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Шаблон для заданий устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку, задание 3: описание картинки

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«Шаблон для заданий устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку, задание 3: описание картинки»


I have chosen photo number ….

While travelling I always take lots of photos and today I’m going to tell you about one of them.

As you know I like taking photos. It is my hobby and I can't miss an opportunity to make photo of an interesting event. Now I want to show you one of my best photos.

Taking photos is my hobby and I take…

1) where and when the photo was taken

This photo was taken …….. (when and where).

I took this photo during my holidays (travelling, two years ago) when I was in …. (любой город или страну)

I took the photo last year when we …

This photo was taken last weekend (summer/winter/spring/autumn) when I was … in/at … (place). As far as I remember, it was …

2) what /who is in the photo

In the photo you can see …

In the foreground of the picture you can see… (кого мы видим и что они делают)

They are very happy because at last their dream came true (если мы видим счастливые лица на фото)
In the background of the picture you can see… (Можно также использовать конструкцию there is/are…)

In the photo there is/there are….. (people, objects, feelings, weather).

In the photo you can see … (what, who). There is/are … in the background/foreground/centre of the picture. You can also see … on the left/ right.

3) what is happening

Present Continuous

He/she is …-ing

They are …-ing (what is happening)

4) why you keep the photo in your album;

I keep this photo in my album….

•to memorize one of the best days of my holidays

•to show it to my friends who were not with me that day

• because it makes me remember every little detail of the time that I spent with my friends.

I keep this picture in my album because I wanted to remember the atmosphere of that day. I must say, it was a really special day for me.

I keep this photo in my album because looking at it makes me go back in that time

I keep this photo in my album because it illustrates the beauty of nature

5) why you decided to show the picture to your friend

I decided to show the photo to you because….

•it is one of the best pictures I took during my trip

•it shows one of the most exciting moments of my trip

•you have never seen such ……

•I hope my photo will inspire you to join me next time (to visit this place)

•I know you are also fond of taking pictures and I hope you’ll like this one.

•I want to share my experience with you (my positive emotions with you )

I decided to show the picture to you because it carries pleasant memories, which I always like to share.


I hope you liked this photo and next time we will be able to …….. (visit this place together, experience this marvelous atmosphere, etc….). Well, that’s all for now. I am looking forward to your reaction.

This photo is one of my favourite because it is connected with such good memories. That’s all I wanted to say. I hope you like this photo.


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