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Origins of Easter

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Easter is a very old festival. The word "Easter" comes from the name of a pre-Christian goddess called Eostre.

According to the legend, Eostre was a playful goddess whose reign began in the spring when the Sun King travelled across the sky in his chariot, bringing the end of winter. Eostre cam down to earth then, appearing as a beautiful girl with a basket of bright colorful eggs.

Her magical companion was a rabbit who accompanied her as she brought new life to dead plants and flowers by hiding the eggs in the fields.

Easter is a holiday in late March or April. It's always on the first Sunday after the full moon f spring. On Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. It's the end of Lent and the most important date in the Christian year.

19.04.2020 14:06

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