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Мини-книжки малышки на английском языке для начинающих

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«Meet my family- 1-2 ª«(1)»

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«My family ( big)»

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«PETS 1»

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«Pets ü 2»

I feed my dog.

I walk with my dog.

I brush my dog.

I give milk to my cat.

I talk to my parrot.

I play with my dog and my cat.

I love my pets.

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«Š­ ¬ «ë誠 The wild Swans»

There is o king in a land near the water

who has eleven sons

and a beautiful daughter.

The Queen [s dead,

and the King is alone.

He wants a new wife

to share his throne


The new Queen is bad

and sends Eliza to stay

with a poor fomily

in the woods far away.

She uses o spell

to change the sons.

So now they all leave

because they are swans.


Eliza visits the King

when she is flfteen.

But she is afraid

when she sees the Queen.

She makes Eliza dirty

with a new magic spell.

So the King tells Ellza,

"Go away! You smell


He sends her away and Eliza is sad. But the wicked Queen is very glad. Eliza is lost,

sad and alone,in the forest so dark,

and far from her home. Here are some leaves.She lies down to sleep.

She is very tired

in the forest so deep.

She thinks of her brothers,

now handsome young men.

She dreams of o woman

and asks her of them.


"Do you know my brothers?

Tell me if you can.

They are eleven princes.

They are handsome young men."

They are over there.

Just follow thls stream,"

The old woman says

in Eliza’s dream 5

She runs to greet them.

They have lots to tell

of the country they live in. "Can I come as well?"

"We can all make a net,"

the brothers say,

"and then we can take you with us today."

Eliza’s got o new home.

She's happy, lt's true,

but her brothers are swans.

What can she do? 6

One night she dreams of o magical spell to change back her brothers,and make all things well.

She must make maglc shirts with nettles that sting

But she must be careful

She can't say a thing

She cannot speak

or the spell wlll break

when making each shirt -

for her brothers' sake 7

She collects some nettles and sits working all day.But want she is doing

she cannot say.

One day o huntsman

rides by on his horse.

When he sees Eliza,

he loves her – of course! 8

He wants to marry her.

He is o king,

When they get to his palace,

he gives her a ring.

"What is your name?

Why don't you speak?

Why do you sew nettles

week after week?" 9

One night, almost flnished,

she goes out to find

a last bunch of nettles.

But who's this behind?

"You are a witch!

Come with me to the Klng!"

And poor Eliza can’t say a thing”


The King locks her up.

He is very sad

"lf you are a witch,

that is very bad."

Eliza still sews

h her prisonc sell.

She finishes the nettles,

ten shirts as well.


But look at this shirt!

How can it be?It has only one sleeve,as we can see

What does this mean

for the eleventh brother?

He has only one sleeve,

but he hasn't got the other 12

The next day men come

and take her away.

They want to burn her

on that same day.

The swans fly down

when she's at the stake.

Eliza throws them the shirts, 13

Eleven prlnces stand there,

brave ond strong

"At last I can speak!

And tell you you're wrong!

I'm not o witch

as you can see.

I only make shirts

to set my brothers free." 14

The King is so glad,

he holds her hond tight,

and they have a party

on that very night.

Her brothers o.re there

They dance and they sing.


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«Žç¥­ì-åà ¡àë©-å¨é­¨ª-«¥¢»

Очень храбрый хищник лев,

Храбрый по-английски – brave.

А медведь очень силён,

По-английски сильныйstrong.

Слон размерами велик,

Большой по-английски – big.

На ветке кушает бананы

Смешная обезьянка – funny.

Уплетает всё подряд

Упитанная кошка – fat.

Много грамот и наград

Имеет мальчик умныйsmart.

Озорник-мышонок Джерри

Каждый день веселыйmerry.

Айболит, то каждый знает,

Доктор очень добрыйkind.

Спортивный соблюдай режим

И будешь очень стройнымslim.

Двойку получил сосед

И бредет печальныйsad. © elementary-english.ru

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