected with the topic) + justify the choice of photos for the project

Краткое описание ( пункт 1)

Well I think the first photo can be used for our project, because it creates an idyllic image of…………….. .

In contrast the second photo is also relevant because it shows ……………. .

Say in which ways the pictures are different + justify the choice of photos for the project

Различия (пункт 2)

Obviously, these two pictures have certain differences.

In the first picture there is./are/ we can see/………….. .

While in the second picture there are/is; we can see/………….. .

Another notable clear difference is that in the first photo ……….. .

While in the second photo ………… .

Mention the advantages and disadvantages 

Достоинства и недостатки (пункт 3)

Well, these two pictures have some advantages and disadvantages. Let me start with advantages.

In my opinion, one of the advantages of the first photo is that ………………. .

As for the second picture, it is good that ………….. .

The clear disadvantage of the first photo is that …………. .

It is not good that ……….. in the second picture.

  1. Express your opinion on the subject of the project 

Мнение (пункт 4)

(тема написана в задании)

Personally, I would/wouldn’t/ like to approve/disapprove …………… .

  1. Conclusion


This is what I wanted to say about the project. Catch you later. Bye!


 Вербицкая М.В. Дисциплина. Английский язык. Издательство. Национальное образование. 2022год

Гаджиева М, Меджибовская Е, Вейн Кумбс Английский язык. ЕГЭ. Устная часть. Издательство Титул 2022


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