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5 класс контрольная работа Афанасьева Михеева раздел 4

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проверочная работа при окончании 4 раздела Афанасьева Михеева

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«5 класс контрольная работа Афанасьева Михеева раздел 4»

Контрольная работа № 4 (5 класс)

Read and write the questions to the answers:

  1. _________________? – Yes, he did. Fred travelled abroad last summer.

  2. _________________? – Yes, he did. He met his friends last month.

  3. _________________? – Yes, she did. She read many books during weekend.

  4. _________________? – Yes, they did. They wrote some letters yesterday.

  5. _________________? – Yes, he does. He goes to the cinema on Sundays.

  6. _________________? – Yes, they do. We help our parents at home.

  7. _________________? – Yes, I do. I like to watch new films.

  8. ________________? – Yes, she does. She always listens to popular music.

Write the verbs in the past tense:

Come -, know-, sing-, speak-, sit-, learn-, blow-, make-

Put the proper verbs to complete the sentences: do, does, did (2), was, were, will, are:

  1. Who swam in the sea?- Pete _______. 5. Who was born in March? – They _________.

  2. Who was a university student? – Ann ____ 6. Who knew about it? – He ___________.

  3. Who speaks English here? – I _________. 7. Who stays at the hotel? – Jane _______.

  4. Who is at home? - We _______. 8. Who will wash the car? – My Dad ______.

Put the prepositions in proper places: about, for, at, with, in, on

  1. Kevin lives ______ 32, High Street.

  2. We didn’t stay _________a hotel in June, we stayed __________ friends.

  3. Greg decided to leave Cambridge ___________ London.

  4. Fiona didn’t spend much time ________ her lunch.

  5. What are you dreaming _____________, dear?

  6. We are interested ______________ photography.

Write the opposition:

Leave -, silly-, difficult-, free-, healthy-, tall-


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